Vampire Party Girl

Pills were an answer I wasn't ready for. When the bodies were piled high and a vampire chick lounging before me, my thoughts flew through my options. Every possibility closed itself off after I sensed the raw power radiating off the vampire party girl. She stacked the bodies like bales of hay with naga, driders, and elves. While those weren't the strongest monstergirls, they weren't the weakest either. Dungeon qi wasn't an option to refill my cultivation for my battle form. Time was needed to build a counter to the dungeon's influence, and it really wasn't a part of my plans. I had tunnel vision for the next realm. Jumping a realm would solve all my problems, so the answer became pills dropped by the dungeon.

After what she did to the other monster girls, there was no way I could let her anywhere near Kale and the others. So, fucking her in the saferoom wasn't in the cards.

The vampire continued to down her drink, exposing her throat without a care in the world. She was stronger than me. I could feel it in the chill running up my spine, the pressure from her bearing down on me, and the way even the dungeon kept its distance. Fucking with this chick would get me killed. Escape wasn't just impossible; my body wouldn't move to obey me. Some force kept me in place, and I could feel half of my mind raring to go.

It was my skill, the same thing that drained my qi dry when I transformed and messed with my mind kept me from fleeing. Even though I couldn't see a single way out of this, it still made me stay put. My body refused to take a single step back. I bit my cheek hard enough to draw blood, but the pain wasn't enough to get me moving.

"That was refreshing; a shame those bitches had to die, but this dungeon is stingy." The vampire said and slammed her tankard on the coffee table before kicking up her feet.

I couldn't believe I had to deal with a fucking vampire party girl. Why couldn't it have been the sexy noble vampire lady of my dreams as in a milf with equally sexy daughters?

"You look scared shitless; do I have something on my face." She licked around her lip, and her tongue stretched a little too long to be human.

Molly said that human women turned into vampires receive an increase in all physical stats of 3 times human male standards. That increase includes the ability to use multiple techniques right out of the gate. Born but not of a noble bloodline have 5-8 times increase from birth over a human. They can use a dozen techniques at once. This chick felt even stronger than that, so she could only be the worst-case scenario. A noble bloodline-born vampire with 10-15 times the strength of a baseline human.

They're locally called pureblood, and according to Molly, it could take hundreds of veteran human soldiers to take down one without powered armor. But, of course, Pill-fed humans or superhumans can vary in power.

"Never let a drop go to waste. That's what my mother always said. I once used silk handkerchiefs, but they dried up that last drop. Even with my strength, I can only squeeze out so much. I don't need to ask what a man is doing in a dungeon, but why are you alone? I understand this place can make you less useless, but you haven't taken any pills yet." She said.

"Less useless; I don't think I've ever been insulted like that before." I blinked and couldn't believe the words coming out of my mouth.

"Yea, you're a rare commodity even my family can only smuggle a few human males under Lilium's nose. Do you have a plan? Some pills are better for you than others though they all have side effects. Red pills are hard on the body, but they deepen the natural mana channels, allowing easier technique usage. Techniques used while under the influence of pills become easier. Your current technique would be natural for a werewolf but straining for a human. It's none of my business if you want to wreck your body, but if you do me a favor, I could give you some advice." The vampire said.

I groaned. "What do you need me to do? I'm not doing any weird with hooks and chains bondage." I said.

"It's funny you should mention hooks and chains because there is a secret boss on the next floor covered in them. She has a rare drop, and if you help me out and the dungeon drops it if I promise to leave and never come back. So hint hint dungeon if you want me to leave, you better drop what I want." The vampire said.

"Why did you kill all of them if that's what you wanted?" I asked.

"Oh, sweet little human, I killed them for you. What's your name?" She asked.

"Red," I said.

This vampire lady was weirding me out. She dressed like a party girl, advised like an old mentor, and used me like a car salesman. I lacked knowledge; she knew it and wasn't shy about taking advantage of me. Giving her the directions to the saferoom was a bad idea.

"You can call me Teacher because class is in session." She said.

I opened my mouth and closed it. "Have you ever been to a place called earth?" I asked.

"So, you're free-ranged that makes my lesson is even more valuable. But you already misbehaved. When asking a question, raise your hand, or there will be consequences. Earth is one of the closer realms to this one cut off from mana but rich in Devateria; all-powerful monstergirls have a summoning circle there. Whenever some dummy stumbles upon the ritual circle, we are summoned for an orgy. It's believed that humans in our world originated there. But that isn't important; you need a technique made for humans." Teacher said.

Slowly she went through the steps necessary to use the human foundation technique. It felt immensely more comfortable than the werewolf enhancement technique. After only a few minutes of using it, my enhancement surpassed the werewolf technique. Even though it felt more comfortable, it wasn't a perfect fit. I stripped some parts from the werewolf technique and added them to the foundation technique. But even then, it didn't feel like I thought it should.

"You are a quick starter. For my first pupil, you are already promising. The human foundation technique gained its name for its adaptability. You can add other techniques to it and improve it over time. My enhancement technique isn't nearly so flexible. Then again, humans don't have the intelligence needed to use multiple techniques at once." Teacher said.

I raised my hand. "What's your real name? Calling you Teacher is weird." I asked.

"I'm not telling. Get stronger, and maybe I will think about telling you. Instead, take this key and start swallowing red pills. I need to see where you're at in terms of strength. You seem a little too frail to test myself, so I'll go find a mid-boss and power up some mobs to fight you." Teacher said.

I watched her sexy rear shake as she left the room, and the dungeon seemed to sigh. Her shapely form was lithe with muscle in all the right places without taking away her womanly charms. Teacher had some tight titties and legs for days. Her German-style pigtails screamed, pull, and fuck me, but I was too weak to tame that woman.

Fucking her would definitely be enough to bring in the world qi needed to heal Kale and the others. But, getting her there without dying in the process seemed impossible. I didn't have the power to run, much less force her to do anything. The difference in power between us was too great.

I tossed back some red pills and felt an explosion go off in my gut. Fire burned through my veins as I focused on using my technique. The door shot open, and love dolls covered in a red haze crawled into the room. The human foundation techniques spread with the flame fitting itself in my body. Snagging such an adaptive technique had been a godsend. I already added the naga defense and werewolf enhancement to it. Even after scrapping and adapting, those two had barely touched the technique's potential. My body was even tougher than it had been when I fought the zombie, and my strength climbed higher.

My muscles bulged with strength and I barely felt any mental strain.

Using skating was possible again. I adapted it to the human foundation technique this time, and my mind felt completely unburdened.

My body moved in blinks. One moment I'm in one place; the next, I'm beside a coked-out red aura-covered love doll. I punched through its body and grabbed the earth core piloting the body. Small cracks lined the core infecting it with the vampire's qi. I inventoried the core, unwilling to put Teacher's qi in my body. There were some things I knew better than to do.

More love dolls entered the room, swarming me and crawling up the walls. I fought punching through their bodies but took slashes across my chest and back in the process. Whenever I dealt a finishing blow on one another took its place. With every victory, I collected another scratch piling one of the wounds. Blood dripped down my chest and back as I fought while thinking about the situation.

Even with my increased strength, ultimately, I wasn't a fighter. I could fight, but that wasn't where my talents lay. Building was where I was most powerful. With every victory, I took more damage I couldn't afford. Even as I slowly healed from the damage, adjusted my defense, and tried new qi enhancements building up a defense against the dolls' claws, I worked on something else.

While my techniques made me stronger and my body was highly adaptive thanks to the wood qi ability cell reproductive evolution and the fire qi ability ashes of rebirth, I didn't have the stamina to win naked. There were too many to dodge, and my collection of mid-earth qi cores had grown considerably. Without the multiple techniques weighing down my mind, I could put my brainpower to other uses.

I took my combat knife out and applied a mechanized cutting technique. The buzz of rotating qi blades filled the room, and I began to take the puppets apart. Knife skills learned in another world worked perfectly to dissect every one of the dolls.

Once they were dismantled, I heard clapping while I worked. A seed fueled by multiple earth cores rapidly grew. Soon a flexible suit fitted with interconnected wooden plates stacked like the scales of a fish formed. Many tiny formations grew along with the armor, channeling the earth qi to increase the armor's protection. When it finished growing, the armor opened for my entry. Unfortunately, the armor was sloppily made and looked like a cross between a spacesuit and old-school samurai armor.

When I stepped into it, I felt safe for the first time in days. My still bleeding wounds began to scab over, and the suit cultivated the earth cores for me. I flexed the soft, almost leaf-thin joints and felt the heavy plates shift as the armor adjusted to fit better. The chest and shoulders were the thickest part of the armor and where I stored mid and low-earth cores that empowered it. My new suit absorbed the earth qi filtered it and restored my cultivation.

Then I heard the pounding feet of the zombie tromp into the room. Roots still clung to its body, trying to restrain the zombie for just a little longer. It felt much stronger than before, but there wasn't a sign of Teacher's qi on it; instead, there was an overwhelming feeling of earth radiating from the monster. I knew what it was instant. The dungeon had stuffed a high earth core into the zombie to help it free itself and to fight off Teacher's influence.

"This time, I'm going to put an end to your OC dungeon," I said.

"I died because a succubus found me, and you gained new power because a vampire found you. Red check your privilege." The zombie said.