Against the Wish

Irene's PoV:

"Keep smiling, as promised I am no harm to you. Within a few days, you will be attending a party with me and you can go back to your family there," he said.

My heart pierced hearing to him, all I asked for is freedom and I found it now after years. It's funny how I am feeling good in this place, where I was surrounded by beasts.

I am feeling better staying along with this rival who hates my own people to the core and throws open threats that he is going to get his vengeance.

I somehow felt nothing, maybe due to the love I never received but am I a stone with no sort of feelings?

This man Zach Accardo wants to send me back, of course what does he even wants to do with him. He abducted me with a motto and I can't serve that. I ain't Iril after all.

He peered his eyes at me as if he is reading me, I was taken by surprise that he can actually understand the sign language I speak.

But what's more surprising is he is able to understand me even when I am not communicating anything.

"You have earlier stopped me when I spoke about returning you to your parents and even now you are sad with the mention of home, what is the matter? I need the answers" he gripped my shoulders tight.

What is the matter with me? Why am I feeling soo different every time I feel his touch? What is with these knots forming in my stomach? What is wrong with me? Is it just the weakness or something else?

"Irene Ranallo, time is something very valuable for me, so better not waste it"

And that roughness in his voice is enough to scare the shit out of me, I stuttered hearing his warning tone.

"If you don't wish to be scared, just answer me. Why are you not interested in going back to your home?" he demanded an answer.

I don't even know what to say to him, because I myself have no answer for that question. I just wish to live, without restrictions or other.

Even here, where I am abducted by the person who hates my family, he did torture me thinking I was Iril, that's not how one is supposed to behave with people, but I guess these Mafia people lack something called humanity.

I heard Shelly always curse my parents and grandparents about the punishments they serve and not for once have I heard her respecting the people who are paying for her and since then I understood I shouldn't be like that. I don't want anyone to face any pain or fear. Alas, fear is not even an option.

"Irene… Answer" he demanded.

'I don't know' I moved my fingers conveying him my ordeal.

"It's your family, why don't you wish to go back there? You wish to stay in the place where you are kidnapped?" he raised a brow.

I feel better here, I somehow feel this place is better than that back at home. I am able to see the sun, no one is here to order and yell. More than anything I am feeling some weight shedding off my shoulders, a new sense of happiness.

When I was abducted all I wished was freedom from home and even the thought of going back there is not going well with me.

"Is your health okay?" he quizzed.

I nodded in response.

He must be thinking something is wrong with me, of course, he would. Who wishes to stay in the Kidnapper's den knowing that he is your arch-rival.

"Is Iril Ranallo your own sister?" he asked.

I blinked in affirmation.

"She is a fox, a minx who was able to hide the drug cartel from the Police and sold it off to a higher price, and hence she was able to move tables quickly. That bitch…"

I looked sharply as his tone changed speaking about my twin and he too observed my change of expressions.

"She deserves to be called so, the first rule of Mafia is to deal things face to face but your fucking family never stick to that all they know is manipulation and backstabbing. Do you know how many homes your sisters wrecked? That bitch is getting ready for a wedding after making many women husbandless. Had she been here instead of you…" his hands fisted.

His teeth grazed sharply and his knuckles popped out. I quickly prayed Almighty to save Iril from his wrath. I can't help but feel connected to her. After all, we grew up playing together, building castles.

"I can't even believe that you are the daughter of that Vicious Damian Ranallo. Where is his cruel manipulative tactics and here you are unlikely innocent. Why are you so different from Iril?"

I had no answer for his questions and for the first time, hearing the way he despised Iril I am happy that I have this disability. Had I been perfect like Iril, I too would be pulled into these dangerous games of prying on people, taking their lives, and getting hatred.

"Marie will be looking after you, do as she says and get well soon. The faster you recover the better for us" he spoke.

Just like always, I nodded. If I stay weak, will I not be returned to my family? I don't wish to be a prisoner for life.

"I have something for you" as he spoke I quickly looked up.

He pressed a button over the intercom and in a minute the door was opened and a woman walked in.

"It's pleasure meeting you Boss" she smiled ear to ear greeting him.

All Zach Accardo did was a simple nod.

I just looked at her as she extended her hand.

"Ayda Erin, official sign language translator assigned for you" she introduced herself.

I was shocked hearing her.

"Any complaints, any communication just say it to her and Marie will get that for you. Take care, she is my priority" he sharply looked at the woman who introduced herself as Ayda.

"It's an honor Boss"

Is she wantedly being extra sweet or is it normal to treat the Mafia Boss like a King??