
Janitor's closet

Mid scene here, if you're uncomfortable with it. Please skip the chapter

In the capital city...

At Briana's school (Young Jazz Uni)

Briana looked at the wall clock of the class, time was already ticking but it was so slow.

She drummed her pen on the desk lightly waiting for the next class to come, it was just one more class then she was out. And now she looked at the bell, seven minutes more but the time was so slow and the teacher, felt like hell listening to teacher.

Blabbing about this and that she felt like muting the mouth of the teacher till the seven minutes was done. She massaged her temples waiting for the class to end.

After minutes finally, the bell, rang she took her backpack walking her way to the next class. When she felt her hand being pulled into the janitor's closet.

"What.." she tried retracting her hand but the person was strong enough that he pulled her into the janitor's closet. She looked at the room only to see a dim ray of light, the room was dim.

"Who is that?.." she was about to retract her hand, that was been held when the person pinned her to the wall. She tried to release her hand from the wall. When the person finally spoke.

"Calm down…" hearing the voice she tried to recollect where she had heard that voice. It was so familiar and when she recognized the voice she was stunned.

How dare he?, How dare the rascal, he was the one and last person she wanted to see, besides she looked at his face, trying to see through the light, and yes it was him. She felt like slapping him over and over after all the things he did to her if not that he was pining for her hand.

"Max…" she clenched her fist, what did he want now.

"What are you doing here and… leave my hand now!!." She struggled hard but he was quite strong. She looked at him in disguise.

"I'm sorry…" He spoke out, she felt angry, angry, and annoyed she felt like killing him.

He was only apologizing after what he had done, like hell what was he thinking that she was going to forgive him easily this time?

" You think I'm going to forgive you this time, I hate.." before she could finish her sentence Max sealed his lips on her lips, which made Briana shocked with this. She like the warmth of his lips brought her back to the sensation and memories of the time they had made fuck together.

He left her lips going down as he started sucking her neck, she raised her head giving him more entrance. She loved this about his touch and kisses, the more he did the more her body felt delighted just in the sense that it was all right.

"Hmm…" she moaned as Max kissed his way down to her shoulder giving her a light gentle touch followed by a sensitive kiss that sent shivers down her body. Then he moved to the chest as he removed the hand from her top when Briana stopped him.

"No Max, we…" she wasn't able to finish her sentence as Max kissed her on the lips again coming down with all the social activities that go on in whatever the kiss was taking to. The exploiting, the kung-fu tongue fight and tasting of whatever saliva it's there. Even if one would have bad breath (just joking).

"Hmm... I miss you…" Max said after releasing the kiss looking deep into her eyes with no emotions just his eyes, may be lust though but still eye to eye.

Briana gently removed her hand this time, because he let go. As she reached to his cheeks.

"Why do you do this to me, was...was she any better?. Max, please tell me, have I wronged you in any way for you to do it to me? Max, I love you. I still love you."

Briana said with tears coming out from her eyes, pouring all her hidden attitude and emotions. ( Not like she was left on the wedding day, lol), Max looked at her wiping her cheeks that had tears.

"No, no, no... believe me I tried to stop her. I actually tried to push her away but all of a sudden I began to feel dizzy and then I was feeling the heat and… Briana you know that you are the only one that I love."

He spurted lies through his mouth but Briana looked at his eyes to see if he was saying the truth and if those original naked eyes still said "I love you" fortunately for her all she saw were naked eyes and lust clearly shown.

She remembered when Hemila spoke to her during their other discussion section;

"Sometimes the one we love might be the one to hurt us but who knows what they are doing might not be their fault. Who knows if Max is truly a liar but Briana please this time don't make yourself fall into his demands who knows what sin he might may you commit? You already shedding tears don't make it your sorrow."

Max was about to kiss her when she held him by the shoulder stopping him.

"Max, you don't love me…" she said turning her face to the left side barely looking at him.

"What?!!." Max was livid inside, what was she saying, he stared at her with fury having a creased brow that showed the wrinkles on the forehead.

"Who do you think you are?.. Tell me what exactly you think of me." He held her two arms pinning her back to the wall.

"Max please, my arm… Max, you are hurting me. Please leave my arm…" she begged him as Max shook her arm and tighten her arm. Briana shook her body trying to release herself from his grip.

"Why?. Briana, I'm saying I didn't do anything so why can't you accept it why are you stubborn? I'm telling you it was that I wasn't in my right state of mind. Oh, I see tell me who is he? Tell me who?." Briana looked at him with shock, what did he think of her now, he continued to shake her arm.

"Max please let me go."

"I wouldn't, now tell me who is he?." He said moving forward as he gave her a rough kiss on her chest.

"Max stops it …" he was on his way to her breast as he removed the handle of her bra. Briana still tried but Max was strong that he held her grip on the wall. He was about to remove the bra and Briana began to cry flowing tears out when he heard his name.

"Max!!!." The two of them turned to the person at the door seeing how furry the person was.


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