
An Hour Ago.....

George was feeling anxious, he felt deep emotions for Madison but the problem was that he couldn't define, all he knows was when Madison always had the idea of a suitor in life he'd always consider himself and when she brought up topics about suitors her mom was planning to choose for her, he always had the kind of fury in him.

Not because of her mom choosing one for her but because he was angry at himself. He didn't know when or how but in the passing days that flew past, he'd thought of having Madison by his side bound together, tied in a knot.

He lay on the flatbed looking at the ceiling of the hut while he was thinking about it. He just wanted a peaceful life and this couldn't be solved anymore even if he wanted this no more.

Knock! Knock!!

He stood up from his bed wondering who exactly came to visit him. Especially when he wasn't expecting anyone, he thought it may be Madison as he ran his short race to the door opening the door only to see a woman standing at the door who looked like she was in her forties, with long hair which reached to her shoulders let down, hazel brown eyes, bridge nose but at the perfect fit, wearing a pink attire that was like a mermaid dress reaching to her knee but this time, it did look like the scale of fish was designed with the clothing but still had a perfect perfume to the surrounding.

“Good morning….” he lowered his head greeting the woman. He wasn't sure who she was but seeing the woman he had a befitting surprise about the woman visiting him.

The both of them stood still at the door for seconds on three ticks after the woman greeted George back. This was when noticed he noticed the way the woman was looking at the room.

“How may I help you ma'am?,” the woman giggled at what he said, now this is when she spoke;

“It seems I haven't introduced myself. I'm Dora Lim, Madison's mother. Madison told me a lot about you so I decided to see who my daughter was talking about since I wasn't able to see you when you came.”

“Oh my, my apologies…” he said bowing his head which made Dora giggle at his reaction.

“Stop with the formalities.. you'll be my daughter's future husband so stop being shy in front of me when most especially we'll soon become in-laws.”

“Future husband…” he murmured to himself.

“Did you say something, don't you love or are you just bugging my daughter…” she stared at him with a dreadful devilish look like she was going to kill him as George gulped his saliva right in position.

“No ma'am. I...and... Madison...are..?.”

“In a relationship…" she chipped in, with this he couldn't utter any word and just stared at her, how was he going to explain his emotions toward Madison's mom when he doesn't understand the relationship between him and Madison other than being a game.

He was crazy to have felt he couldn't explain, this was some kind of game and he didn't want to fall in love with a teenager especially when her heart is still tender and mild. Someone like her never deserved someone like him, he lowered his head catching Dora's notice.

With this she had her meaning, she was so happy that a smile was welcome on her face.

“I know you're shy especially explaining your feelings. My daughter is at the age of marriage, there is no problem with her marrying you and I know Madison would agree to this. She is also shy about expressing her feelings when I spoke to her about you and her relationship. But you can't fool me, I was once your age so I clearly understand this, and seeing how things are taking out between the both of you I know you two love each other and are both in a relationship but haven't noticed it yet. Madison is eighteen, I want her to get married to someone who is worth her and loves her, someone that will be able to protect her and care for her, have her children and a perfect family that's what I wish for my daughter and I pray that the Almighty answers my prayers.”

“But she as you as her family," George tried to talk out. Dora smiled at him before replying to what he'd said:

“Yes I know but you are also her life and she will be happy if you become her family officially and I will also be a mother…”


“If Madison would become the queen then she would need someone by her side to comfort her, love her support her. Always there for her and cheer her up, my needs are the best out of the rest and you are the best. No one is better. She chose one precious gem out of a million, one out of a million men she could chose. You are her precious gem, George...I know you will make her happy. And also.." she brought back her blank face.

“Don't you know of how widely fast about you and Madison's public affection has been going on?.”

“You two are getting out of control we have to get you married as fast as we could or else…" she added hitting his chest which made George blush and Dora laugh at his reaction. This was the beginning of George's progress the first step toward entering the throne and soon it was going to be of mission completed.

Back to the present…..

George walked right up to Dora with a smile as he gave her the hug he could give to his mother. The hug from the heart. He bend a little because he was three inches taller, hugging her with the best gratitude.

“Thank you, ma'am…”

“Tsk, there's no need for you to thank me and you really should call me, mother,” she said patting his back.

“Okay, thank you….mother.” the word ‘mother’ coming back into his lips and pronouncing it felt glorious after years of not saying that word. He sniffed his nose, his eyes were almost bringing tears, he held back his tears as Dora released the hug gently as caressed his cheek

“There's no need to hesitate...I'm like your mother now even if you're not my real son. And I will love you as a real mother will do for her child. ” she said smiling at him as George nodded his head to understand what she said.

“Go, you should go now I'm sure the naughty grumpy girl would need an explanation so you should go.”

“Okay mother…” he said excusing himself from the scene as Dora turned her back to look at George's back.

Then she turned back heaving a deep breath as she walked towards the arrow and bow which was on the ground, she took it looking at it. It was time for her to play a little game, it's been a long since she'd done archery, and she hoped her professionalism was still intact and she could play it perfectly.