A Hunch

Zach's PoV:

'I knew she is planted by my family because of the way she died, I am not new to that. After all, they did the same to my Granny'

And my world shattered into teeny tiny molecules. I have stopped inhaling, what she has just said is something I couldn't come into terms with.

I felt her palm gently moving when and that's when I breathed back.

"What are you speaking Irene?"

'Truth' she moved her fingers.

There were tears she is holding back in her eyes.

'After I lost my voice' she moved her fingers.

"Wait.. lost your voice? So you are not mute since birth?" I quizzed.

She nodded negatively.

"Irene, so you used to speak?"

She blinked in reply.

"Then what happened? What got you like this? I mean why and how did you lose your voice?"