17.2 On The Orgy Road

I raised an eyebrow and thought about flexing my aura. Of course, Terra was just a scout, and I made short work of a scout just like her when I was much weaker. Not that it mattered; another hole wasn't a bad thing.

"We're going to a safe room inside the mansion," I said.

The orca girl sighed, and even Terra's shoulders relaxed a little. "Good to know you're not a complete idiot. A safe room can keep most of this nonsense from getting to us. How long has it been active?" Terra asked.

"About six or seven hours, it should have at least two hours' worth of charge left. That's plenty of time for what I have planned." I said.

"Hey, my name is Suki; I'm from far away. I joined Ellie's gang because I heard they had some human males stored away." Suki said.

"That's impossible; we would have smoked them out from their waters and dealt with them if they had," Terra said.

"You're right; it was just a rumor, but my pod came all this way, and Ellie was so charismatic. We could have done worse than follow a sea serpent." Suki said.

"She's dead, and so is your pod. The zombie dragon saw to that. But what is a dungeon, this young, doing with a zombie dragon? Even if it specializes in undead, it would need a colossal number of bodies to make one. Mana from this part of the world wouldn't do it either." Terra said.

"It doesn't matter; it has the monster and doesn't care about hiding it," I said.

A grey tentacle shot out in our direction. I pushed my hand forward and formed a ball of crimson qi. "Cataclysm," I called out and unleashed a powerful qi blast. The second time I used the technique was even more potent. The qi erupted when it hit the tentacle, and I threw my will against the blast to keep it from blowing back on us. Red cracks covered the tentacle, slowly spiraling upward before the whole appendage crumbled.

I dipped, nearly falling with Suki into one of the holes. Terra grabbed my shoulder and pulled me out of my descent.

"Once was impressive, but twice as dumb. You fleshy types can't afford to throw around large blasts of mana like that. Once you run out, you're a sitting duck girl." Terra said.

"I don't care. I'm so close to ascending I can almost taste it." I said.

"Don't be like the dungeon. It threw its cards out on the table when we showed up to take you away. Without you, those monster girls would have no reason to stay here and die. Dungeons are nearly immortal, and it could have waited and played the long game. But, instead, it grew impatient, and now King is going to kill it. Even if it evolves, my money is on King." Terra said.

"I thought you didn't like him because he's a human male," I said.

"There are exceptions to every rule, and our dark lord Lilium wouldn't put him in charge if he couldn't handle one tantrum-throwing dungeon. So I like to bust his balls." Terra said.

We made our way inside the dungeon and flew up the stairs. Even as metal succubi attacked us on the way to the saferoom, we made great time. Terra threw open the door, and I pushed Suki in before we sealed ourselves inside. I saw Molly trying to break up a fight between Marie and Lizzy.

"Red, I said no werewolves," Lizzy shouted.

"I'm a hellhound," Marie said.

I rubbed my face and gently sat Suki down. She lounged on the side of the saferoom on her elbows, waving her blackfin back and forth. Her eyes roamed from Marie to Lizzy with a smile on her face.

Lizzy pointed at Marie's crotch. "It's the same thing you both have those bulging idiotic cunts. Beast types are all the same. I'm already putting up with a centaur and deertaur. So why should I put up with you?" Lizzy said.

Marie's face scrunched up, and her ears dipped. "My pads are soft," Marie said and grabbed Lizzy's outstretched hand.

Lizzy blushed but didn't pull her hand away. I debated whether that meant the argument was over or.

"I didn't say you could invite disgusting things like frog and slug girls," Lizzy said with all her fire back.

I rubbed my temples and counted in my head to 10 in Japanese before responding. "They are here for my ritual. I also promised to fill them up before they left." I said.

The world spirit started paying us some attention at that. I sucked in a breath and let it out as the runes covering the walls brightened a little. My girls stared at me in confusion. Lizzy's fangs clicked together until the top and bottom one's ground against each other. The screech they made sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

"Alright, I've humored you long enough; what kind of ritual are you going to do. I've never heard of one that empowered the male sacrificing Devateria. Where did you hear of it?" Lizzy asked.

She crossed her arms and stamped her foot. Molly got up and stood beside her to look at me. Clearly, the magical girl had already chosen a side in this.

"Well, he is a friend of King. I'm not surprised if he has a few cards hidden up his sleeves. King didn't question Red when he said he had to perform a ritual. That's the kind of thing that normally gets King hard. So odd are it's a known thing." Terra said.

Molly seemed to teleport to my side at that. "You're friends with King. Why didn't you tell me, can you introduce us? I would love to talk with him about his paper on the world spirit theory." Molly said.

Lizzy's foot stopped tapping, but her arms remained crossed. "I don't care who knows about this ritual. You're going to explain everything you know about it now, and we're going to make a trial run.

"Alright, well then, I guess it's time to come clean. I'm not from this world."

Lizzy's face scrunched up. "We know that any idiot with two brain cells to rub together could surmise that. Get to the point." Lizzy said.

"I didn't," Marie said.

I walked up to her and rubbed her cunny. She was warm to the touch and so soft I bet even her pads couldn't compare. Marie pressed her soft breasts against my chest and could feel her nipples hardening. I moved my hand to her nice round rear to feel her firm booty.

"It's so good; let me help you out with that big thingy," Marie said and rubbed my cock with her soft pads. If I wasn't rubbing something even softy, I might be fooled into thinking a hand job was the best Marie had to offer. But, as she rubbed and occasionally tugged, I noted that it was a damn good hand job.

The world qi in the room started to pour in, and the runes covering the walls grew brighter. I heard a loud popping sound and looked over to see Molly popping Kale's leg back into place. All the world spirit needed was a little petting to pump in the good stuff.

Lizzy coughed, spoiling my fun. "Fine, I didn't come directly here from Earth. I started on another world, made friends learned the local power system, and came here." I said and dipped a hand in between Marie's quivering lips.

Warmth soothed my finger while a slow slurping pulled me a little further inside. Marie winced as my digit stopped at the knuckle. Her ears drooped, and she lowered her head. I pulled and pushed my finger back inside, and Marie whimpered before a fire lit in her eyes.

She spat on her pads and worked them up and down my member. "It's bigger than your finger; I need another one to compare," Marie said.

I pushed another digit into her quivering, quenching quim. "Is that good enough?" I asked.

"No, need more," Marie said.

I shoved three fingers inside, and she clenched all the tighter.

More world qi filled the safe house, and I knew we were on the right track. An orgy was just the thing I needed to get enough qi to ascend.

Lizzy tore her eyes away from us and forced herself to look at the brightening runes.

"I think I understand. Your ritual doesn't need Devateria to succeed. What you need is lots of mana, the kind that only an orgy and acquire." Lizzy said. "But how much do you need, and how will we know if we've acquired enough. We're still going to need to rehearse this." Lizzy said in a sing-song voice.

I pulled my fingers free of the hellhound girl before licking them clean, much to her disappointment. Her eyes seemed to sparkle at that before she opened her mouth side prepared to swallow my dick whole. Before she managed it, Lizzy pulled me back.

My heart beat out of my chest, and the other monstergirls in the room were looking at us hungrily. Even Lizzy's eyes had taken a shade of deep crimson. "Fine, if it will help. Let's rehearse it." I said.