
So has any body been wandering what kind of weapon she would use?

I have drawn several weapons I personnaly think would be a match for mc.

Now pick your weapons of choice.

(Close range)

Astrapi Fulmina:

Type: claymor

Description: A sword from the demon monarch Baran. Not much is known about the sword.

Rubrum Fulgur and Caeruleum Fulgur:

Type: twin katanas

Description: The swords blades were made and forged by the lightning of the most brightest fragment of light. As she cast out lightning, it split into nine major parts and several minor ones. The colors of the split lightning was red, blue and black. Four major fragments were then made into three blades. They were as powerful as the Brightest's own attacks. It's strength grows with the amount of death it inflicted. The three could transformed at will into accesories. Rubrum and Caeruleum are pair earings, tenebris is a neclace, and Aurum as a bracelet. The three were a complete set until the black and white blade suddenly disapeared never to be found again...

Tenebris Fulgur and Aurea Fulgur:

Type: Star handled twin swords.

Description: The missing parts of the incomplete set. While red symobolised destruction, blue as froward and ongoing, black was symbolised as the unknown, black as the abyss is and mysterious, gold as purification. Not much is known about the blades but while Rubrum and Caeruleum were equal in terms of power, black and gold was the slightest, but most powerful was Tenebris and Aurum rivaling each other in power. Although they are of opposing atributes, especialy work teriffyingly efficient together.

Gladiu Tempus:

Type: Rapier/Sabre

A sword that was created by a fragment of the Second Absolute Being whose true name, Levina. It was a sword bound to her soul. A sword capable of making things exist, and make things turn back to the point of no return. The only sword capable of slaying the Second Absolute Being. After her death, many sought after the sword as it was exetremely powerful. Sadly for them, it was bound to her soul. As her [redacted, spoilers], the sword also [redacted] and followed each [redacted]. One of the two is [redacted], that reincarnated again into [redacted]. The other is still unknown. If the two [redacted] reunite again, will the whole sword reunify. Awakening it's full power.

She will weild all of them

Now, moving unto the next

(Mid range)

Fulgor violae:

Type: Glaive with bladed end.

Description: The glaive was made from minor parts of lightning from the Brightest ruler. It included blue, red and black fragments.

Extensus Fulgur:

Type: Odachi

Deccription: Extensus Fulgur or in this language, Outstreched lightining is an odachi which's blue fragment was bathed in the Brightest fragment of light/Monarcha Fulguris' lightning rich mana. Which further increased the fragment's quality before forge. As result, heightened the blade's cutting properties and cuts whatever. It is color blue without a doubt but the thing is... it produces red lightning.

Gravis tonitrus:

Type: Halberd

Description: This halberd was made from a major fragment of black lightning from the brightest fragment of light. This halbered, while capable of emmiting black thunder, is also capable of grasping gravity.

Implacabilis tonitru:

Type: long bladed spear.

Description: A spear made from one of the major red fragments of lightning which symbolised destruction. Every thust of the spear will create holes in reality for the reason of itself destroying reality.

She keeps all of these.


(Long range)

Arcus Fulguris:

Type: Bow

Description: This bow was made from multiple red and blue fragments, which made the bow able to pierce or, if drawn enough, able to phase through reality itself and hit it's target regardless of defense.

Arcum tonitrui:

Type: Bow

Description: A bow of thunder. Made from several black and red fragments of the brightest ruler's lightning. Although it can't phase through reality like Arcus Fulguris, can peirce through ANY defense as it literally, burns through alternate dimensions and reach any target at will.