
“I saw her father, her eyes were as blue as the sky but so deep, her skin was white and pale, lovely as snow, like caramel mixed with honey was her scent, her red hearted shaped lips and she had the most beautiful smile ever, you know just her smile was beautiful but the background... ” Dim said detailing the woman he kept seeing in his dreams detailing all he could remember about her, shaking his head as he dug his finger in his hair confused about the particular image of this woman he kept seeing every time he fell asleep.

He remembered the first time seeing her, there was something or some foreshadowing which kept reviewing to him which he felt connected to. She had the most innocent smile but that wasn't all, even when she smiled her background was filled with images of tears and happiness so he decided to tell his father.

He was basically told that she was his future partner and the next Royal Queen but he wasn't convinced to believe it since he was seventeen and his wife had been chosen by his mother who looked nothing exactly like her brown eyes, flat lips, scent which smells like mangoes which actually makes him wonder if she actually uses mangoes for her scent because every time they went hunting she got traced by bees and she was going to be announced as his wife on his eighteen birthday which was also going to his coronation as a crowned Prince to take over his father.

He was the heir of King Zime Laurent and his father's kingdom a pride of all places the kingdom ruled by his father was a kingdom of profusion, and riches and they had the income of the greatest warriors and lineage of great Kings, ZUMA. His father fighting battles is the case of their true possession, warriors fought for the kingdom even if it cost their lives, they were in debt to save their kingdom than to lose it, many battles were more than enough, the riches and how much gold they had were just for the show but the true show was their strength. They went as far as limits to achieve this, death had no conquer to this kingdom.

“Dad, I don't know but seeing the dazzling smile of hers felt so magnificent and....” he frowned as he wanted to continue maybe he was getting so tensed up about nothing, and like everyone said she might just be his future partner who knew what destiny had in the hold of him.

He inhaled the scent of the waterfall, it was the middle of the night and the scent of the waterfall was more magnificent cooling his nerves down. The thirty-eight feet tall waterfall felt like a recipe to his disturbed mind as he felt a calmness and his stress been carried away, the scent was beautiful and had the coolest breeze which was why he decided to feel the breeze of the amazing waterfall by erecting his hut at the waterfall area meters always but still able to feel the breeze.

“You know son, maybe she's someone who is of more importance to this kingdom or maybe as said by our people she might be your future partner... you know the first time I recognized your mother's face...” his father was about to explain but was Interrupted by Dim.

“Yes father, you've said it like a million times, but I promise this dream is different, is like she is a close relative or someone who is closest to me but I promise there is nothing like that feeling that she's going to be married to me because she posses something just looking at her deep blue eyes and that face which looks like it's my face.” Dim tried to point out but his father was already yawning and stretching his hands

“Maybe I should go to bed and sleep now at least I should sleep without any problem now that the maiden your mum chose is not around at least I should get some sleep.” His father said

“Yes, father,” Dim said bowing his head a little as his father went to his hut, the waterfall was quite far from the palace and he took his father from the men who already camped their tents since they were going to have a war with the neighboring kingdom, the men his father and he had journeyed far from the palace taking it two days of journeying but because of the stress taken after two days journeying, everyone decided to rest in their tents while for him and his father, they were going to stay in his hut while the rest camped their tents and also because of the closeness between his hut and the waterfall every one knew how cooling the waterfall was.

He smiled seeing his father leave as he decided to stay to take some fresh air from the waterfall. He sat on the bank of the waterfall, the woman in his dreams seemed to have disturbed him a lot that he remembered how he gave complaints or talked about this woman for days now.

But all he was told by his father was a denial of her being real or the casual answer. It was midnight and yet again his father was woken up by him.

“Dim?....” he heard a feminine voice from behind. Dim turned around only to see his sister, Nema.

“What are you doing here?.” he asked surprised, Nema came closer with a smile on her face

“I came here to also fight a war,” she said jokingly as she continued to walk closer to him who already took it seriously.

He knew of the consequence of a woman attending a war or she been disguised as a man to face a war.

Before she could sit on the bank of the waterfall, Dim asked another question

“Did mother allow you? You know you are not supposed to be here, I'm sure mom is worried sick looking for y...”

“There is no need to paint words, I told mother I was coming to visit since we got the message and the maids came to give you guys food at least to continue your journey before fighting so I thought I could follow since I want to disturb my elder brother. ”

she said sitting on the bank of the waterfall as she placed her head on the shoulder of her brother whose hair was long enough to reach his waist and some rested on his shoulder. She removed the hair on his shoulder placing her head on it.

“You had that dream again?. ” she asked as her brother nodded.

She also knew about her brother's recent talks about the woman he kept seeing in his dream.

At first, it felt like a joke but when he began the discussion with his father, she knew he was been serious.

“I'm sure you'll figure it out sooner or later but I have one thing to say, if she is in your dream then she will be someone of great importance to this kingdom or her relation is connected to you, and seeing images of her in those backgrounds, she will find big challenges,” she said.