
Amazing building

Coming out from the bathroom Roseanna heaved a deep breath already dressed in her pajamas she walked towards the mirror that was in her room checking her face and applying some facial creams on just for the night time before she went to the bed, dropping her glasses on the table that was beside her bed before she laid her body flat on the bed to sleep. She sighed opening her eyes for a few seconds as she was staring at the ceiling and then all of a sudden her world changed. Roseanna found herself in someone's place. She looked around wondering what was happening and then she saw that the person seemed to be driving a trailer. She tried talking to the person but it felt like she wasn't even there, she was not able to see the face of the person that was driving but from the side view she could sense fear was in the person. "Sir" she was about speaking to the man there when her eyes turned to the view of his front, her eyes widened seeing where the man was going.