The Known Pain

Irene's PoV

Just like every other day, I have quickly completed my chores and got dressed up. I was unusually excited since morning and choose to take the bravest step of coming out of my room.

Don't ask me, what's so brave in it? My family has put some orders which I have to obey at any cost and the first of the list is not stepping out of my room at any cost.

Since the day I turned mute, all I could do is nodding my head and in the process, I just nod to anything and anything; because I don't even have any option other than that.

I have never crossed the line they drew for me and that belief didn't make them put security outside my room.

Looking at every side carefully, I rushed upstairs; my room is situated underground, below the mansion where my family lives.

As I stepped into the living room, I observed that everything has been changed, from the interiors to the flooring.

Unable to locate anyone, I moved ahead only to see a life-sized dog howling at me. The Dog barked at me wriggling her neck, trying to come out of the chain that kept her locked to the place.

I felt jitters in my legs looking at the dog growling at me, I stood rooted in the place as the dog succeeded in coming out of the chain tied around its neck, and not knowing what to do I grabbed the vase lying beside my hand and threw it on the floor.

Shattering into pieces the vase was broken and as the dog pounced on me, I cried falling back. A few people, dressed in blue, the uniform designated to the staff who looks after home rushed to the place and pulled back the dog that has already scratched my cheek and was about to bite my neck.

I let out a deep sigh as they pulled back the dog, I couldn't stand up from the place. With the shock I have received, my body went paralyzed.

"What the hell is happening here?" I heard my Aunt scream.

I looked up at her with tears and raised my hand up with a little expectation that she would help me get up and all I got to hear is.

"What the hell are you doing here Irene?"

Quickly pulling myself up, I stood looking straight at her and pointed upstairs, towards the second floor; where my parents stay as far as I remember they were on the second floor last time I was here.

"Do you have something important to share with them?" she quizzed.

I stood still at that, I do have something to say but I have no idea whether that will be any important to them or not.

"If there's anything important you could have sent a message through Shelly, why do you have to come all the way here?" clear irritation for my presence over there is visible in her talks and expressions.

What have I even done for them? Why do they treat me such?

I felt a little ache developing on my left cheek where the growling dog has scratched and as I saw my mother walking out of the elevator I felt soo merry.

It's been a whole month since she had visited my room, for the monthly check-up.

I waved at her enthusiastically.

"What is this? Did you break the vase?" My mother quizzed.

'Dog' I made claws with my hands, sign language is my only way of communication that none understands in this house exception of Shelly, the person who is appointed by my family to serve my daily needs.

All she does is her duty, she doesn't ever speak a word more than required or spend time with me. I can't blame her, she is working for money, it's just her duty. When my own family doesn't like spending time with me, why anyone would like it?

"Do you even realize how precious this Vase is to your Nana? This is brought from Turkey, and the only piece made with coated porcelain…" my mother went on describing the special features of the vase, and once again I stood there with a broken heart, not just a wounded body.

I really thought she would for a minute be worried about the rash, that has started bleeding. Come on, it's a dog, I would be infected or other.

I snapped my fingers and caught my mother's attention, pointing at my bleeding cheek I looked at her.

"Ohh noo, you are injured now. Ain't your health issues enough that we now have to deal with one more? Kyle, make a call for the doctor" my Mom yelled to someone.

"Now Irene just go back to your room before any of the men in the house look at the mess you have done. You do know how your grandfather is" my Mom stated.

Of course, he has a thing for antique pieces, but what am I supposed to do to save myself from the Dog? I have no voice to call for help and I did what I deemed right at the time, I was in danger.

"Go Irene" my Aunt ushered.

As I turned back, I saw Iril coming inside. From the way she is sweating, I deduced she must have worked out hard.

"Princess" I heard my mother greet her.

"Get ready fast, the dining table is waiting for you, I have specially monitored the cooking sessions" my mother chirped.

"Ohh come on Mom, you do know I am on a diet," my sister bellowed.

"Birthdays are exemption for diet and any other" my mother warmly smiled at her.

"What are you still doing here? Go, the doctor will attend you," as my mother observed me looking at them, ordered me to leave the place.

Tears brimmed my eyes, as I walked back downstairs. So they do remember today is the birthday, then why can't they at least wish me?

I know that Iril is the synonym of perfection and created a niche for herself. However, I am their daughter too, right? Then why do they choose to love one and totally ignore the other?

Can't Iril at least wish me? Even a fake one? After all, I am her twin.