King James hot kiss

A week after the treatment from the healer, Asyi Savira, she began to open her eyes and was surprised by the place around her which was very foreign and too grand even though it was luxurious, it was dominated by black and gold colors.

"Huk..huk..huk..., where am I??!," said Savira while holding her head which felt a little dizzy.

"Your Majesty the Queen is in the room of my Queen and King," said the healer Asyi bowed respectfully and did not dare to look at his queen who might have the same cruel attitude as her king.

"Queen???, King???, am I in heaven now???," said Savira who felt very confused.

"No my Queen, Her Majesty the Queen is in the biggest Wolf Palace in Antarctica," Asyi said explaining to his queen formally.

"Why do you call me Queen? and why do you always look down???," said Savira who was surprised.

"I'm sorry for the impoliteness of the noble servant Queen, but your highness is the Soulmate of King James and that means the Queen of the entire wolf nation, forgive the servant who has prepared to be impolite," Said the healer Asyi pleaded with great fear that maybe after this his life would be lost.

"You don't need to be afraid of me, do I look scary?" said Savira to Asyi.

"No, Your Majesty Queen, you look very beautiful and kind," Asyi said after trying to get up the courage to look at her queen's face who smiled kindly at her.

"Thank you, you want to be my friend, what's your name???! " asked Savira with a sweet smile.

"Servant Asyi is just an ordinary healer, do I deserve to be friends with the noble Queen?". Said Asyi who really wanted to be friends with this very kind and friendly Queen but maybe the King would kill her later because Asyi was just an ordinary healer not from the noble class.

"You don't want to be friends with me?" said Savira who had shown a sad face because it would be difficult to live like this if she did not have a friend or close friend.

Asyi's healer who saw the Queen's sad face and her eyes filled with tears immediately said "Servant is willing my Queen please don't cry, because maybe after you cry maybe my body and head will separate if my King finds out," Asyi said with fear not because afraid to die but maybe his family will be spent for 7 generations by King Wolf who is famous for being cruel because he does have the mixed blood of the devil.

"Thank you for wanting to be my friend Asyi," said Savira, who even hugged Asyi tightly because she felt happy to have a friend in this foreign place.

Asyi's healer just stood stiff because he didn't know what to do but in his heart, Asyi was very grateful to have got a good, friendly, warm Queen indiscriminately like the Queen who had hugged him now, with a little stutter Asyi said "Thank you..... My ....Queen, do you feel any part of your body that hurts?"

"Not just before I just felt a little dizzy but now I'm fine," Savira said after releasing her arms on Asyi.

"Thank God, if you're okay, My Queen," said Asya, who breathed a sigh of relief because she was relieved by the Queen's answer.

James suddenly came after checking even the kingdom and its work in the human world.

"Queen, are you awake?" James said flatly, even sounding very cold and piercing.

Savira is actually a little confused but because her best friend called her Queen maybe the man with a burly body, hot-blooded and said coldly and stiffly spoke to him, then Savira answered the man's words by saying "I'm fine," said Savira looking down in fear because of The man in front of him was staring at him intensely as if he wanted to eat him alive.

James immediately communicated through an inner voice that only the wolves he wanted could hear.

"Healer Asyi you go!!!!!" Said James who seemed threatening.

"Good, Your Majesty the King." Say Asyi who then left the place quickly.

"As... why did he leave me..!" said Savira quietly but James could still hear clearly.

"I asked him to complete his other duties Queen!" said James flatly and then sat on the same bed as Savira.

"Please don't come any closer!!" said a frightened Savira.

Instead of walking away, James hugged Savira's body and sniffed her Queen's neck which felt so intoxicating.

"What are you doing?! please don't eat me!" said Savira, who was increasingly frightened, remembering the horror film of humans using humans a few weeks ago.

"Don't be afraid Queen I just won't be able to hurt you, that's what your beautiful brain has thought. Next time don't watch horror movies again!". Said the King wolf in a voice that was heavier and hoarse because what had taken over his body now was Jay the wolf's soul James.

"Then why did you sniff my neck earlier if you don't want to eat me," Savira said annoyed.

"Because I like the smell of roses and cinnamon that you have on your body, it's very fragrant and soothing," Jay said flatly but not as flatly as James, and then pressed their bodies together.

"Your clothes are weird, you're not human??!" Savira said spontaneously, I don't know if her fear had disappeared because of the soft embrace of the burly body of a strange but very handsome man.

"Yeah I'm not human, I'm Jay King wolf and you are Queen Wolf we are soulmates so you don't need to be afraid anymore because it's impossible if I hurt you," Jay said confidently and a little arrogantly.

Even though in his head James was protesting because James should have been the one to get acquainted with his Queen first.

"Wow really?, but you don't look like a wolf demon??!" said Savira Between amazed and confused.

"Well someday we will meet my wolf form, now Queen you have to talk to the other me..emu....ach," said Jay who then ended his speech by kissing Savira's lips, and after that Jay exchanged with James.

James instead enjoyed his hot kiss, on Savira's which caused her queen's lips to swell slightly from his hot kiss.

"Huft..huh...huh.. do mangroves want to suffocate, you said you wouldn't eat me but why did you eat my lips?," said Savira innocently.

"Your lips are so sweet.... and delicious. I even think I might eat you again, and again not for fear that you'll run out of breath. I don't want you to be unable to breathe again!" James watched and smiled seeing Savira's face which seemed to be dominated by confusion and fear which made her look beautiful and sexy, especially with Savira's lips which were a little thick, That thing James did before made him addicted.