Chapter 14: Milf Succubus

I could sense a lot of power radiating through them like receivers and didn't know what my play should be. We weren't in the dungeon anymore. The string puzzle had transformed from a collection of strings to a black pyramid continuously moving in a predictable order.

A smile spread across the speaker's face. "Welcome fresh meat; we thank you for the offering of your flesh, bones, and blood. By summoning us, you have forfeited your lives to become a part of something more."

"I didn't summon you; the dungeon did," I said.

The woman's expression didn't change. "Do you think following the orders of others excuses you from consequences?" The speaker boomed.

"Yes, in this case, it does. I don't do secret bosses without a reward. Bragging rights isn't a reward enough to waste my time here." I said.

"Red, maybe you should watch your tone in front of the demons," Dani said.

"Don't be afraid we are with you. The pleasures we will give you are greater than that of any succubi. Once we finish with you, you'll become a living part of our bodies experiencing everything we do." The demon said.

"The fuck did this bitch say?" Dani asked.

"Calm down; we aren't fighting yet. I need to get a better feel for them." I said.

Instead of sensing darkness from these creatures, they radiated light. Qi of light and something else radiated from them with horrible certainty. They might look like demons, but the strange qi radiating from them was anything but demonic. If I could give it a name, I would call it order. Despite their messed-up forms, they felt logical. That was something useful.

"I'm not afraid now that I have something to gain. Give me your spirit core, and I won't destroy the others." I said.

My suit had long since adapted to the dark-aligned qi radiating through this dimension. Choosing to adapt to dark qi had been a great idea. Yellow eyes appeared around my armor, and I saw them through my link to the dark. This allowed my armor to shift, closing up my helmet completely. But despite the rushing darkness, my armor changed no further. Even the world spirit gave my armor a look over.

"We haven't seen your like before. A mortal plant able to adapt to our realm is valuable. We will trade." The demon said.

As I adapted to this world and cultivated the qi within, I realized unlike the monstergirl world, it had little interest in me. It felt hungry but uncaring, like it had seen everything possible and had grown bored. This wasn't the type of force I could attract by fucking a goblin girl in the ass. So, these guys attracted the world's attention by performing extreme acts.

I produced a seed from my armor and held it out. "It's adapted to your world and can grow where mana is thick. What will you give me in return?" I asked.

A chain shot out, and I barely moved out of the way before it smashed into a blob of endlessly shifting flesh. The chain quickly reeled the creature in until it slipped past the uterus. Then, it vanished behind the spider monster's massive clenching flower. Squelching sounds filled the air, and tentacles tried to free themselves only to be reeled in deeper.

My body shook, and I looked over at Dani, and she hugged her knees. I promised myself then I would get her out of here.

"We seek order in our world, and something like your suit, an impossibly stable form of growth, is what we are looking for. This is the exchange of a seed for your life and a single core of order." The demon said.

"I want a core of chaos and light as well," I said.

"You are too greedy human by far. We can have fun with your body as your flesh twists and mutates in the endless dark. In time you could become an endless source of enjoyment." The demon said.

"Or I could destroy you all and take it. While you survived in the dark, it's still your greatest weakness. I can sense how you fight against it. With my help, the dark will have an avenue to get in. Come on, I'm sure you have a chaos core lying around somewhere. If anything, it's detrimental to you. Give it to me, and you won't have to worry about it anymore." I held up my seed for them all to see. "With this, you can build shelters out of the dark's reach. Isn't that why you put order and light cores in your bodies. You want a way out of the dark and chaos into the realm of predictability." I said.

Ok, I had no idea if that was what they wanted or not. My mind ran at full speed, and I put every clue I could together and went with it. Their world might not even act the way I think it does. Rituals to open doorways into their realm caught their attention. That could mean nearly anything. These guys could be to monstergirls what monstergirls were to humans, or they could be a parallel world further down the timeline. Dealing with multiverse theory was a bitch and a half. These guys were like monstergirls but in a darker direction.

The problem is the feeling I was getting, and I could be 180 degrees from right.

Their following words surprised me. "If you are confident, then approach us and prove that the dark has no sway on you." The demon said.

Dani grabbed my armored hand. "Don't if you walk away from the pyramid; this world's miasma will infect you."

"Prove to us you bargain with something truly worth our treasures. Walk into the dark with faith in your armor, human." The demon said.

I stepped forward and felt the world's qi push against me. Darkness flared down, and instead of absorbing it, I shifted the dark qi away.

That's one of the significant advantages of gaining a dark attribute. I could manipulate the dark because it was a part of my very being now. So, when I approached them, and the dark didn't turn me into a flailing mass of flesh and tentacles, the demon seemed impressed. But, of course, I hoped it thought it was the suit and not my own power. Because at the moment, it was 50/50.

"Very well, we will make a trade." The demon said.

A small stone box containing several high and even a baron-class spirit core was brought out before me. Unfortunately, there were no mid or low-class cores in the collection. I took a light, order, and chaos core from the box and placed three seeds in their place. I wanted to take the metal core, but that would push my luck too much.

The cores went into my inventory until I had time to absorb them. With those cores, I could make the 11 a step beyond perfection. But there was a price tag attached to such an attempt. It took a truckload of resources and time to settle into the realm. No, I didn't know that for sure it was just a guess but going beyond perfection didn't seem too stable. Of course, nothing was ever certain with cultivation except for the need for resources. To that end, I needed to fuck a whole harem of monstergirls before beginning. Dani would be helpful as well. I needed all the holes; I could gather to impress the world spirit.

When I returned to Dani's side, I thought it was over we would return, but Dani didn't look confident. "A life must be taken before we can return," Dani said.

That stopped me dead. So that was their game; even after trading, they would kill us both. Well, I needed a metal core, and these guys weren't that tough.

Before I could react, a chain skewered her. I grabbed onto it, and my hands blistered with electrical burns. My battle form engaged, and I began pulling in all the world qi I could manage. I gripped the chain hard and pulled only for more to shoot out and pierce Dani's chest, leg, and shoulder.

"Red, this is the price for calling the demons. Thank you for giving me a good time." Dani said.

"Why did you let me summon them then?" I demanded.

"I hate the dungeon. And now I can die." Black flame blades gathered in my hands and cleaved through the chains. I sucked in a breath and pulled at the world qi. The dark flowed into me but failed to inflict any mutations. The skill Root of Black Dragon was both my curse and greatest strength wouldn't let the dark change me.

"One of us has to die, Red," Dani said.

"No, it doesn't have to be this way," I said.

"For us to let you leave the world needs a sacrifice. To leave a life must be given to the world." The demon said.

"No," I said.

I held onto the chains and dug my feet into the ground. I pulled on the chains with all my power while hardening the ground with qi to give myself more leverage. More chains shot out, ripping into Dani even as I stopped the pull of one.

"Red, it's ok. I'm fine going out this way. I've been dead long enough. It's time to pass on." Dani said as she was pulled off her feet by the chain.

I threw my hand through the razor-edged chains that circled my hand. Even in my armor, the bladed edges bit into my skin. I grabbed a handful and leveraged my flight capabilities against them. Then I took a step back towards the shifting black pyramid.

Pain flowed through my body in an unending tide as my battle form ate my qi reserves. Even my armor failed to cultivate quickly enough to fill my gluttonous battle form. I screamed as pain covered my qi and empowered my battle form. For every step I took away from the demons, my body screamed in protest and threatened to break.

"Don't be a fool; we made a deal; it isn't our fault you are unwilling to pay the price." The demon said.

I called the group a demon for a reason. But it was only when I resisted them did I sense why. Even if they were separate, they all felt like one being. As I pulled the demon's bodies stumbled forward and floating through the darkness, I saw a diamond. It spun out glowing crystalline chains down to the demon, and I realized that this thing was the true demon. It was a diamond the size of a 3-story house spewing out chains to control its hosts.

"Damn it, Sam, let me go. I want to die," Dani screamed.

My hand raised, and I pulled upon all the power within me. Black and red qi swirled in my hand-packed impossibly dense. I pictured a lance of power in my mind even as I knew it was impossible to win. The demon's power was greater than mine. If I was a 1, then this demon would be a 150. Just damaging it felt like an impossibility.

I condensed my qi more and damned the consequences. The dark world lit up as my qi traveled the distance almost instantly. Even Dani seemed to come to her senses upon seeing it.

"You should call it Demon slayer's Lance," Dani said before the chains took her. A barrier formed before my attack landed, and my demon slayer's lance faded into red and black motes of qi. That attack had all of my battle form power behind it and didn't even scratch the demon.

"Your chance was wasted, and deal forfeit. We gave you a chance. Now we will take your flesh and make you a part of us." I stumbled back and grabbed the still shifting pyramid.

I held the object and felt for anything, but the shifting puzzle refused to divulge anything. So, I threw it on the ground and placed my food over it.

"Stop; you don't understand what you're doing. If you destroy that, then we lose our connection to your world. It could take centuries to find the materials needed to make another dimensional gate." The demon said.

"Good," I said and crushed the pyramid as hundreds of chains shot at me.

When the pyramid shattered, light exploded outward, enveloping me. Suddenly, I was back in the secret boss chamber, and a treasure chest slowly rose from the floor.

I fell on my back, and at that moment, all I wanted to do was rest. Dani was gone; her existence had been swallowed by the demon. I could finally ascend to the next realm with two more spirit cores, but I felt bitter. Even if I multiplied my power by 10 with the realm jump and another 10 with my battle form, that demon was still stronger. Who knew what techniques it had at its disposal?

A red worded message appeared on the wall next to me. "So, Dani was left behind. That's sad we were good friends. Did she mention me in her last moment?" Sam, the dungeon, asked.

"She said, 'Sam let me die,'" I said.

"You opened my eyes. I might not be who I thought I was, so who am I then. Am I a plaything of the Gremory succubi, or am I a human trapped as a dungeon core? Dani, her mother, and sisters were all saved by me in one way or another. Even after the dark lord slaughtered them, I brought them back. Even now, I can't bring myself to kill them. If you had killed Dani in here, I would have spent resources to bring her back." The dungeon said.

"So, this was your plan to get rid of her," I said with an edge in my voice.

"Watch your tone; you're alone with me, and I can do anything I want. Trust me, I can make the last moments of your life a living hell." The dungeon said.

I think I could have grown to love Dani. Yea, she was a cum hungry succubus, but I wanted her to be my cum hungry succubus. Letting her get killed in another dimension didn't sit right with me. If there was a way to save her, then I would find it. Also, the dungeon needed to die.

Killing off a dungeon with my current strength might be impossible. So, what should I do? Not killing off the dungeon sounded like an excellent way to leave an enemy at my back. I needed two-spirit cores, and then I could ascend and destroy this dungeon.

As if predicting my thoughts, the dungeon changed its text. "If you kill me, then Dani will fade away. I'm the one who kept her soul together after she died." Then, the dungeon's message changed again. "What's with that look? Did you think all I did was make mobs and hand out prizes? Good luck out there; you better watch your back."

I felt the wall of text shatter against my fist. Qi exploded from my blow and shook the room. The reinforced door shattered to a kick as my enhancement technique took hold. I punched and kicked at the walls and doors as I made my way over to the boss room. No matter how hard I kicked or punched, I never ran out of power.

My armor cultivated in earnest to restore my strength. The mid and low cores in my armor helped me regain my strength quickly. If they weren't directly absorbed, the mid and low cores continuously pumped out a steady supply of qi. So while wearing my armor, running out of qi wasn't a problem.

I glared at the combination lock on the boss room door. Apparently, scattered throughout the floor, there were numbers, and if I gathered them, I could unlock the door and move forward. The steel door leading to the boss room crumpled in on itself as I struck it.

Dani's death was all I could think about. It seemed unnecessary if I had been stronger, faster, or knew what we were doing, I could have saved her. Even if my current strength wasn't enough, there should have been something I could do. Maybe we could have gotten out of there if I had made different decisions. Hell, I could have just stayed and found my own way back. But then the dungeon would have killed Kale and the others.

"You look like a man left by a succubus." A woman made of flexible steel, circuitry, and TPE said.

She had the high-metal core I needed. All I had to do was take it and leave this place for the ship. After that, I could finally reach the next realm.

I put up my fists and prepared for a mediocre fight. "Oh, yea, I know that look well even if you're wearing a helmet. Humans get that posture when they're left behind. Why don't you get out of that suit of armor, and I'll finish you off? So few men get a taste of what a succubus matron can do."

I don't know why but I stepped out of my armor. The woman smiled and lifted up her large succubi titties. When I approached her, I didn't know what I was thinking other than maybe it would help. So I grabbed her breast and squeezed it gently. No, I didn't feel like it, but maybe it would help.

"That's it, sugar; you know what you want; let your instincts guide you. Tell momma Gremory all about it." Her long white curls felt soft in my hands; the color reminded me so much of Dani. Something in me felt dead, and nothing mattered.

I pushed her down on the floor, and she spread her legs. A cute pink pussy clenched and dripped as the woman's tail wagged, showing off an engorged succubi spade. A small opening at the end of her tail widened and clenched while I pushed up her legs and positioned myself.

"Oh, my sugar, your so forceful I like that. Be sure to fill me well. Momma hasn't had good fucking in centuries. So don't be mad if I accidentally suck you dry." The succubus said.

I pushed into her, and she felt warm, wet, and inviting. Her cunny squeezed and flexed as I pumped into her while her hips rocked with me, letting me take the lead. I couldn't help but cum in a few pumps.

"Sugar, I think someone has been building up." I continued to pound her pussy, and while I pounded her, I felt better. Sex didn't make everything better, but it let me forget for at least a little while. I grabbed her breast, pinching them together so I could suck on both nipples. I felt myself release again inside of her, spilling cum into her hungry succubi cunny like an open faucet. I couldn't resist pumping and slapping my balls against her butt.

I pulled her closer and picked her up, letting gravity force me deeper. While I bent my knees and fucked her, I snacked on one of her titties and moved my hand deeper between her cheeks. Under her tail, I found her third eye, and it was nice and lubricated from earlier. I slipped one then two fingers inside and felt her tighten in response. I continued to fuck her hard as I came repeatedly. Then I looked up out of her breasts at her face. It reminded me so much of Dani's.

I threw the succubus off of me. The succubus strumbled as I walked back to my armor. Her face only made me feel remorse.

"Is that what this feeling is? I watched her die, and I'm sad because she can't drain me dry. That doesn't make any sense." I said.

The matronly succubus smiled at me gently. "Sugar, love, and lust have one thing in common it's all in your head. No matter how much you love or lust after someone, it isn't mutual. These feelings are only in you; she probably couldn't wait to drain you dry and move on to the next man." The succubus said.

"So, my feelings are imaginary," I said the words, but the pit in my chest wouldn't let up.

My feelings made me cruel. I held out my hand and blasted her arm off. Then, while she reeled in shock, I skated up to her, reached into her chest, pulled out the high-class metal core I needed, and turned to walk away.

"This is how I feel. Something is missing now, and it might never come back. I can't even make things right." I said.

The succubus woman gasped and struggled to her feet. "There is no cure for what you have; it will gnaw at your soul until you give in." She said.

"There is no soul, only a pit," I said.

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