
Me and my broken heart

“It was all a mistake Briana, she was offering herself to me and I….”

“You single handled gave your filthy body to her right?." She interrupted him closing her eyes and stopping herself from crying.

“Max if you offer yourself to her then tell me who am I to you, tell me so I could get it straight,” she added

“But tell me, Briana, this is all a joke remember….our relationship, Briana you've always said….”

“Yes I know I said it Max...I could die for you, leave the world for you just to be your bride…" She added as now the tears started coming out but she squinch her eyes stopping herself from crying after crying a little bit.

“I loved you...I loved you, Max, I loved you Max but you know one thing that was then, that! was!! then!!! That was then Max!!!.”

She switched off her phone angrily throwing the phone at the wall.

The urge she had been keeping finally came out as tears began to flow out of her eyes. She finally had her weeping, those tears she'd kept within her. She'd wondered whether she was this weak.

“Why! Why!! Why!!!.” she yelled in her top voice. As she used her pillow to scream out her frustration.

“Why Max!!!!!!"

From down Briana's wing some of the maids kept hearing tears from someone knowing it must have been Briana since it was coming from the direction of her room.

“What's going on?.” Hemila one of the maids asked as she sat on the kitchen's pavement. Cynthia who was busy cooking for the other maids and herself also as permission that they should take food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

“Hemila, you need not bother and besides it's her privacy we are not to intrude, we are just helpers and we should attend to them and do the work given to us."

She said still cooking what she was cooking, Cynthia was always like this never cared about what happened in the house except what she was given, and wasn't into gossip like the rest, once something came across gossip.

Hemila became concerned especially when it came to matters that had to do with Briana. Since they were of the same age.

“I just feel sad hearing her cry..." She said standing up from the kitchen's pavement.

“Or maybe I should go meet her. ”

“Hemila...what?...” Cynthia tried to reach her but she was already gone. Cynthia sighed as she continue to do the food other people were hungry and she can't waste time preparing food because of her.

Briana kept weeping till she heard the knock on the door, Briana did hear the knock on the door but she felt useless enough that she didn't even bother to respond so Hemila welcomed herself not completely but she just opened the door peeking through the door.

“Could I come in?.” Hemila asked.

Though Briana saw it was Hemila and wanted to talk to someone at least someone to share her problem with she just nodded which surprised Hemila because she thought she was going to ask for some space.

“Why are you crying??." Hemila asked standing meters away from the bed.

“You could tell me if you want." She added still standing and staying there for a few minutes then she walked towards the bed.

“Sorry..." Hemila said once she sat on the bed.

“Why?..." Briana stared at her with red soaky eyes, now Hemila could already see that she'd cried a lot.

“Because you feel disappointed and somehow useless now, right?.” Hemila smiled hoping Briana would at least tell her why she was crying.

“Hemila if I'm happy then..."

“I'm going to be happy." She cut her

Briana smiled and wiped the tears off her face, she raised her head to stare at the ceiling before she looked back at Hemila before she talked;

“Why is it that love is always there to break someone's heart? Why is it that the ones who we love are the ones to break our hearts deeply?."

“Well sometimes is just that the ones we love are the ones that affect us the most especially when it comes to our hearts. Someone who we love dearly could affect us dearly. You know since the day my father abandoned my mum and me, it always made me wonder why my father was so cruel enough to leave his family. So since that day I only made in mind nothing was more important than Agape love."

“Hemila, you're so religious....” Briana said laughing, which made Hemila pout her lips but she was happy that Briana was happy.

“Though I may be religious that doesn't mean I don't believe in love, you know I made Christ my boyfriend since I don't have one yet but still if I find one I want true love..."

“Hm, you know I just wonder if I'm still going to find love more than the one I found in Max."

Hemila sighed holding one of Briana's hands as she smiled at her;

“You will find love that is more true than the one that you had for Max and that's a promise. Max may not be one of you who knows and if truly he's the one for you then the Almighty wouldn't separate both of you. Max may haven't done what you are thinking about."

“About what??." Briana tried to act normal like she knew nothing but Hemila knew better.

“I know you are angry at him and he'd done something to upset you. But I promise if the boy tries to do some thing wrong against your will then I'll be ready to give him a hard reply. Who knows he might be a venomous snake but if he apologizes then there is nothing in accepting him back."

She said caressing Briana's cheek as to wipe the tears on her face.

“Thank you..." Briana smiled.

“So now that I'm done here I think I should leave. If you feel lonely I'm there for you.” Hemila said getting off the bed with Briana still holding her hand.

“You don't need to go, you could still accompany me since I am still lonely a bit," Briana said still holding her which compelled Hemila to stay and since Briana requested, she sat back on the bed.

“And I know Cynthia would probably scold you but don't worry I'll ask her not to get angry at you besides you were just been concerned about me," Briana said.

“That's fine by me..." Hemila said and then she sat back on the bed as the two began to talk, talking about different stories and some were actually about the type of man they wanted (that was Hemila).


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