It's the time

Why does he have to behave this nice with me? He hates me, right? Why is he speaking as if he cares about me?

"Because I really do care for you and I don't know why…" and just like that he heard my unspoken words.

We heard a knock on the door, he looked pissed as the intruder was knocking continuously.

Finally he uttered "Yes"

One of the nurses walked in carrying a tray.

"Time for her medicine" she muttered not even looking at him. From her body language, anyone could say she is utterly scared of him.

Not just her, from the time I am here I have only seen people being scared to even meet his eyes, everyone respected him but after what has happened to me, I have understood that not everyone is real.

The respect they display, their fear, and every other thing can just be an act. I am really missing Shelly, my translator now.