Brewing Emotions

Zach's PoV:

It was soo hard to open my eyes as I felt soo peaceful, It would sound as if I am exaggerating, but the truth is I haven't slept this peacefully as far as I remember.

Languorously stretching my arms, I yawned as I lift my head from the soft pillow.

Rubbing my eyes open I face Marie, what is she doing in the room this early in the morning?

I looked at her raising my brow asking her the reason for her presence in my room.

She didn't utter a word, stood blank with a surprised expression, following her gaze I looked at my bed and found Irene, peacefully sleeping.

"What the fuck??" I shrieked.

"What is she doing in my room, Marie?" I asked.

"Actually it's the room given to her, you are in her room" Marie answered.

I looked around, rubbing my eyes. This is the room she was given to stay. Just to observe her every move, I made her live in the room on my floor.

I looked at the bed and found her sleeping peacefully, her chest raking up and down and her lips curved into a short smile. Few strands of hair falling over her face. She looked so peaceful and I am feeling drawn to her.

I am cold and bleak, Destruction and ruthless have been my other name. I hated to be emotional or connected and here I am sleeping in her bed.

"Marie" I called her.

"Yes Capo"

"This matter shouldn't reach any ear," I warned.

"I am assuring you Capo" she quickly added.

She is one of the most trusted persons, she was first recruited by my Father and since then she was around. Only due to my trust in her, I assigned her to look after Irene.

"You may leave," I said.

"She needs to wake up and have medication" Marie added.

"Okay… you may leave" I added and she understood.

Within seconds, she left the room.

I turned to Irene, her chest raking up and down as she inhaled and exhaled. How the hell did I end up here? I remember nothing except the discussion I had with her.

Her innocent eyes carrying pain haunted me, I couldn't forget her, I was getting attached to her and I remember gulping drinks one after another.

So did I enter her room in my intoxicated state? As soon as the thought came I was scared, did I hurt her in any way?

I gazed at her closely and my eyes travelled all over her body not even leaving an inch.

Her face looks all good, I looked at her arms, they too are okay, I slowly turned her to her left and observed her back, I felt her shudder under my touch.

Is she awake?

I could see no marks of mine over her. Thank God I didn't injure her in any way.

"God? Did you just say God Dear Zach?" my subconscious mocked me. If there is one thing that dares to mock me, it is my subconscious. It just needs a thing to mock me and now it's back in the job of mocking me.

I sighed as I saw her without any injuries or other. Thank God, she was asleep, she knew nothing.

Just maintain it as it is.

I quickly got off her bed, was I feeling that peaceful because I slept with her? Why can't I remember any shit? Why was I even drunk soo much??

Pulling my shirt down, I walked to exit the room not before glancing at the sleeping beauty. She is a different kind of beautiful.

"Victor" I rang the intercom.

"I need a pill, for the headache"

"Are you oaky Capo?" he asked quickly.

"Just get it"

I heard my door being knocked on after a few minutes and Marie walked in.

"What are you doing here Marie?"

"Victor handed me these pills and I got you some strong black coffee, it can help" she put the tray over the table.

I wanted to ask her about Irene, but somehow I don't want Marie to think that I am any interested in Irene.

"Doctor Scrochels is checking her," Marie answered as if she has read me.

"I didn't ask you about her Marie," I said quickly.

"I just wanted to let you know" she spoke.

"Why? Do you think I am worried about her? Absolutely not. I don't care whatever happens to her. She needs to be returned safely, that's it"

"Yes Capo, I know you are only concerned about returning her safe. Hence I thought it would be better for you to know how she must be doing" Marie spoke straight.

But I am not any fool to not get what she is intending it. The last thing I want in the world is to get caught in her eyes with a girl, I know she is not going to leave it any soon. Though she will keep it as a secret to her death, but she would definitely not let me have peace.

"Leave" I ordered.

"Have the coffee and get freshen up" she added before going away, I am so sure I saw her smiling as I exit the room.

Swallowing the pill, I gulped the coffee in one go, I was smelling shit.

As I was about to peel my shirt away I found some strands of hair around my shirt buttons.

"Irene…." Her name involuntarily slipped out of my mouth as I examined the strands of her hair stuck in my shirt's button.

What is with her hair stuck to my shirt? Were we that close yesterday? What must have happened? She looked all fine.

Did I cross any boundaries? No Chance, I am all dressed and so is she.

A safe sight escaped my lips as I understood we must have just slept together but I didn't cross any limits. The last thing I would ever wish to do in my life is to do anything against a woman's consent.

It is better to die rather than live as an ass who doesn't respect the consent of women!!

Tossing off the shirt, I stood beneath the shower until the intoxicating smell was washed off from me.

Once I was dressed up the first thing I did was to speak to the Doctor.

"She was good until yesterday but all of a sudden she is feeling extreme body pains, her whole body is numb as if she has carried a heavy object all night. She was unable to move an inch" Doctor answered my query.

I felt utterly guilty, she is suffering due to me. What must have gotten into me to snuggle with her on the same bed???