Does This Answer Your Question.

Cassie was having mixed emotions when she was being pulled away by Andrew. She just could not get out the fact that he pulled her out of the class while it was still going on.

"Thanks for your help", Andrew said as he stopped once that had reached the rooftop.

"it is no problem, after all you also helped me ,this is what friends are for", Cassie said as she smiled brightly.

"But why did you pull me away from class?", Cassie asked confused about his action.

"Uh, I have no idea. It just felt like the best thing to do at the moment", Andrew scratched his head feeling slightly embarrassed. 

"It's okay I guess", Cassie just smiled lightly.

"What happened to you when you went to go wash your hands", Cassie asked because at the time of the incident, she was pretty surprised with the wauy he reacted.

"It's nothing, I just don't like it when people touch me".

" Oh, wait i also touched you this morning. Does that mean that I made you uncomfortable?", Cassie worriedly looked at him feeling like she made a mistake.

"No no, It's okay if it is you. for some reason I have no problem with you touching me", Andrew said as he held her hands between his.

"Anyway how are we going to this project, seeing as we just ran away from class and don't forget that we have to give the teacher an explanation.", Cassie asked as she looked at Andrew with a questioning gaze.

"About us just running out of class, I would come up with something so you don't have to worry.",Andrew stated thinking about how the project is going to and where they should go to do the project. If they go to his house his parents might pressure her and he does not know if Cassie parents will allow him so he decided to just ask her. Besides they need a quite place devoid of so much noise.

"What will you parents say if i decide to come over to your house?", Andrew asked curiously waiting for Cassie's answer.

" I don't know", Cassie said looking at Andrew with a worried face.

"So what are we supposed to do now", Cassie asked still looking worried . Andrew thought about it and the best course of action was for her to come to his house.

"You can come to my house, I think that this is the best idea that I can think of, there would be no on there to disturb us or anyone that will know you so what do you say?"

"Well since it is the only way then i will go with it, I just need to ask my parent for their opinion", Cassie said worried about what her mother's answer was going to be.

"You don't have to look so worried you can just tell them that you are going to a friends place"

"Yeah i wish i could just say that, but my mother will catch on the lie because i don't have friend apart from Betty which she doesn't even know about, so how can i lie to her, that will just be the same as digging my own grave. If I lie my mother will be the first to catch me, you should know how mothers are no matter what you hide they will always find about it"

"So you are going to tell them the truth?", Andrew asked with his eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, I mean it is not so hard, my mom is a very understanding person beside i will just tell them that I am going to a friends house for a project", Andrew was about to rise another question when Cassie replied him " and if they ask whether it is a boy or girl i will tell them the truth so deal?", she said looking at him

"Deal well meet me after school so that i will drop you off"


"No buts i will drop you and that is final", Andrew said with a serious face

"Okay", Cassie said signing.

"Well since that is all lets go get ready for our next class, biology would be already finished if we go back now", Andrew said as the bell rang, pulling Cassie up.

"Okay",Cassie answered as both of them left the rooftop.

After School...

Cassie just got out when she found Betty outside waiting for her.

"Hey babe how are you?", Betty gave Cassie a big hug when she saw her.

"I am great", Cassie said with a smile after Betty released her and started looking around as if looking for someone and Betty just looked at her confused.

"Are you looking for someone?", she asked looking around confused.

"Oh yes I am looking for Andrew. He said that he is going to drop me off so you can say that I am waiting for him"

" Wait Andrew!! as in Andrew Collins", Betty asked surprised.

" Yes Andrew, but i didn't know that he was a collins. Anyway is it that big of a deal.", Cassie asked confused.

"Oh sweetheart You have no idea. There are a lot of guys crush on this dude and it is not only girls but also guys look up to him. Girl you got a lot of rivals coming your way, But I don't think it is going to be a problem since you are already the most prettiest girl in the school already. And since you are calling him by his first name and also talk to him, something must be going on between the both of you, because Andrew doesn't talk to just anyone.", Betty asked looking at Cassie with a sly smile.

"Nothing is going on, it is just because of a group assignment from biology."

"Really, well since that is the case then it is okay. Oh it seems like your prince is here", Betty said watching Andrew walking towards them.

"Well i guess this is goodbye, see ya later darling", Betty said giving Cassie a hug and left waving at her.

"Shall we ", Andrew asked when he got there.


At Cassie's house...

" Well thanks for the ride and see you tomorrow", Cassie waved good bye at Andrew.

"okay bye send me a message when you get an answer.", Andrew said as the driver drove off.

Inside Cassie's house...

"I am home", Cassie said giving her mom a kiss on the cheek.

"Welcome darling", Cassie's mom Martha said returning the kiss.

"Mom I need to ask you something", Cassie said as she sat down at the dinning table.

"Go on"

"I have a class project and i was paired up with my friend so, can I go to his house", Cassie said looking nervously at her mother. Martha thought about for a while wondering who it was? if he is really her friend? but she must be close to this person for him to ask her to come to his house.

"What is his name?"

"His name is Andrew, Andrew Collins", When Martha heard his name a sharp glint passed through her eyes but disappeared immediately. How come they are meeting now did something go wrong? if something did go wrong i would know, maybe they just met ahead of time.

"Mom mom", Cassie called looking worriedly at her mother.

"Oh sorry darling you can go "

"Really ", Cassie asked looking at her mother suspiciously. Martha then gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead and hugged her tightly.

"Does this answer your question", Martha says smiling softly.

Hey guys I am sorry that i was not able to update the chapters i was busy and i also did not have the time so I am sorry and i will try to update faster rate my book BYE