The only String

As I tried to open my eyes, it felt like a burdensome task. Finally I was able to open them only to see a person staring at me.

I felt an urge to scream seeing a face that close to mine, but I know I can't.

"Doctor… Doctor, she has opened her eyes" his mouth went wide as if he can gulp the whole burger within one trial.

I literally gulped seeing a bunch of people surrounding me.

Why are they looking at me like this? Did something happen to me?

"Thank God you woke up" it's Doctor Scrochel who said that.

"Come on Doctors, at least you don't scare her like that, you know her condition" I heard the voice of my Therapist and I felt instant relief.

She literally peeled people away from me.

"This girl literally put us through hell" I heard someone groan.

"Shhh… don't worry" my therapist squeezed my hand lightly.

"We were just worried about you, how do you feel now?" she quizzed me.