I am not your queen, I'm your dictator.

Previously, on netfli- EHEM! Previously on SLJTEO…

"Krgghhhhhh…." It grunted as the pressure it felt was crushing its bones. For the first time of its prideful life, it felt fear grip its heart as it imagined fighting Ye Jin. "I submit." The dragon spoke humbly through telepathy since it couldn't even move its mouth. Ye Jin dismissed the aura and all the mana got absorbed back into her body. Ye Jin approached the dragon and caressed its snout. Much to the jealousy of Charis and Adelia. "Good dragon~…"


"Time for step 2." Ye Jin muttered and took her hand off the dragon and spread both arms open. "Oh, my good and faithful servant. You have shown loyalty and wish to become closer with me to serve me better, I'll grant your wish. Come! Come and carry the light! Be a beacon to the world of darkness. Let the light, EMANATE."


The air started vibrating gently as light began to gather towards the dragon, it was Ye Jin's mana mixed with faith. Although Ye Jin could have just worded out the voice command; "emanate", she wanted to be all fancy mchikazidsi and also, because she wanted to look badass of course.

Her mana started to destroy and rebuild the dragon's anatomy according to that of suitability of Ye Jin's wants. It's bones denser, its muscles as tough as steel, the capability of using "divine magic", its body's scales turning silver-teal in colour, its mana skyrocketing as its base stats multiplied by 13.

The dragon that once couldn't even bear the pressure of what's assumed to be Antares' total mana could now stand toe to toe with the dragon monarch himself. Its existence itself is a challenge to the throne of the god dragons. The amount of power it holds in its claws could tear anything apart. (A/n: Anything? LOL.)

As the pain of price for power faded, Ye Jin got on top of the dragon as it crawled its way to the surface of the mountain. *Boom* Debris flew all around as the dragon shot out from the ground. Its body started to produce a blue glow as the sky darkened and blotted the star that lit up the heavens.

The dragon perched itself upon a cliff as lightning started to dance around its body. Soon, several dragons nearby had gathered and flew around it, compared to the dragon's size they were like pigeons. It was a possible advent of a dragon god, so the other dragons "nearby" who sensed it came to see the possible new king.

Torrential rain poured down as thunder rolled on the clouds, creating booms upon booms. The dragon spread its wings as it bathed in lightning, the feeling of strength came rushing towards its core. It opened its eyes and gathered all the air it could and expelled it one breathe, creating a gut wrenching straight up terrifying roar of thunder as massive amounts of electricity sparked from its body.

Ye Jin who was on top of this very dragon was proud of her creation, it now had the power to back up its arrogance. Ye Jin released a burst of crazy laughter as she thought of what she had just done.

"The universe already had enough destruction with one dragon monarch, but 2?! Ahahahaha… Ahahahahahahahaha… AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA… why am I so op? This universe wouldn't last with me being here, Ahahahaha… oh ROB, what have I done. By the way, my sweet little pet dragon, I'll name you; 'Tonitrious' after your obnoxiously loud roar."


The roar of the dragon, Tonitrious, had just released was heard across the continent. Those who heard it were either paralyzed or confused, alarmed to be exact. Those who didn't… they clearly have audibility impairment cause otherwise they should have heard it.

Jokes aside, it would nearly be impossible to transmit such a roar all throughout a continent spanning distance using common sense. "But, " Ye Jin smirked. "Magic is also a thing to defy common sense."

To humans, the reverberrating roar was a death threat that was on the level of a high demon-lord. To the elves, it was a grand call of nature and wasn't even considered a threat since they felt that it wasn't for them. For those who have dragon's blood in them however… they were paralyzed with fear.

As for why, it was simply draconic instinct. Instinct that told them they should be afraid. Instinct that told them they should heed the call or else they would end up dead. Instinct that told them to bow down to species' alpha. Instinct that told them they were weak and nothing in front of the caller.

They shivered as a chill crawled down their spine and threatened them to bow down right after the roar, and they did, all towards one direction. It was where the nearby dragons had lowered their head and presented their treasure to the uncrowned king, afraid of the consequences if they don't.

In the throne room of Kerthus, the castle fortress in the middle of Re-Gess, Soldrea's capital city….

Sunlight was gently shivering upon the castle as all of the current royal family of Soldrea empire gathered in the throne room. The atmosphere in the room was actually nicer than what anyone would have expected with the royal family, but they weren't hungry for the throne, they never would. The true authority in the empire was the emperor who held the most power.

With the emperor being a saint-level individual, no-one could dream of touching the throne if they weren't even in the line for it. Today, they gathered to talk, just some normal family talk. Nothing more nothing less, they are a family after all. At least it was supposed to be.

As the emperor stood from the throne, a droplet of water landed on the glass window that showed the view outside. All of them looked at the window as the sky darkened far to quickly, "A magical phenomenon." The emperor spoke as he felt the mana swirling in the atmosphere.

As the other members of the royal family heard it, they paid more attention to the sky. More and more droplets tapped at the window and the sky darkened further. Thunder rolled as lightning surfed through the sky. Rain poured down, deadly thick, as water quickly build up and flooded.

At first, they thought it was just some magical phenomenon but, ohhh, were they wrong. They soon felt a pulse, a pulse that made them feel weird. The feeling was familiar, but they couldn't point it out. The second pulse beat as it was stronger than before.

The third pulse rang out as the feeling became more and more clear. The fourth, the fifth, it was rhythmic, like a heartbeat. "Wait. Heartbeat?" The emperor questioned himself as the pulse continued, stronger than the one before it. "No, it can't be. I can't believe it." The emperor muttered.

His wonder and disbelief was not unnoticed by the rest of the family as the crown prince asked. "Father? What's wrong." The emperor turned to look at his family slowly. "My son, we might… we might just witness the advent of our God." He spoke as thunder struck down in the background.

The emperor turned back towards the view provided by the glass window as the gigantic mountain had shaken and crumbled as it revealed a silver dragon that perched upon a cliff and spread its wings, lightning struck its body as it started to grow in both physical size and mana. "Oh, my goddess…." The princess muttered.

The dragon breathed in as it opened its mouth and electricity sparked all over its body, it started with low rumbling like charging thunder as it slowly gained a higher pitch each passing second, becoming a full-blown roar as electricity boomed from its body and dragons circled it as the roar finished bellowing upon the continent. For people who didn't possess the blood of dragons it might just be an extremely loud roar but to those who have it? The order presented in the tone and temperament of the call was clear as glass.


The royal family fell on there knees unable to move their body as their instincts screamed at them to not resist the grand command from the monarch of dragons. Even if they tried, they wouldn't be able to do a thing as they were but a mere ant to the insurmountable pressure they felt from the order.

As the call to heed was over, they regained their senses as they fell on the floor, wheezing for air. That roar had rendered them unable to breathe for a few seconds with paralyzing fear. Time passed as they were once again back on their feet, although weakly.

The emperor turned towards his family and spoke. "Get ready to depart, we need to meet the "true king" to show our respect. I know the king knows of our bloodline and we can't just ignore the call either." He wiped the sweat from his forehead and went outside the castle to greet the uncrowned king.

The emperor tapped into his bloodline and transformed into a dragon. The rest of the royal family soon followed as they flew to the sky. The royals of Soldrea have the ability to transform into dragon since their bloodline is pure and isn't diluted as they only marry other humans who have the dragon bloodline in them.

The royal family soon arrived in the location of the waterfall where Ye Jin had built her house was and was met with the gigantic body of Tonitrious and several other dragons that seemed like flies if compared to Tonitrious' size and power. Behold, they were.

The royal family landed on the Ground as they slowly walked towards the King to bow down. On the way, they met several dragons of size and power. Whether they were wyverns, wyrms, and full-on dragons, big, small, powerful, weak, they all were doing one action, bowing down to the gigantic dragon that towered over all of them regardless of size and power.

As the Royal family reached the front of the kneeling crowd, they transformed back to their human forms and knelt down and grovelled their head on the ground as Tonitrious took notice to them and growled in draconic language. "Half-bloods? You may raise your head, where did you come from."

The emperor was shivering as he slowly lifted his head to look at Tonitrious and answered. "Your majesty, we are the royal family of Soldrea empire, and today we have come to pay respect and honour to you." Tonitrious' pupils slit further as he narrowed his eyes.

"Good, it is a correct decision to come as my Sovereign wants to speak with you." Tonitrious bellowed. The royal family and other dragons were confused by his words. 'Sovereign?' The question rolled inside their mind as they racked their brains as to what the King could have meant.

One of the four most powerful dragons raised its head. "Your majesty, it may be outstepping my bounds, but may I ask who this 'Sovereign' is you speak of?" Tonitrious was about to answer with rage for questioning identity, but Ye Jin arrived at the scene and walked towards Tonitrious slowly. "I am." She spoke nonchalantly.

One of the four most powerful dragons this time spoke. "You?! A human?! You do not qualify as our sovereign!!!" Tonitrious released his aura at full blow and crushed everyone present. It wasn't to kill, but to kneel. "Insolence! Who gave you the right to speak?!" He/She bellowed out with a thunderous voice.

Ye Jin was silent for a second was before she spoke in a tone full of authority. "Tonitrious, put down arms. Let me handle this." Her aura exploded and was revealed to be much bigger Tonitrious'. The dragon from earlier sweated literal bullets.

Ye Jin turned her head towards the crowd of dragons and released her bloodline suppression authority as everyone present at the place felt their lives were threatened to snap apart like a thread holding the weight of a boulder.

Her gaze was filled with.... indifference? There was no anger.... distaste, or even the slight show of actual impression on her face. She was just.... irritated at best, annoyed that someone was actually stupid enough and be arrogant in front of insurmountable power.

There was only one current thought running inside her head; 'Now that everything is in place, it's time to proceed forward with the plan.' The plan the she had conjured up from every single bit of information she gathered from her soldiers.

"I was thinking I should be a kind sovereign to every one of my subjects, but it seems I have to make an exception, you, I am not your queen, I'm your dictator." Ye Jin spoke as her eyebrows creased slightly in despite at the now kneeling dragon.


(A/n: Anyways guys, I'm back with a 2179-, 1916-, and 2054-word chapters respectively! Although I don't know for how long. Anything to say about this chapter? Also, guys, add to library and look forward to more chaps, this book ain't dropped, it never will be. It's just taking me so long to find motivation to write new chappy's. There are also people who are trying to tear down the reputation of my book with negative comments, and I take that personally. Writing is fricking hard guys, give me more motivation. Shower me with your comments and I'll be encouraged to write more. Aurea here, goodbye! I'm done for today.)