
Jealous, childish couple

George and Madison rode their way to the ocean and since it was a competition, Madison went to the place as fast as she could making her arrive at the ocean first. She was faster and George allowed her to beat him being the good boyfriend that he is.

" Yeh!!!!.... I won!!!!..." Madison said getting off the horse. She took the rein of the horse tiring it to a tree that was near the ocean so it won't let loose. Once she tied it like a child she giggled her way to the beach.

"Yeh!!! I won!!!. I beat you, you see you should never dare me ever. I can't believe the Lord of horse riding got beaten by me…" she giggled jumping like a kid who had just won a trophy or was going on a school trip with others.

Meanwhile, George tied the rein of the horse to the tree just to be safe he tied it on the same tree Madison tied hers.

He could already see Madison dance on the sand, he walked his way to the beach looking at Madison jumping like a kid. He smiled seeing the way Madison was so excited, she looked so cute the way she was so excited that he felt like kissing her all over and over, making him remember their intimacy which was just a day to go.

What type of culture makes a woman have an intimate relationship with their fiancée before their wedding night? He knew he had to do something to divert this so he could keep Madison's virginity, taking her kingdom was fine but her innocence it's not like he was a monster.

He was not good for her especially when he had planned on taking something from her. This put a frown on his face but he was quick in changing his mood back to a smile, he didn't want to give Madison any reason to be suspicious or tensed about why he was so unhappy. And he knew for sure Madison was going to mock him seeing him for beating him but he didn't want her to think her winning was something he hated so he applied a smile on his face.

The way she was so excited looked like she was a five-year-old jumping down the beach.

When Madison was finally done with the chanting and jumping because she had won, that was when she looked around to check if George had arrived, after checking she finally saw him. She smiled seeing him as she walked up to him, she knew she won't miss the chance of mocking him.

"Do you remember Mr. Goddess when you were saying, ' I'm going to win…. blablabla… See I told you not to dare me but see I beat the king of horse riding right in his face." Madison said running towards him. When she got to him she pointed her finger at him.

"This is what you should be going right now…" she began to do the baby expression of a crying baby.

"Then I'll be like… good for you, good for you. I hope you don't dare me again because I'm the best at horse racing."

She said walking around him as she mocked him.

"Really??..." George finally spoke when Madison stood in front of him.

"Okay…" he raises his two arms, hanging them up like someone who just surrendered themselves to the police after being caught.

"Okay, you win for this round but I don't think you would win me to the sea." Before he could speak of any word Madison already ran towards the sea.

"Catch me if you can…" Madison yelled running to the sea. She was really silly that she even ran fast as she could but George who had longer legs was able to catch her from behind.

"Hahh!!!." She shouted when she found herself being lifted from the ground already that George carried her from behind.

"George put me down…"

"Why??." He said in a joking manner.

"Because... because, if you do then you will win. You will, so please drop me down."

"Only on one condition…"


"Once I drop you down, you will give me a kiss."

Madison placed her hand on her chin rubbing it like she was thinking about the condition, but she was not just to make George see that the condition was hard for her to accept or not.

"No, and yes…" Madison replied


"No, and yes… I can't just kiss you now because I have… because… I…. Because actually if I answer then you won't let me take a small swim."

"How would I and remember you can't swim.."

"Hah, you don't get it. People like you are long kissers but I promise once you drop me down I will give you a short kiss and once I just swim for a small not that much, I love myself beside you can get your kiss as long as you want."

"Oh wow, Miss Madison I didn't know you are good at turning a condition into a condition. But okay." He gently placed her down as Madison turned to give him a peck instead on the lips.

"Here are you happy.." she ran towards the sea George was surprised by her action.

"Hey!, Wait I didn't say you should stop…" he ran after Madison.

"First caught me then I'll give you a long kiss…" she giggled running around the sand as George followed her.

Meanwhile, at a distance from the front view of the sands, Dora was staring at the couple as they played around the sea making her smile.

"Such a sweet couple…" she chuckled seeing how the couple playing on the sands and sea. She looked at them remembering her husband never did this with her. So she stepped her foot to the room to go scold her husband to do this type of romantic moment with her.

Back to the couple…

They both had their fun moment as they both decided to take a seat on the sands after teaching Madison a small lesson on how to swim. Madison and George looked at the sea as Madison placed her head on George's shoulder.

"Madison…." Madison heard a whisper turning her head to the back to see who was calling her.

"George… did you call me?." She asked George but he shook his head. Madison just sighed as she looked at the sea.

"George I want to take a short swim please…"

" Madison I don't think…" before he could finish Madison had already run towards the sea. George just stared at her looking at how happy she was.

"Wehhhhhhhhhhh!!!." Madison shouted swimming.

" Hey, Madison wait for me.." George said running to the sea.

Madison laughed seeing George running, she stood up about to go out of the sea, when something came wrong.

"Madison!!!." George shouted running towards her.


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