
Zach's PoV:


He didn't meet my eyes. This is soo awkward.

Come on Zach, there lies strength in being real and you can do this. Do it… Irene is watching you.

Yes this girl Irene is definitely smart and she had her doubts that I would chicken off before apologizing. Hence she made me give the access to security footage of this room, where I am about to apologize to Zach. 

God.. this is not at all easy. How do people do this so easily? Ending lives sounds easy than apologizing to someone.

"You know me Darren" I muttered.

"Yes Capo.. do you want me to do something?" he asked.

"Umm actually" I gulped.

"Say it loud Capo, we are the people working under you, we are supposed to follow your orders and do as you say. We will follow everything accordingly"

There he said it out loud, from his word anyone would make it out that how much he is shattered and hurt.