
Yea, I was going with that. Anything to wash the taste of failure out of my mouth. My orgy had done a lot of good for me, but I also lost any chance of easy cultivation. To reach greater heights, just increasing my cultivation wasn't enough. My power never really worked that way. I never wanted an assist before either. So, before I knew what I was doing, I tossed any chance of that away.

"Would my ass make you feel better you promised to fuck our asses at the end?" Molly said.

"Sorry, I'm going to be too busy for that. Just get some distance from this place if you can. I'm not sure how much survived outside the saferoom." I said.

"Lizzy, do you know how to do a saferoom staged back to town spell," Molly asked.

"You're speaking a little too informal to me, magical girl," Lizzy said.

"Does the mighty learned vampire not know a simple back to town spell. Is this your first dungeon?" Molly asked.

"Of course, I know the back to town spell. But I'm clearly above you in the hierarchy, and I'm of the nobility. So, you should only refer to me as Lady Elizabeth. It's only proper." Lizzy said.

Molly opened her mouth then closed it before turning her back on us and screaming a string of curses. "Lady Elizabeth, do you know the back-to-town spell," Molly growled.

"I do," Marie said.

Everyone in the room turned to the hellhound. Fruit juice covered her face, and bits of orange fruit clung to her black lips.

"I learned it before coming to this town. My pack said it's something we should all learn before coming here." Marie said.

Molly opened her mouth and closed it before shaking her pink hair. "Ok, then this is what we're going to do. While Red leaves to fight the dungeon for no reason, we will write the spell on the walls and teleport the safe house to town. Do I hear any objections?" Molly said.

Vraley stood up. "I hate to say it, but I can't agree. There is a chance the dungeon still has the girl in its depths. I may be out of my depths here, but I have to do my job." Vraley said.

"You didn't seem so concerned while I was balls deep inside you. What changed?" I asked.

"I wasn't in my right mind. None of us are around you. Can't you tell that? When we're close, we get cum drunk? Your trouble for all of us, and it would have been better if we never met. Most of the town is dead now because of you." Vraley said.

She acted like I forced the town to abandon everything to chase me. As if they couldn't make their own decisions. It showed me finally exactly how disposable I was to them. Before, there were more important problems to think about. That hadn't changed, only I felt different. I no longer needed to locate spirit cores. Only the wall remained in the form of the dungeon. But I had to know something.

"Do the rest of you feel this way?" I asked.

Most of the girls went quiet. "Most of us aren't used to being around human males. You should have died by now." Kale said.

"Those gangsters weren't going to let you get away. Kale, you were already looking for a cheap male slave. Molly, you were hunting for Kale from the beginning. Lizzy, you didn't seem cum drunk at all when we first met. As for the rest of you, at any time, you could have left." I said.

"So, you're not going to take responsibility for any of the deaths," Vraley said.

"None of you would give me a second thought if I dried up and died. So, spare me your hypocrisy. If you want to search the dungeon for a missing girl, go ahead. The door is right there. I'm not leaving this place until I'm good and ready." I said.

Vraley glared at me. "You want me to go out into the dungeon alone." The deertaur asked.

"That's what I'm about to do. I guess you really are a deer, so skittish." I said.

My hand moved while I spoke and wrote the formations where I needed them. The texts from worshipped gods maintained their power even in a different universe. I couldn't care less why it worked as long as it continued to work. A triad symbol bound many different texts together while I designed a sidearm with the staff's power in mind. I had studied many texts about the basics of gunsmithing and even magic engineering. What I planned to do wasn't easy, but it was possible with the tools I had at my disposal. My primary tool, of course, was my cultivation and a diverse number of elements.

I took a small lump of steel from my inventory and began molding it into the shape of a barrel. Using my eyes, roll pins, and a spring-loaded trigger pull scale, I worked on a barrel and trigger. A mid-class metal core powered most of the formations inside. The trigger only covered and uncovered the formations for the firing mechanism. Steel was as easy to manipulate with my metal typing as wet clay.

A seed came free of my staff, full of all the experience my staff contained. Then, with the next generation in my hand, I grew the wood with the formations I needed and connected it to the barrel and trigger.

The results of my labor were a simple weapon as far as guns were concerned. But honestly, it was no more advanced than a primitive musket without the formations.

I moved the dark and fire spirit cores to their new home in my rifle and adjusted the weapon's grip and stock until they fit my hand perfectly. The barrel was long and thicker towards the stock and hollow in places. I needed to implant many more formations closer to the stock than towards the end.

Once it was finished, I grew a vine from a seed in my inventory. Next, I shouldered the weapon across my back with a few adjustments from the buttstock and forestock. Finally, just to facilitate the power of my weapon, I installed two vents just in front of the forestock. Hopefully, when I used the weapon, the excess energy would discharge from there instead of blowing up the weapon.

"Well, I'm done here. But, Kale, if you never want to see me again after this, I will understand." I said.

Kale walked over to me and slapped me across the face. I let my face move with the blow to keep from hurting her hand.

"I don't care about the rest of these bitches. But I'll be waiting in the tavern for you. Don't be late; we're leaving for Flank town in the morning." Kale said.

I grabbed her breasts and pressed her dark nipples together. Kale winced as I rubbed her slowly rising nipples together.

"For good luck then," I said and sucked on them.

Kale groaned. "You won't ever leave if you don't stop turning me on," Kale said.

At first, they were soft until my tongue brushed up against them, causing them to stand and harden. Then, before either of us could get too in to it, Molly pulled them away.

"Maybe we should all teleport away and let the dark lord's sentinel take care of it," Molly suggested.

"That is advisable," Terra said.

"No, I need to kill the dungeon myself," I said and approached the door.

"Do you want me to come with you? I'm fairly powerful, you know." Lizzy asked.

"No, I need to do this myself. I can't sense what's going on outside this room. There is no telling how dangerous it is out there." I said.