A Name To Remember If You've Been Together

Instead of doing this, Javier untied Yona's hand, which was already powerless, even if Javier did it again. Javier was sure that this woman would not be able to resist, other than resigning herself to accepting any treatment for her body.

Javier picked up Yoan and laid her properly in the middle of the bed, then pulled the blanket up.

Holding her in a hug.

In Javier's arms, of course, Yona felt something still tense up perfectly. "You want to sleep?"

"Mm..." Javier tightened his embrace giving Yona a sense of comfort.

"Are you sure? With your towering, arrogant state."

Javier chuckled. "Then? Can you still? I don't want to force it."

"Probably need a shower and some food, my body feels sticky and your sheets are wet, I couldn't bear to go to the toilet earlier."

"Why do you have to go to the toilet?" Javier asked pretending.

Yona thought a little. "I peed earlier," he said innocently.

"Mm… it doesn't have to be to the toilet." Javier slightly shifted his position so he could see Yona. His hand gently stroked Yona's hair.

Yona also looked at him it felt so warm and comfortable.

"How old are you? You just felt like that?"

Yona almost tensed up but she was used to being asked that. But it's just that he was in an unprepared state because the man's gaze was very gentle.

"Of course, I'm an adult, it's just… just feeling it." Yona nodded slightly.

Javier didn't want to corner Yona anymore. "Then your boyfriend really sucks." He then hugged her.

"I don't have a boyfriend," Yona replied curtly like an angry teenager.

"O...yes? Good, I'm glad to hear that." Javier chuckled and hugged him tighter. It seems that Yona's heart is troubled, is it because of the strange climax earlier? Yona again listened to Javier speak. "You find out, um… a climax like earlier, you will find a lot of answers on the internet and even videos. I can't explain more."

Javier approached Yona's ear. "If I remember earlier, I don't think I can stand even just waiting for you to shower."

Yona's cheeks turned red, it was only her who was comfortable but turned hungry at this time.

"Go take a shower, I'll order some food. Don't lock it."

Gosh… Javier's eyes are so seductive right now, that Yona's whole body responds to the mist of passion that Javier gives off. "I'll take a shower first, maybe we'll do this now if I don't go." Yona woke up with her innocence and stepped out of bed.

Then turned slightly closed his chest and put his legs together. "Where's the bathroom?"

Javier pointed to a corner of the room behind the wall. "Behind that wall." Javier saw how the teenager was walking away. Her tiny back, the gaze at the question that was clear, she was still innocent but forced to grow up.

It's a shame that his teenage years had to be ruined by adults like him. Javier sighed even though he wasn't that bastard who used women, he still felt guilty for making women slaves to satisfaction.

Javier immediately put on his shorts and ordered food, it was getting late it seemed like tonight would be a long night, or maybe the two of them would stay up all night to satisfy each other.

Javier rubbed the back of his neck, where did the guilt go. That girl does have extraordinary charm ahh… Javier's mind is already messed up. What else to imagine how the girl's body explored the flow of water.

"Can I ask you a favor?" Yona asked from the bathroom, she just poked her head from behind the wall. "I need towels and clothes, your shirt is okay too. It feels like the clothes I'm wearing are uncomfortable."

Javier just got his sanity. "Of course, miss. You just have to go forward there's a door in the corner. All my clothes are in there, except the women's." Javier smiled slightly. It was as if Yona's heart was beating again.

"Okay." Yona went to the room. Just opened the door, the cool air is also a very masculine smell, this room has glass walls, we can immediately see the sky. Rows of closets without lids are also shirts with sequential colors, if black then all black is lined up. If it's blue, from dark blue to light blue everything is neatly arranged.

For a moment Yona was still watching the whole room. So far there has never been a man who brought her home, the relationship that Yona had was only limited to the hotel lobby. It feels like this will also be the same, tomorrow morning Yona will return to life as a student.

Yona pulled on a black shirt and quickly put it on.

"Very striking color selection." Javier comments when Yona just left. He himself was still setting the spoon.

Yona saw herself from toe to thigh-length black shirt. "I think I chose the darkest color, so it doesn't look tempting."

Javier chuckled. "That's even more of a contrast to the Asian coolies you have and woo… it's getting brighter, I see."

"What kind of seduction is that?" Yona sat in her chair. Meanwhile, Javier returned to setting the plate in front of Yona, preparing the food that the girl would eat. And all so tantalizing from the smell of burnt meat, gosh. Yona is really hungry now.

"That's not the kind of seduction, um… a compliment."

Yona laughed. This atmosphere was very comfortable as if the two had been connected for a long time, no one felt that the two of them were in love one night and that night, after eating and watching television for a while, the two returned to satisfy each other on the sofa, then went to a bed who knows how many times they both reached their peak.

Towards morning Yona was disturbed in Javier's arms, remembering it was Monday morning. Yona has to go to school and also this is her final year at school, there are many activities leading to the final exam. Yona tapped her forehead silently, she should have been home last night.

Yona slowly shifted from Javier's body. At first, the man was disturbed, but because he was tired he continued to sleep after he managed to get out of the man's body.

Yona put on her clothes and saw her face in the mirror she looked pale with enlarged eye bags.

Yona took Javier's sunglasses and then polished his lips a little. The clothes that were deliberately dried last night so as not to smell can now be put back on by Yona, just before leaving the room. Yona could see the man's face from a distance. It feels like something is cracked.

Yona stepped out of the room, somehow this separation felt heavy. Yona wants to stay but there are too many things to prepare and also this is just a one-night love what does Yoan hope for? He dismissed all feelings and stepped back firmly leaving memories that would never be repeated.

Yona pressed the elevator button, for the last time she saw the door and the elevator closed in a gaze framed by sunglasses. He should have asked for a name, at least to be remembered. If you've ever spent a night with a guy and Yona liked it like someone who had taken something precious but then left Yona in tears.