How About I Always Do This

At dinner...

"So how did you both meet", Lilith asked as the maids started serving dinner.


"We met on the rooftop on her first day in school", Andrew said as he placed a piece of meat in cassie's food. Cassie did not mind as she placed some vegetables for him but Andrew's parents watched their interactions especially lilith. "Hmm things are going to be pretty interesting", Lilith said as she continued eating.

"And you can say that we became friends that way but it was a nice meeting. When I first met her I felt like we had known each other for a long time", Andrew said as he thought about their first encounter.

"What about you darling?", Mark andrew's father asked

"Me?", Cassie asked pointing to herself. "I also felt the same way , it felt like we had met before it was a sweet feeling", Cassie said as she thought about it.

"Like they have met before", Lilith said murmuring "Well maybe you guys have met before",lilith said as kept it in mind to talk to martha again this night.

"So how has school been? we you guys able to finish the project that you were asked to do?", Mark asked.

"School? well school has been fine and also we did finish the project. Because we are well versed in the subject we were able to finish it on time", Cassie said placing a piece of fish in his bowl of rice but then she took it back and placed a piece of meat instead.

"I forgot that you don't like fish and don't ask me how I know because I just felt you did not like it", Cassie said as andrew was about to ask.

"Yes ma", Andrew said as he smiled eating the meat.

After dinner ...

"Alright uncle, aunty I will be leaving", Cassie said as she followed Andrew Outside.

"Come visit us again soon", Lilith said as she waved.


"There is something wrong isn't there?", Mark said wrapping his hands around lilith

"Yeah there is they were supposed to met later not now but it is okay maybe there is a reason for them meeting now", Lilith said as she faced her husband

"Okay I just hope they will be alright"


"Dinner was nice thanks", Cassie said as soon as she got into the car

"You are welcome lets go now it is really late".


Later in front of Cassie's house...

"Well thank you for the ride it will have been lovely if we could do this all the time", Cassie said smiling as she got out of the car

"How about I always do this after all we are friends"

"But everyone might start spreading rumors about us dating"

"Are you afraid of that happening?", Andrew asked gaving her a questioning gaze which cassie could not stand as she started blushing

"Well I am not afraid I just don't want anyone to trouble you"

"Well that is okay. The guy is supposed to protect the girl not the girl doing that"

"I know well I got to go", Cassie said as she started walking away.

"Wait, I will pick you up by 6 Is that okay?", Andrew asked

"Yes that is okay call me when you get home be careful",Cassi said as she went inside.

"I will", Andrew said to no one in paticular as he drove off

At Andrew's house....

In his room.....

"I wonder if she is sleeping"

In Cassie's room...

Ring ring

Ring ring

"uhh Who is calling", Cassie said while yawning as she picked up her phone

"OMG it is Andrew", Cassie said as the sleep in her eyes flew wide open.


"Hey cassie , were you sleeping?"

"What! me? no I wasn't well it seems like you have gotten home for you to call me", Cassie said smiling

"Yeah I got home not long ago just about to sleep when I remembered you said I should call you", Andrew said smiling

"Well I actually just wanted to make sure that you got home safely"

"Okay I did. oh yeah can we be doing all our assignments together?"

"Sure why not and also next time don't scrub your hands like that again", Cassie said as she remembered how red it was when he did that.

"Okay I will listen. Well we need to sleep I don't want you waking up tired tommorrow"

"Okay bye", Cassie said yawning

"Yeah bye see you tommorrow in the morning"

"Yeah",Cassie said as she smiled

"Have a good night sleep", Cassie said before she could ended the call

"Yeah you too", Andrew said as he finally ending the call .