Worries and Demands

Zach's PoV:

Within a second, I saw almost a hundred guns pointed at Matteo.

Ayda was held by Elif at Gunpoint, she is weeping inconsolably.

As I walked to Matteo, I saw him all relaxed.

"Why the fuck are you smiling, you shit hole?" Darren screamed kicking on Matteo's knee that made Matteo touch the ground.

"Answer you fucking ass" Onar pulled the trigger.

"Ohh come on… I know all your tricks. Stop them" Matteo answered as if he doesn't give any shit.

What is he trying to play?? His wicked smile started scaring me… I am worried about Irene. What must he have done to her? How that poor girl must be doing?

Will she be okay?? Please let her be safe… please.

"Did you just pray?" my subconscious barged in, even in the utmost serious stage, it finds its way.

Shut up… I roared at my mind voice… internally.

"Umm.. the Zach Accardo who doesn't believe in the existence of God or any, just prayed for the safety of his rival's daughter… hmm, what is that?"

I just ignored my mind voice, not because I don't have any answer for its questions, but I have more important things to deal with.

"That Bitch spilled out things with fear, but neither do I have any family nor I have any weakness Zach" Matteo smirked.

"You asshole.. mind your language if you wish to breath" roared Luka.

"Ooh dear Luka, looks like you still didn't learn anything. This fucking Zach won't allow anyone to even scratch me, after all I have his golden goose with me" he smirked.

With each passing second and my men unable to find Irene's whereabouts, and his vicious talk did scare me about her safety. My mind started imagining the worst case scenarios.

I was never this scared about anything, I felt shit for yelling at her this morning. I will surely apologize to her for yelling at her irrationally… but just keep her safe.

I stood silent staring at him, I am not the one to give in.

"Ohh come on Zach, I have been with you two years from now.. I know your tactics to choose silence, but you don't have that option now because my man who was now with that Bitch was smitten by her in the first ever look, he is an animal and he won't leave her without ravishing that slut"

And in a split second my hand strongly landed on his cheek and blood oozed out of his lips.

"YAASSS…" shrieked Matteo in Joy.

"I knew you have a soft corner for that slut.. I knew that and now your slap just confirmed it"

"You asshole" Darren was about to choke his neck.

"Ahh.. Ahh… come on Darren, just see how Zach is being silent without any move, even now you couldn't understand what I can do? That slut is in my captive now. No matter how much you search, it's tough to find her.. even if you find her, you will only find her nearing death with her sanity taken away"

I felt like choking the life out of him, but not an important thing is getting to understand what he wants and his network. I signaled Luka to get all the possible information about the operation and Ayda was shifted to another room.

"That Bitch just helped me for the money I offered, you won't get any information from her, but the sex was soo good Bitch" Matteo screamed at Ayda.

She was taken to another room, she left crying. My heart skipped a beat as Irene's face flashed before my eyes.

She fell unconscious with just my touch, and now what if someone really does bad with her.

"Ranallo's have the information that their daughter is with you, Zach.. I did that" he smirked as if he has done the greatest thing.

"What are you expecting?" yes I have come to bargain, not because the Ranallo's now know the information, but I am really scared for the safety of Irene.

"Your throne" he answered.

"Well.. it's not any great thing. It is the worst place to be there" I said.

"Then give that to me already.. why are you still holding on to it, if you really loathe it, leave it" he laughed loudly.

"But you won't, because that's the power you enjoy and I want it. You have no chance but to pass that mantle to me," he smirked.

I felt shit for never doubting over him, I was always alert but this is now serving as a lesson for me. No matter how smart you get or try to be, people will find their new ways.

"Even if you are stubborn to leave the throne you will eventually have to because the Ranallo's are on fire, and they will go bonkers if they find out their daughter is on the death bed. They will think the reason behind her ordeal is you and the fight will break off. Of course, you have your ways but now you can't escape.. because it's not just them Zach, you too have a thing for that Bitch and you'd go any extent to save her"

My blood boiled hearing him… Please stay safe Irene, just one news about your safety and I will make this man experience what it is to die while living.

"Transfer the properties on your name to me, alert the world that I am going to be their next Mafia leader, give access to your personal Macbook, the chamber of your secrets. Then you can get your darling Irene alive" he smirked.

"Okay.. so guys this is what Matteo wanted, to be the chief of Mafia and how foolish is this asshole to think I care about Irene. Do as you want with that slut… enjoy as you want. Leave him guys"

As I said that, I saw the colours of his face being changed.

Every player thinks of himself as the King.. but there exists a King Maker Always!!