Wrong Deeds

This Chapter have some harsh scenes of Molestation. I am Warning you earlier.

Irene's PoV:

I was being handled roughly, the pair of rough hands carried me somewhere and within a few minutes, I heard the sound of the wheels.

Am I being abducted? From the Mafia Lord? Is it my family??

I don't think so, first thing is they don't need me, they don't care for me and the second thing is it is impossible to trace me. Who would even have any idea about this island situated in the midst of a sea?

Fear started growing inside me with each passing second. I was not even this scared when I was abducted from home. My hands were tied together. I can't even open my blindfold

Who must be doing this? Is it Zach Accardo? Is he going to punish me for wasting his precious time?

With every single thought scaring me to hell, I felt deeper than sadness hitting me straight.

I jerked as the vehicle I was travelling in came to a halt and within seconds I was pulled out. I wanted to scream… I wish I could. The rough hands dragging me somewhere.

I was being dragged mercilessly. The sandals I was wearing came off due to the pressure I was being dragged with and I felt thorns pricking me. What is this place?

I tried to pull my hands away from his grip, but his hold was so strong on me, he dragged me without caring about the thorns pricking me.

I heard his heavy breathe, who is the one doing this??

Tears streamed out of my eyes as a thorn deeply dug inside my feet and I fell down, my legs touched the rocky ground.

"Get up you Bitch" I heard a voice.

My legs ached and the pain was unbearable but the person dragged me holding my hand.

I tried to hit him, I tried pulling my hands away but I couldn't even hit him hard, he dragged my hands though my legs started bleeding.

I was suddenly thrown on the floor, my elbows hit the ground, my legs were severely injured and this man surely hates me.

I felt a hand moving over my legs, that hand moved from my toes to my knees and with his hand, he started pushing my dress.

I pushed the hand away and in a second his hand fisted my hair, it pained like hell.

"You are such a ravishing slut…" his words made me loathe.

"Fucking Bitch… look at those alluring thighs" he pushed my gown near to my upper thighs. I pushed myself back and tried to run but he caught me from back and held me tightly in his grip.

"You are not just a golden goose but a slut. How can I let you free without ravishing you?" he bit my earlobe.

I kept wriggling in his touch, but I couldn't even put a fight. His hands roamed all over my body, He was trailing his hands down my neck and now going inside my gown.

I wriggled as he tried to assault me, my tears kept streaming own but he was merciless and now pulling the straps of my gown using foul language.

"Bitch…. Aahhhh" he groaned moving his body against that of his.

My mind went blank as his hands touched every part, he started fondling my breasts over the cloth and his nails were digging deep into my skin.

I wish I rather die than being under a man, in this horrible position.

Please save me Almighty… please…

I wriggled and failed badly and now he removed my gown and it is lying around my stomach, my upper part is visible to him. He is now touching my boons over my bra.

I wish I was trained to fight, like Iril. I wouldn't have been in this helpless state. My tears had no end.

I am ready to be dead, but not in this way, the asshole now unclasping my bra is about to pull my bra away. I raise my leg and hit angled it near his manhood pouncing into me.

"Arrrghhhh…." I heard a cry and his hands got off me.

"You slut…. You are going to pay for this" he shrieked and I started running, with my bra unclasped and my gown hanging near my stomach. With my eyes blindfolded.

I have no idea where am I running or what I am doing... I ran until my body hit the ground and the slippery floor made me toss and turn.

The rocks hit my body and I was hurt badly… but the good thing is my blindfold came off. I opened my eyes and all I could see is the trees and darkness. The hues of the sky displaaayiiing the subtle darkness as the just setting sun.

I looked down at my body and found my bra hanging over my shoulders and my knees, legs, and elbows bleeding. My gown almost shed off me, trailing near my knees.

The trees are soo tall, is it the forest? Who must be the person who brought me here? Why did he try assaulting me?

I felt like killing myself as I observed how I looked, nothing less than a slut running half naked.

My hands are tied together, I saw a tree and ran towards it with my bleeding feet and rubbed my hands together to the tree. Applying the pressure so that the rope tied might get off.

My hands started bleeding with the heat and finally, the rope got off… my inaudible cries set me in tears, they kept streaming down my eyes due to the immense physical and mental pain.

I pulled back my bra and wore my gown, which was cut at places… I wanted to run away but my legs were not in any position to run… there were thorns pricked inside my legs.

As I was carefully pulling them out.. I shuddered hearing a roar.

"Irene.. you Bitch.. you think you can escape me?? Where are you Bitch?" I heard a shriek.

Fear crept in me hearing the voice. What is happening? I got up and started running.. for my life.