True Friend

"Where are you going?" asked Yona. Seeing Biyan's pale face.

"I have to see Mading. What if my scholarship is revoked?" Biyan's face is not as tough as before. It doesn't matter if he gets insulted or anything but don't go to school, his mother really wants Biyan to graduate well.

Biyan ran to Mading school, followed by Yona. While someone smiled lopsidedly feeling satisfied to see Biyan so scared.

Together they ran, finally they arrived in front of the Mading school. Gosh… there are still many people who saw last night's news as well as how the edited body seemed to be Biyan because of his face there.

"What are you guys doing, still here? It's not Biyan already!" Yona's eyes were sharp at this time, she just stared back.

"Cheap girl," laughter and ridicule still came out of the mouths of other students when passing by Biyan, some even accidentally bumped into his shoulder.

"Don't worry Bii… I'll definitely find that bad guy, he's obviously jealous of you."

Bian smiled stiffly. Confused about how to respond. What made other people jealous of him to have to tire of doing this?

"Mm… we're going back to class."

Yona followed Biyan walking beside him. "I also want to explain to the homeroom teacher about this photo. I will be a witness if anyone dares to use these photos as an excuse so you don't get another scholarship."

"What if I get kicked out?" Biyan asked his feet automatically stopped when he got that thought.

Yona was also silent. "Let's just change schools," he continued firmly looking at Biyan. "Let's repeat from the last class."

Biyan smiled back stiffly then hugged Yona tightly. Yona also hugged Biyan tightly.

"Why did you have to leave? This is my problem."

"That photo is not true, it's clear that the person wants to spread lies, Biyan. I will ask Rex for help to uncover who the culprit is. I'm sure the money will easily make everyone talk!" Yona determined with a sharp gaze.

"Don't say anything to him!"

"What? Come on… Bii. He's looking at you with such deep eyes, his age doesn't matter."

"No, no… I don't mind the age either."

"Then?" Yona asked.

"Never mind… I don't want to talk about him here, let alone help. Maybe he'll be angry that his face is insulted next to mine."

"Sometimes I hate your lowly attitude, Biyan." The two of them walked back to class.


The first lesson ended but it didn't stop the noise in the school group even the teacher had to turn off incoming messages except the teacher.

Biyan stood in front of his homeroom desk. "I've heard witnesses from Yona and Rose as well as your other friends. Even the school is still investigating whether it's true that the photos were just edits."

Biyan just lowered his head to listen to his homeroom teacher. "If the photos are real, I can't save you."

Biyan lifted his face. "I did go to the beach, but I didn't do anything bad."

"Those words won't help, Biyan. If you're with an adult male over there, you think proving doesn't do anything of value to the school?"

"The school will still issue you because you are there, whether you are dating or not is not the school's business. What is clear is that you have tarnished the name of our school."

Every word that the guardian emphasized by tapping a pen on the table proved that this matter was not easy.

"I'm still begging the school to investigate first. Now you can leave and wait for the next step."

Weak Biyan came out of the room, the good thing was that the homeroom teacher believed in Biyan even though he might not be able to help much later.

It is still a big question for Biyan who did all this. What is certain is that the perpetrator really hates and doesn't like Biyan.

Biyan's body seemed to be tied with very strong ropes, even just holding his head up felt like Biyan couldn't do it. Watching all eyes turn contemptuously at him, Biyan really wasn't a cheap girl, let alone a prostitute.

Biyan is short of breath and even his name is often called secretly even in his own class, all his friend's gossip as if Biyan is not there.

Yona who continued to defend him relentlessly even had to hit the table when they were all already booing loudly.

There was nothing Biyan could do but be quiet, he still didn't know what to do. In fact, Biyan was with Rex on the beach.

During class time Biyan did not listen at all. His mind was torn apart, everywhere.

He couldn't think straight. What if her mother knew about this matter, it was clear that Biyan would see the deep sadness in Elis' eyes.

"Bii," Yona called for the second time.

Biyan looked sadly at Yona. "My mother shouldn't know about this."

Biyan tried his best to keep the tears from spilling out.

Yona hugged Biyan tightly, wanting to share her sadness. Compared to her who doesn't have a mother who gave birth, Yona can feel what it's like to have a biological mother.

Two hours passed the recess bell rang loudly it was a savior for the students from the ongoing lesson.

"Have a good rest kids." said the teacher then left the class.

One by one Biyan's friends left the class.

"Let's go to the cafeteria I'm already vAery hungry." Rose is ready to stand up and invite all her friends to the canteen, including Biyan.

"Later Rose. You go first," Biyan's voice was still weak. Yona was still watching him from the side.

Want to help Biyan but not sure what to do? For now, Yona can only give encouragement.

Rose and Yona looked at each other then Rose left the class

Biyan glanced at the bench at the far right when he heard the whispers of the girls all starting to talk about it. Biyan sighed softly once again he could only be silent.

Biyan is the laziest to look for problems or even to defend himself because no matter how the truth is revealed. People are more likely to believe lies for the pleasure of insulting people.

Biyan stood up from his chair better he go now.

"Where are you going?" asked Yona who also stood up.

"To the cafeteria." even if going there doesn't change the situation Biyan will continue to stand past all the children.

"There's no need to listen to anyone else Biyan, except Master!" As support, Yona smiled a little. Biyan Optus is grateful to have a friend like him.