Closer to Death

Zach's PoV:

"You fucking pig, if you can plan and execute things behind my back, escape my surveillance and security, trying to end me.. do you think I can't find your shit??" I twisted his fingers to back.

"Ahhh….. Ahhhhh" he cried in pain as I twisted his fingers back and his neck getting chocked beneath my feet.

"You recommended me to arrange a translator for Irene, even when there is absolutely no necessity, you were the one who pressurized all of us and tried to make us believe she could be a mole, you wanted to shift the blame on her to end me… You thought to shift the blame on to Irene when the Ranallo's try to end me. You have planned things so well behind my back"

I screamed at him. Elif and John have been finding every possible clue and getting to spill out the truth, not leaving one end.

Fucking asshole…

"You have lured some men, some of them agreed for the money you have offered, while some fell for the power you must have offered, you must have blackmailed others cornering their families. You got your ways to manage the surveillance and stop the recordings of that time when the men you have put, abducted Irene"

Matteo cried in pain, my feet pressing his neck and all my men are at work, finding Irene.

"Zola is here" Darren smirked as Xihen, caretaker, and trainer of my pet Rottweiler brought Zola with him.

As Zola came running, jumped over me wagging its tail licking my face. It's her trainer and I, Zola is playful with, and to all others, she is a death game.

The best thing is I own ten other dogs of the same breed, as dangerous as Zola and 7 German Shepherds.

"Zola, why don't you have fun with him? Your friends must be missing a lot of fun, I think you should take him to them and play your games" I pointed at Matteo.

Zola pounced on him sniffing his smell and immediately Xihen ordered Zola to attack him.

"Capo… please leave me… Please" Matteo cried as Zola bite his neck and her nails dug into him.

"Xihen, drag him to the Kennel and let our dogs enjoy the ripe human flesh," I barked as Zola scratched his body and blood is oozing out of the places Zola scratched.

"You are going to endure the same torture you are giving to me Zach, the Ranallo's know your location, this secret mansion of yours is no more a secret, they will reach you and you will endure the same" he hissed as Zola pricked with its teeth in his stomach.

His clothes were torn, his hands and legs bleeding and he is busy cursing us as he cried in pain.

"You fucking shithole, you think you have traded my secrets to the Ranallo family? This place is a hideout. Every corner of this sea, every end from where a ship or boat or even a fucking steamer would move, it will be shot there and then, because it's all conquered by me. Even if the fucking assholes would make it here, I will end all of them with my hands" I barked.

He is out of breath with Zola's assault, his pupils dilated as blood started oozing out.

"Capo… please" he begged.

"You fucking asshole, get me the hammer" I screamed.

One of my men handed me the hammer and I picked nails in my hand and put them on his toes.

"Capo.. please no. Don't do it" he shivered crying.

"You choose to backstab me, you tried to deceive me and kill me and now you want me to leave you fucking asshole. I am not going to let you die so easily, every minute of your fucking life you will cry begging for death, but you won't get that, but each breath of yours will take you closer to the death" screaming over his face I put the nail on his thumb.

His legs shivered as I put the nail on his right leg's thumb and slowly I hit the hammer, he cried and wriggled in pain as the nail dug into his skin.

"Spare me Capo… I will do as you want" his shrieks resounded in the whole room.

"Sparing you is not even a question. It's just killing you faster or slowly letting you die each and every second.. the option is yours, tell me what will you choose?"

"Capo.. please" he cried.

"Don't you fucking know how dear time is to me?" I roared.

"Shoot me Capo, dying is a million times better than leading a life towards death" he cried.

"You know the rules. Mafia never does anything for free, so what price are you willing to pay for death? For getting your ultimate freedom soon?"

As I asked, I saw his eyes dilating. He is going into unconscious state.

Opening the water kettle, I poured the hot water over his neck, where the blood is already oozing from Zola's assault.

"Argghhh…. Noooo" cried Matteo. His every scream satisfying my raging nerves.

"I will tell you information about the people who supported me in the mission" he cried.

"Naah.. already knew that. You can do better" I added.

"The diamonds we are going to trade, I have smuggled some and changed them with normal stones.. I will give all of those back" he answered.

"Boy we got them" Darren hit on his face.

"These are the things I did.. I don't know what more I can offer you" he cried.

"Come on Matteo… think. You can do better" I patted him, but with a leg over his burnt neck.

He cried in pain shutting his eyes.

"Irene…. Yess Capo, I hid Irene towards the south side of the bushes, the big rock over there has a cave hidden beneath and it opens up to a dangerous spot. Irene is taken there… at least now kill me fast" he cried begging.

"Darren, Maxi, Raven.." I alerted.

"We are on it Boss" Darren Echoed.

"Connect me to the forest search parties… they need to head to the South," I ordered.

"In a second Capo" Raven connected me to the heads of troops searching for Irene.

Instructing them to head to the south side, the rock place which is very much hidden from all of us. I couldn't stay in place.

"Maxi… we are going to the forest. Right now"