Getting used to it (time skips)

Short chap.


(Sung Ye Jin POV)

"Haaaaa..." I let out a tired sigh it's been a month now. Sung jin woo was born around 20-25 years before the dungeon and I think at the age of 16-19 we will awaken and 4 years later the main timeline will begin. So I have alot of time to just go getting adjusted to my body I guess.

'Is that mana?' I question myself as I see wafts of it in the air. 'Oh I know, what's the use of absolute mana control if you can't even see it.'

I tried to pull the mana into my body and circulate it to make it more accustomed to mana. And it worked.

And so from today onwards I 'practice'd with my absolute mana control.


Timeskip: five years


(Age of years: 5)

"Hey dad look at that flower! It looks pretty!" Yes, it is me. Just me enjoying my childhood life before they disapear. Especially dad since he'll die. I think.

"Haha, yes yes, my cute Ye jin. But your'e more beutiful than that flower." He spoke and smiled brightly at me.

I see wafts of mana coming off him strongly, although not oppressive but instead warm and welcoming.

Oh, dad. I will miss you, and I will try to revive you when you die from using the rulers power too long so that you could spend more time with us.

"Ooooh there's a moth too! I run and approach it. Ridding myself of such thoughts.


Time skip: another five years


(Current age 11)


"Stay here you two, mom is going to pick up the phone so play with each other or watch the tv for the momment okay?"

We, and I mean by that me and sung jin woo, nod our heads as mom turns to leave and pick up the phone.

"Hey Jin-woo I'll be in our room ok?" "Sure, . I'll just Ye-Jin watch the tv with Jin-ah." As I entered Our room I saw two beds and I went for the left.

We both stay in the same room just seperate beds. Jin-woo's on the right. Atleast we don't bicker unlike Jin-ah and him.

I sucked the miniscule amount of mana in the air again into my body and circulate it around my body.

This slowly, but surely increses my mana by next year I would be equal to a mid E-ranked awakened.

"What! no, no, no. this can't be! I hear distress in my mothers voice as I walk outside the room towards mom.

Mom what happened I ask innocently. I still have to act like a godamn 11 year old kid albeit genius. Well can't help it.

"Nothing wrong sweety your father is lost. I'm sure he's alive." She said as she stuggled to fight back the tears from falling.

I freeze in shock and my heart boomed. 'Today is the day it happened, huh? I'll miss you dad.'

Yeah, yeah. You might be right me being a 27 old adult inside but! The are my new family. I am bound to feel attached and I can't do anything about it.


Timeskip: 5 years


(Ye jin POV)(Current age 16)

Me and Jin woo were relaxing in the house cuase it's weekend when I suddenly feel the mana in my body explode as the whole of of south korea got enveloped in my mana and i immediately stored it in my body after it exploded outwards.

I look towards him and he also awakened but didn't notice my mana exlpoding. "Did you awaken too?" My brother only nodded at the question.

From today onwards, I am immeasurable by means of mana.

(Baek Yoonhoo)

I was resting away in my office because of reporters when I felt an aura so oppressive and overwhelming squeezing my throat so hard that I can't breathe.

I felt Inferior. Nothing but an ant. Something insignificant and small compared to the owner of the aura. Then it vanished. It was gone.

"My god, that power. Will we be able to finnaly clear jeju Island with the awakened?" I mutter.

(Choi Jong-In)

I walk out of the dungeon gate with my raiding team as it destelizes and collapse' when I suddenly feel an overpowering pressure so dense that it freezes my on the spot.

'A new awakened' I thought as the pressure disapeared. "Guild leader did you feel that too?" My guildmates were gasping for air. I wasn't so different.

'My guild will grow to the top with if I recruit that awakened.'

(Go gun hee)

As I was signing away the papers in my office I felt an exetremely powerful aura, stronger than mine. I was stop and look at the direction of the newly awakened as the aura stopped.

I knew it was a newly awakened because if it were any of the national rank hunters there would be an appointment.

"Will I finnaly be able to find a succsessor to my position? Korea will be safer with that awakened."


Time skip: 1 years


(Age: 17 location: school Time: 10:58)

Hahaha I am now 17 and have grew into a stunning woman! One more year and I can call myself an adult. Finaly graduating into adolesence. Also my hair started turning white. The side effect of awakening my part ruler self?

Ohoh, I freaked out like I had my first period when that happened. Now that the timeline is nearing the main one, mana is also getting denser.

So much that I can reach Peak D-rank in four years of absorbing mana from the atmosphere daily- but I don't need that anymore. *flash back*

*School ring*

"Okay class, it's lunch time. Class dismissed." The teacher announced and everyone stood up and went out of the room. I can't blame them class is boring unless its about your favorite subject.

"Hey jin woo let's eat lunch on the rooftop... It quiet there." I smiled and suprisingly, Jin woo blushed. "O-okay eonni!"

Oh I forgot to mention I was born 12 minutes earlier than him so I was the older sibling so that was why he has always been so submissive to me. That is atleast what I think.

As we climb up the stairs I asked Jin woo, "Soooo, why did you stutter earlier?" I was geuinely curious as to why the brick blushed at me smiling.

Jin woo freezed at the question and blushed again. "Soreha... Īe, sore wa fukanōdesu!" I spoke/shout.

(A/n: does anyone recognize the reference although I rephrased it?)

I stare at him dumbfoundedly and fasten my walking speed. He too hastened his steps to catch up with me. "N-no! It's not what you think!"

"Why are you stuttering. And did you just say I'm not beautiful!?" I question him as we arrive at the rooftop.

"No, no. You have it all wrong! I'm not in love nor have a crush on you eonni, and that you are just beautiful." He replied.

"Oh thank you for the compliment~. Though why would I think you have a crush on me?" I ask as I open my lunchbox.

That has seemed to have struck him in the head as he froze again and blushed again. I just sigh and say; "If you think you are ask yourself and be true to yourself, again if you really do, are going to stick with me? There are allot of women in the world and why me?" I hoped that would fend him off me.

He thought about it for a momment and opened his lunchbox and started eating. As we were eating he called me out. "No-no, you look ugly eonni." He stated. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Your growing up aren't you~?"

My words got him thinking again. "Well, people grow u–" As he was about to talk again his phone rang.

He picked up the call. "Yes... yes... she's with me, Doc, yes," he tapped the call to microphone and the doctor said; "Your mother is having late stage symptoms of eternal slumber."

My hbpm went through the roof as I dashed off to teachers office to take leave for the day, dragging Jin woo with me as he simply couldn't move from the shock.

We took a cab from school towards the hospital mom was in, aksed for the room number for the reason of visiting, and ran to the room as fast as we can and entered.

We saw mom in a patient's dress on the bed sleeping. "Mom!" Me and Jin woo in sync shouted; "Mom!" She woke up from that.

We went to our mothers side and hugged her dearly, we were afraid to lose her too. "Mom! *sniff* Don't leave us like father. *sniffle*"

My mom was suprised and asked "Don't you have school?" I replied with "You are more important, mom! We took leave for the rest of the day to stay with you."

She smiled. "Now, now. Calm down. I'm still here aren't I, dear?" She says. "It doesn't change the fact that you will be later!"

I hug her tighter. Jin woo was just clenching his fists watching us. Tears falling from his eyes. 'If we new... we would of spent more time with each other!'

"Then, can you both promise me that you will take care of Jin-ah?" She asked with the same smile she always has wore, but with a hint of sadness.

"We promise!" We shouted in sync with sadness of departing with our mother.

She chucled and said "Alright, alright. Take care of yourselves once I'm gone –" She closed her eyes, sleeping peacefully. 'NEVER' to wake up.


Timeskip: 4 years later...
