In the beginning, nothing existed.

The universe was without form and built on nothing and existed out of nothing.

It was void of all things.

An eternal abyss where nothing existed.


Unknown star-like energy started swarming in a single direction, creating a celestial storm.

As the energy began to peak, it started to form something… humanoid.

And with a big bang, an entity was born.

Nothing just created something.

That entity nothingness born, was sentient.

It was curious, so it decided to find out what was boggling its mind.

The being had immense powers, sure to say omnipotent.

It felt powerful, almighty powerful.

It had power to back it up, so the being thought, "Why not call myself 'the absolute being'?"

It wasn't a name, just a title.

But it was quite bored.

It had nothing to do.

And it was also quite lonely.

So, he created peace and chaos.

Peace and Chaos too, had intelligence.

Only to a certain degree that is.

Peace and Chaos always fought.

And the absolute being thought it was amusing.

So, he ripped apart chaos and peace into Fragments and Fractures.

Each with their own leader.

He first dissected peace into 9 fragments.

Of course, feminine shouts of pain resounded throughout the universe.

"From now on, you shall be called 'Fragments of the Brilliant Light: Rulers'. The brightest fragment shall be called, [Michael]."

The absolute being announced.

He repeated the same process with chaos and the same shrill screams were heard.

The only difference was the voice heard.

The number of fractures numbered as 9.

"From now on, you shall be called 'Fractures of the Great Chaos: Monarchs'. The darkest being shall be called {Antares}."

He created worlds, solar systems, galaxies, universes, multiple dimensions for the Rulers and Monarchs playground.

Monarchs would march into worlds; they're mere aura would cause a solar system to erupt.

So, they found a way to make the worlds adapt to their presence so they could fight.

Mana enrichment.

The Rulers would fight the Monarchs back from destroying world with intelligent life.

And so, the fight between light, and darkness continued.

Amidst those battles, a new omnipotent being was born.

When the leader of the Rulers and Monarchs were fighting upon one gigantic, resilient world. Their nigh omnipotent powers were spread out throughout the battlefield.

Their combined aura swirled around and were clashing with each other.

But somehow, I don't know how, their aura fused and swirled.

Effectively creating another literal cosmic storm with dark and light mana gathering into one point.

"A new God…" A [Michael] muttered.

It created bolts of thunder with different colors.

If you just ignore the danger and go at the center of it, it would be a beautiful breathtaking scene.

Unfortunately for the Rulers and Monarchs, the creation resulted to another big bang.

Almost killing both beings.

The entity born was clad in jet black armor with some parts of pure white color.

Her black and white hair fluttered and sometimes touched her snow-white skin.

The entity opened her eyes and let out a terrifying aura that scared {Antares} and proclaimed,

"I… I am a new God… I proclaim myself the titles, [The second absolute being] and {Goddess of Thunder}. The [Alpha and the Omega]. My name shall be… I shall not name myself now."

We can't refute her words.

She HAS omnipotent creation AND omnipotent destructive capabilities.

Literal beginning and end.

An embodiment or so.

She turned her head towards [Michael].

Her caerulean and bright orange heterochromatic eyes that stared at him, ensnared his mind of any other thoughts beside her.

"I see… You have near omnipotent powers. Were you perhaps created by my brother?"

[Michael] did not answer and was still wide eyed at her beauty.

It was safe to say his undying heart (literally) and loyalty towards his creator was snatched by the beauty of the second absolute being.

She swiveled her body towards her back and looked up.

"I am coming for you. Brother…"

Of course! Omnipotent powers must go with omniscience, she has them.

She instantly disappeared from her initial spot and left the awe-struck ruler and monarch behind.

While {Antares} was scared shitless, [Michael] was absolutely taken and decided he would court the new God, even if he new that if would cause to injuries or death.

But he still had to kill his enemy in front of him.

Maybe he should take his enemies head and bring it back to his new God and ask for her attention?

"Yes, yes, yes." [Michael] thought.

After that, the battle between peace and chaos raged for a couple years.

The rulers were called again to the First absolute being's palace.

And so, the Rulers gathered and presented their achievements to their god.

It was their normal meeting with their God and offering of tributes, it's just that there was a new throne beside their Lord.

"Is it…" [Michael] muttered as the scene of that day was replaying in his mind.

"You can come in, {Levina}."

Their master announced as the doors of the throne room swinged open revealing the same person [Michael] met years ago.

The same person that ensnared his heart.

{Levina}, walked slowly to her throne with swaying hips.

As she walked pass the Rulers, both male and female only thought of the word, "Beautiful".

She walked pass them and sat on her throne, her hair fluttering.

Everything about her screamed elegance, beauty, and above all, power they couldn't comprehend.

[Michael] was staring at her blinding beauty and his nose was bleeding buckets.

Fortunately for him, he had his helmet on, else he had to quickly wipe the nosebleed.

All he needed to do was pretend that–

"[Michael], are you alright?" The absolute being asked.

"My Lord, I am alright. I thank you for expressing your worry."

"So, you're name's [Michael], huh? Fitting name seeing as you're the army's commander."

{Levina} smirked at his name shifting her sitting position to look down on him.

"Y-yes, thank you for the compliment, mistress."


After that, since {Levina}'s identity was officially announced, [Michael] returned when ever he could just to brag about his achievements to her and court her.

They're relationship started off as cold but turned warm with [Michael] persistently chasing her.

After a few epochs, they were an unofficial couple.

A forbidden one where the knight chases the lady.

Whenever they meet, they would always happily interact.

But that time was already here.

... Let's say that the time lapse was far too long.

The rulers were tired of fighting and requested the Gods to end their fight.

But the second absolute being wasn't here.

They knew that she was sick and tired of the continuous battle between peace and chaos.

So, they wanted to ask her because they knew that she had powers capable of ending the fractures of the greatest chaos instantly if she wanted.

The problem was she wasn't here.

She was in another dimension as what she described as 'chilling and creating some stuff to pass her boredom'.

They couldn't even reach out to that dimension, much less request.

The only person they could plead was the first absolute being.

They went to him and asked him to stop and end the meaninglessly prolonged battle.

But the absolute being only glared at them and said "no".

Through his words and actions, the rulers finally knew that the absolute being did this for his entertainment.

So, they planned to kill the absolute being and then kill the monarchs.

Yet, the strongest of them all that should have made the task easy sided with their master and defended him.

[Michael] resembled the virtue of justice.

But he also resembled undying loyalty.

Each of the rulers had representations, and that was his.

It contradicted against their representations, but it was to end the great chaos.

They killed [Michael] and marched towards the absolute being.

The only mistake the absolute being did was, making his creations power too close to his.

Just right after the rulers left to kill the monarchs.

The second absolute being came.

She didn't feel [Michael]'s presence, nor could she sense her brother's.

Her mana flared as she teleported to the scene of his death.

She was very angry, disappointed, and sad.

She walked to his corpse as tears fell from her eyes.

"I couldn't be with you after all huh?"

She sniffled and picked up his corpse. "Even after all that time."

"I still couldn't be with you." She hugged his corpse and pulled out her sword.

The only sword capable of killing her.

She stabbed him from the back, resulting her to get stabbed too.

"Where you go, I will go." She muttered as she threw up a gob of blood.

She removed her hand from the hilt. "Where you stay… I will stay."

"Where you die, I will die." She took off [Michael]'s helmet.

Her hand went limp and slumped down her shoulder. "Where you will… be buried… so shall I."

Her blood stained the floor gold as she had pained gasps. "If you die… I will die…"

She forcefully raised her hand and caressed his cheek taking her last breaths.

"Nevertheless… *huk* …even death… shall not sperate us...."

"I love you; do you love me too… Michael?" She asked.

At that exact moment, [Michael]'s eyes shot open revealing violet eyes.

"Yes…" He muttered.

He wasn't [Michael] anymore, he was {Ashborn}.

He spoke. "Yes…"

She closed her eyes and smiled in response.

"Yes, yes, yes, YES, YES, YES!" Tears fell down his eyes as he grasped her hand that was touching his cheek.

"… I said Yes! So why won't you answer me? I love you. I love you! Answer me!" He hugged her dead body and cried.

"Why? Why didn't you wait? We could've been together longer! {Levina}…"

This was the first time her name was uttered out of her name.


"Hey, Michael." Levina called out.

"Yes, mistress?" Michael asked.

"Why don't you call me by my name?" She asked.

"Um, I think it's improper for me to call you by your name mistress." He answered.

"That's not an excuse! I even permitted you to use it." She pouted.

He tried to argue, "B-but."

She smirked and spoke.

"If you call me by my name, I'll answer you."

She looked back to face him smiling.

"So, you better call me by my name~."

*Flashback end*

"Levina, Levina. Levina. Levina! I called you by your name so why?" he cried.

"Why wont you answer me! Why?! Just Why?! You were always stronger than me, so why did you have to leave first?!"

"Why? Did you have to die? I want to hear you answer me!"

"Is this a curse?! That I will be undying? Even your blade capable of killing anything cannot kill me?"

"Why did you have to kill yourself for me? I just want to hear your voice. So why? *sniffle*"

"If you only waited more!" Her grasped her body tightly


He shouted on and on, but no one answered him. She was already dead.

"Shit!!!!!!!!!!! Why!?! How could you die smiling?! How could you be so happy?!"

He pulled her sword out and stood up.

"Arise." Shadowy mana surrounded her body and…


"Shit! Again. Arise." The same shadowy mana surrounded her body, but it failed again.

Her mana was too pure and chaotic that it rejected his mana.

"Arise!" he shouted desperately.

But it ended up failing again.

He was too weak to wake her soul from the valley of the dead.

"Arise! Arise! Arise! Arise! Arise, dammit…!" blood spilled from his abdomen, but he couldn't care less about it.

He knelt and hugged her dead body.



Eons went on.

One suffered from living because of death.

One didn't see any purpose to.

The two were destined to be separated.

Yet the souls met again.

In a world victimized by the beings we know as monarchs, the two meet again...


Rejoice, I have returned with a 2000 word chapter!

Damn... I thought why not make a real prolouge?

I didn't think I was to tragic stuff...

Anyways, howdy folks! How was your day?

Hope you have a great read.

Also guys, give me feed back about this chapter.

(My reason for not updating a few days...)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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