Things getting Harder

Zach's PoV:

I don't know why, but it feels at peace to see her smile, to see her eyes glistening with happiness, there could be nothing in the world that had made me this excited like her pair of eyes.

As she stared at the stars, as if they were the only marvel existing in the universe, I stared at her knowing that I am no more the same person I know all these years.

The way she tried to recollect the names of planets as I adjusted the lens of telescope, so that she could stare at them clearly, made me glee. 

In today's time when happiness is measured by the walth you own, the cars you flash and the clothes you wrap around, it felt different and warm looking a someone going all crazy just at the signt of stars.

She looked like a cute panda as my Blazer covered her until her knees, her cheeks turned to a little shade of pink with the cool breeze over the top of the building directed at her.