
My little tigress

Madison had it a long time since she last danced, since the festival that happened up to a month ago. She hadn't gone to dancing classes, so she went to the studio to take some dancing practice herself.

The group wasn't around and was not going to be around for three days straight so she decided to take one day for seven hours dancing after the swordsmanship lesson. She danced in the studio which had an entry of the room to the left side, a big mirror was at the side of the room and at the corner of the room were two drums which had two drummers playing them for her. The two drummers beat the drums for Madison as she danced to the rhythm of the beat, no doubt when she was an expert at this since five she'd been dancing and was very good at it but since she was a princess she had to reduce the talent of been a dancer not until the time she was able to speak up for them.

Meanwhile, George was able to get a connection to be able to speak to his dad. At first, he spoke to Daniel since his bro had been missing him, and Brianna since she was just told that he was only going for a mission didn't mind calling him even when she missed him. She wasn't going to call, he should focus on his and she would focus on hers that was what she always said when George asked if she was ever concerned about him. After the discussion with Daniel, George decided to put a call to his father.


“Hello, son.. how's the operation going on.”

“... Just okay, but father.. how many days are we going to do this?.”

“Till you're able to complete it, it depends on you.”

“Okay...but the princess is a very nice person breaking her heart isn't going to be easy for me. I think we should go with plan B.”

“I'm sorry but plan B is difficult at the moment.”

“Tsk George you know letting your heart control you is going to be a big risk for us. Listen attentively your job is to do according to your part well.”

“But dad…”

Before he could talk the other line of the phone was off. George was getting frustrated with this, that he couldn't think of what to do. He knew he would have to do this but his heart kept alarming him of the dangers he was going to cost her every time he thought of this whenever he just saw her smiling.

George was so frustrated that he couldn't do anything even if he had a heartache when he reminded himself that he was only loving her to snatch something from her. He couldn't think of what to do but only rack his brain for a perfect solution which he could create. The total stranger his father agreed with his father hadn't come to contact him which made him wonder why at least . If he was in contact he would be able to create some strategy and stop the person. He didn't know if he had his heart falling for Madison but all he could know was the feeling that way, yet he wasn't sure if it was love all he knew was that he didn't want to break her innocent heart.

George walked his way outside when he was thinking about his love and how he doesn't want to break her heart. Only to yank back from the thought to realize he was standing in front of Madison's room.

He raised his hand wanting to knock on the door when he thought he shouldn't but still he felt like seeing her. After some while of reasoning with himself this situation knowing he was hand-held, he knocked on the door just to get no response back. He stayed for another minute, who knew Madison would have been asleep or something that she didn't hear when one of the attendants came passing by?

He reached for her asking where Madison was as she gave him directions to where Madison was. He walked down the lane in the direction he was given when he came closer to a door he heard the sound of drums, he walked to the door and opened it only to see what he didn't see before.

MADISON WAS DANCING, he wondered if she was an expert at it or if she was learning a tutorial all he knew was the Madison he was looking at, wasn't the same just different this time. He looked at the room seeing at the big mirror that was placed on the left side of the room with some drummers there who were the ones drumming the drums, though it annoyed him seeing the way the drummers were looking at Madison still he was still surprised with the abilities of Madison to be able to dance perfectly, he smiled looking at Madison only to come up with a naughty thought.

Meanwhile, Madison was so caught in the dance that she didn't notice the presence of George. She kept dancing till she had a sudden reaction to the arm that embraced her from behind as she rest her head on the person's chest.

She was stunned by the sudden surprise she immediately turned her head to see who exactly had the guts to hug her from behind without her permission only to see a mischievous childish man with a smile on his face, she stared at the man's face the smile of his made him look breathtaking.

She gently turned her face back, looking at the mirror reviewing the couple. Madison wore a tulle line purple skirt with a crop purple blouse while the mischievous man wore casual cloth like always, his fashion sense since she'd seen him. A tunic top with white summer shorts.

“Maybe we could dance together like this,” George whispered into her ear placing his head on her neck resting his head on her face. Since he was taller he had to bend a little to face the big mirror which reviewed the adorable couple.

“You're crazy…” Madison replied as she turned around only to slap George on the chest.

“Ouch!.” he growled, though it was a light hit, he loved seeing Madison's reaction to everything she was been teased by him acting like a little tigress, his little tigress who always had the cute sour expression when she was been teased.

“What if someone sees us, silly boy.”

Though she was still in the embrace of George, George tightened the hug moving his face closer to her face staring at her deep blue hers, he pecked her forehead leaving Madison quite excited and shocked by George's sudden ways, she already had a shy face that made her lower her head a little bit.

“But there are two people here…" He said shifting his gaze to the drummers who were staring at them both like they just saw a ghost.

Madison gulped down her saliva staring at them, stating from the way the two were looking at them, she knew they were going to tell her parents. No secrets are kept away from her parents especially when the topic involved her. It spreads like wildfire.

“W-We'll take our leave.” she stuttered as she held George's hand leaving the room along with him.

“What are you doing?.” Madison asked immediately after they were out of the room.

“I miss you….” he pouted his lips mumbling like a child who wanted candy.