Werewolf Sex Battle

Before lust could fully cloud my mind, I went through the mental calculus of my situation as I saw it.

The system blessed me with power as it had many others. A skill merged with each of us, changing our bodies and minds to adapt to inhuman strength, speed, and instincts. I had weaknesses that normal humans lacked. Lightning was my bane, and all those who wielded it held an advantage over me. It was all because of my skill Root of Black Dragons. Creatures that wielded lightning made me feel vulnerable. Against anything else, my strength wasn't in doubt; there was more to my skill than its weaknesses.

I could transform into a man-shaped dragon and wield more strength than anyone has a right to. With a wave of my hand, forests could burn. A blow from me could shatter stone into powder. And no blow could pierce my black scaled armor. If I transformed, I knew nothing in this world could beat me.

Everything had its drawbacks, and I had become cautious after entering this world. It's hard to believe I cared about cation with all the sex I had. But if I transformed, my need to cultivate and regain my qi would cause me to take more world qi. I've done the math for 10 times the power; I needed nearly 20 times the qi to fuel the transformation.

At first, the form felt like I was being ripped apart. Using the form felt like liquid glass was poured into my veins. But, time had changed that; the form felt good when I had the qi to fuel it. To facilitate that, I needed a powerbase. With more time, I could build my own place in this world and create a system that cultivated world qi for me. I've done it before in my previous world, and it wasn't impossible with the flora adapted to the world qi already present.

There are ways to play to my strengths and even shore up my weaknesses. At that moment, I had two options either fuck the werewolf or transform, become consumed by world qi, and fuck the werewolf. Well, if I was going to fuck Rouge anyway, I might as well have fun with it.

That brought my attention back to my orange-furred werewolf with the bulging heat swollen cunny.

Rouge's cunny was swollen, silkily smooth to the touch, and hot as a furnace. The spade shape, swollen lips, and pounding beat of her pulse called to the voyeuristic attention of the world spirit. If a little anal with Molly got a glance, then this had the world spirit looking for lotion and Kleenexes.

The werewolf's powerful thighs lowered, and I felt her lips part agonizingly slowly. My member throbbed painfully in its eagerness ignoring any of my concerns. World qi thickened around us, and I felt my balls churn in anticipation. Her lips had barely parted, and already her muscles clenched painfully tight around my tip. It was her swollen cunny as large as it was; she was tight enough to crush any size. A smirk spread across her face.

"What's wrong? Are you done already? I've only taken your tip." Rouge said. "You didn't know who you were dealing with. I heard men can be stupid, but you followed one of us into our hideout. I bet Opal had to take her time to make sure you could keep up. You don't even know how to use mana to enhance yourself. We're surrounded by more mana than 10 magicians can use, but you can't even strengthen yourself. Maybe you'll join the boner bandits as our Devateria dispenser." Rouge said.

To punctuate her words, she crept lower, embezzling my dick in her welcoming folds before tightening up with her powerful muscles. My tip was only now entirely inside of her, and it felt amazing. Her prolonged descent was mind-blowing and agonizingly pleasurable, edging towards a sensory overload but never committing to the final leap over the cliff. Unfortunately for her, she made a mistake. No jab at my pride goes unpunished.

The world qi remained unresponsive to me. Any attempt to break free was denied by it. So, I had to rely on my own power.

"I didn't know a thing about enhancing myself with mana. But I think you've taught me enough." I said.

Reverse engineering her enhancement technique didn't go well. My strength increased as I altered the qi flooding my muscles with her technique; unfortunately, my muscles weren't up to the challenge. Pain swept through my body like I had just finished a 6-hour workout after living my whole life on a couch. I had to tone it down to a manageable level. Instead of the near 5 times increase Rouge enjoyed, I managed 2.5 times increase. Even with a superior technique, I only enhanced myself as much as Kale could with a worse technique.

I pushed up and juggled my qi skating technique with the enhancement. One hand floated off the ground, the other pushed up against Rouge, and I twisted out from under her. Wind gathered in my palm, spinning into a mini storm before I threw it at her.

The werewolf dodged out of the way and leaped at me. She grabbed the lips of her pussy and thrust herself at my cock. The move caught me off guard, and I plunged inside of her. Rouge followed up with some hard thrusts driving me deeper into her. A growl escaped her lips as she wiggled her hips and put her powerful muscles to some serious work.

I moved and found a target of my own. World qi flew through my cultivation base, refilling my lost energy as I grabbed one of her breasts. Rouge had at least c-cup breasts at a glance, and large breasts often meant equally sensitive nipples. I moved in and sucked on her. Her pussy loosened for a second, and I pulled, but she tightened back up before I could fully free myself.

She squeezed tightly before taking my face in both hands and kissing me deeply. Her tongue fell into my mouth, subverting my will. Then, as our tongues danced together, she shoved her pussy forward, driving me back in to the hilt.

"You're not leaving my pussy until you cum inside. So give me your strength of seed." Rouge whispered huskily.

"Aren't there other ways?" I growled and tried to pull out. Her muscles made it painful to get free by force. I could do it at a price. No, I needed to trick her into loosening up.

"Why should I do something harder when this is easy, and it feels good?" Rouge said.

I thought about how difficult it was to learn how to fight by getting my ass handed to me. Learning how to skate with qi to move vast distances had taken a week of constant effort. Fucking this werewolf wouldn't give me anything. I knew what I needed to grow stronger, and it wasn't Rouge. I already saw her technique.

Well, why not make her earn it. I pulled her legs up and thrust hard. She grunted as we hit the ground. Her pussy loosened for a fraction of a second before clamping down again. That wouldn't have been enough to escape. But that wasn't my goal anymore. If this werewolf wanted my cum, then I would give it to her on my terms.

I pounded into her without any concern for holding back. Her breasts looked great, so I dove forward and latched on to one. I pulled her other leg up and gripped her ass. The muscles softened at my touch while I gripped her hard and thrusted. When I pulled back, she loosened up just enough before I pushed back in. Her pulsing love tunnel sang the song of its people as it hungrily sucked my cock down to her depths.

She tried to roll on her side, but I wasn't having any of it. So instead, I pulled her closer to me and picked her up. Her legs looped around my waist, and I was rewarded to her innermost depths. Rouge's pussy clenched, driving me to my limit. I grabbed her ass with both hands gripping her soft orange fur. Her thighs tightened around me, and I rubbed her asshole and bent my knees. Her womb gave me head a kiss, and I came.

Rouge bit into my shoulder and growled, so I pushed a finger into her asshole. There wasn't a need for me to move because her pussy did all the work undulating while I came.

"So thick," Rouge moaned and froze while her pussy drained my member dry.

While I came, I cultivated pulling in all the world qi I could manage, pushing my cultivation to its limit. But, unfortunately, the wall I've grown familiar with remained even in another world. If anything, it was more significant than before. I needed more spirits if I was to advance my cultivation.

Still, I pulled and pulled, beating against the wall that kept me from reaching the next stage. But no matter how I beat at it, my fists could never dent the gates of heaven. The spirits were the tools I needed to break into the next realm. Without them, no amount of raw power would matter.

I pulled myself out of Rouge with a loud pop. "Can I have my damn water farm back?" I asked.

Rouge tapped a clawed digit against her chin. "We have dozens of water farms, so you can have yours back. Stealing your cum was what we wanted more than anything. I think I have more than enough of that now. I'm sure Opal will want to try some as well the greedy cat." Rouge said.

I dodged at the world spirit's warning.

A synthetic leg flashed in front of my face as I turned my attention to a strange entity. World qi flowed from within it through its body, forming so many techniques I couldn't decipher them all. Her white painted forearms flexed with streamlined synthetic muscles powered with world qi. In the center of her chest, world qi perpetually flowed in and throughout the girl's body.

"Male by order of Lilium, you are to come with me to be farmed for your Devateria. Refuse at your own risk." The entity said.

She vanished from my sight, and a warning from the world spirit was all that kept me going. My hands shot up to tank a strike that nearly shattered my arms.

I pulled a spear from my inventory and thrust it at her chest. She seemed to vanish out of the way. Then, a kick hit my gut, throwing me off my feet. Before I had left the ground, purple particles gathered at her back, and I heard the roar of an igniting engine.

Pink qi gathered around Rouge's hand in the form of a claw as she tried to hit the robot before it shot off the ground. Its next blow cracked some ribs as I struggled to use a bastardized version of the Naga's technique. Spirit sense was really a cheat code in this world until there were so many abilities active that I couldn't tell them apart.

So, what now? My battle form would multiply my strength by 10 times plus my new enhancement technique. I didn't know if those two abilities were compatible or if I would just explode. Then I had to wonder if 10 times my current strength would be enough to stop this mecha.

Her words cleared up something, at least. All the males had been taken to be farmed for their sperm. Well, it was a commodity, and the ruler of these lands would probably want to monopolize it. But, strangely enough, part of this situation didn't bother me in the least. It was just tyrants being tyrants. Why not put an entire gender into concentration camps if their sperm worked as a power-up? Especially if doing that led to fewer rivals rising in the future.

I transformed and pulled in a massive amount of world qi. My body practically vibrated as I reveled in my increased strength. I stopped my descent cold as my flight ability took over. The enhancement technique that gave me trouble before showed its potential in my new form. Black qi rolled off my body as my armored form took center stage. The android flew at me at incredible speeds, but I was ahead of the game for once.

Black flames surrounded my fist as it connected with the robot. A pink barrier struggled to hold back my strength as my fist moved forward. Power surged up from the depths of my cultivation base as fire and wind qi merged within my other hand. A destructive ball of angry black flames gathered into a storm of heatwaves. I pushed it forward, and a blue shield materialized on her wrist.

My blow struck and shattered the blue construct causing an explosion to blast up her arm.

"You are too dangerous to live. Executing reaper protocols and releasing safeguards," More power gathered around the android as it transformed.

I picked up my spear and felt it synergize with my qi. This was a living thing and an instrument of my qi. Its shape was of little consequence. I continued to pull in vast amounts of world qi to facilitate my transformation. The more power I pulled in, the stronger I felt. Something blocked out the world qi's influence. I was in my right mind.

Any transformation that takes an age shouldn't be used in battle.

My spear transformed into a staff, and I began to implant various formations into it to focus my qi. A long blade of black qi grew from the staff's head. I flashed through the air and sliced through the barrier surrounding the mecha. It froze as I pointed impaled it through the chest, just missing its world qi engine. Still, it did the trick. The golem's lights went out, and it fell.

I landed exhausted and passed out like a boss.

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/V3QdsfPD

My Other Work: Amen To Spirits And Chests