Want A Ride?

"And why is that?" um well how should I say this? whatever i will just show you my face so that you will judge for yourself and also don't tell anyone that I showed you my face okay? umm okay alright here I go", as soon as I said that I removed my mask. I saw him just staring at me like he had just seen a ghost and I wondered what he was thinking about. I started blushing when I noticed that he was staring for to long.

Andrew's POV...

As I saw her I felt myself falling into a deep abyss so I thought is it a crime to give someone such a beautiful face?. I felt like I was been drawn in her everything, and i just could not help but keep staring. When i saw her blushing i realized that i had stared to much. " oh umm... I am sorry for staring you just look so ethereal that I couldn't stop staring "that okay I knew this was going to happen", she said as she started wearing her mask back.

story continues..

"sooo.. how what do you think?"

"I think that you should not show your face to anyone except your husband and me of course but don't always show me when I ask.

"I am pretty sure that he is going to be my husband, wait what am I think about? how can I say that he is going to be my husband?" cassie hits here head with frustration while Andrew just looked at her in amusement .

"well it seems like the bell just rang''

''Okay we will talk later bye''


"Now that was not so bad, wait a minute what am I still doing here", Cassie thought as she ran back to her class.

After School...

'' omg its Andrew'' cassie looked ahead just to find girls gathering around Andrew.

''What exactly is their problem can't they leave him even for a second?''

'' No not really'' cassie heard someone say behind her back only to see a girl with a round small cute face.

'' Hi I am Betty bright What's your named'', betty said as she stretched her hand out.

' I am cassie'', cassie said as she shook betty's hand

'' So what were you saying about not leaving him?''

'' Oh yeah, it seems like you are new here. Andrew collins is not from a small family, his family is among the top richest family's in contry U no his family is the number 1 in country U so every single one of these girls want to get on his bed especially mandy'', betty said as she looked to where Andrew was.

'' GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!'', Mandy said coming with her minions.

''Hey Andrew'', she said twisting a strand of her hair.

''Are you free? want to have dinner with me?'', Andrew just looked at her with that look that is saying '' what are you doing'' but he still continued maintaining his cold face.

'' No I am not free, I am having dinner with someone already'', he said as he left to enter his car.

'' Alright girl it seems like to party's over and i need to go home'', betty said as she took cassie's number.

'' Lets talk tommorrow bye''.


''Now that was stressing'', cassie said sighing. '' how am i going to get home?'', cassie thought wondering how she was going to get home when she heard a car sound behind her.

''Want a ride'', cassie turned to see Andrew smiling

'' Hmm let me think.... okay sure'', cassie said smiling while cassie was getting into the car Andrew's driver was looking at andrew in surprise like since when did the ice block start smiling.

''since you are here why don't you have dinner with me''

''I am not sure that I can, because my parent would'nt like it if I got home late'', cassie said with a sad face.

''Just for an hour please'', andrew said while putting on a cute face. Cassie could not help but blush when she saw his pleading face while the driver felt he was about to puke blood. who am i, where am i, am i still alive?.