The First Kiss

Irene's PoV:

"We all are messed up Irene, none of us is any better. I am a shit too, but with you, I feel a beautiful rainbow within the messed up clutters" his words did something to my heart.

Why does he have to behave this nice with me? He hates me, right? Why is he speaking as if he cares about me?

"Because I really do care for you and I don't know why…" and just like that he heard my unspoken words.

We heard a knock on the door, he looked pissed as the intruder was knocking continuously.

Finally he uttered "Yes"

One of the nurses walked in carrying a tray.

"Time for her medicine" she muttered not even looking at him. From her body language, anyone could say she is utterly scared of him.

Not just her, from the time I am here I have only seen people being scared to even meet his eyes, everyone respected him but after what has happened to me, I have understood that not everyone is real.