Unification 21+

James did not want to start but James did not want to hurt Savira and was forced to strengthen because James wanted to do this out of mutual desire because Savira was very precious to him.

"Okay Queen, don't you blame me if I can't stop because you have provoked me...." said James whose eyes were now turning black and there was no other color mixture that indicated that James was controlled by his lust.

"Oooh... James, I'm hot why did you throw me on the bed?" Savira said annoyed and tried to get up.

Of course, the soft mattress didn't hurt Savira, after all now Savira's strength was much higher after drinking James' blood for a while. James did not answer Savira's words and hugged his wife's tiny body tightly and kissed Savira's whole face which was down to her neck with many scars there.

"Your body is very beautiful Queen and sexy," said James, who seemed eager to do anything according to his instincts.

"Oooh... James...." Savira said as James played on his twin mountain.

James became more excited when he heard Savira sigh, I don't know when James' body was as innocent as Savira's body which currently doesn't wear a single thread.

Savira didn't know why she suddenly let out such a cursing sound, but it was all purely a reflex that was unintentionally said because of the way James treated her.

"Why do you keep sucking James... I don't think I have milk... ooh..." said Savira.

"We'll prove it later ...," said James briefly and then continued his activities.

James smiled sweetly when he felt something sweet coming out of his wife's nipples. It made James drink it.

"Oooh... James, I want to pee." Savira said innocently.

"Just here," said James hoarsely who looked at Savira's face with lust and attacked Savira's sexy lips with a hot kiss.

Savira can only surrender even though for Savira this is a shameful act, but as much as possible Savira has tried to handle it before.

James's kisses were hot and demanding and made Savira lulled. Even though Savira is inexperienced she still tries to return James' hot kiss by imitating what James has taught her before.

Because he felt that his wife was running out of oxygen right now, James immediately continued to suck on one of Savira's twin mountains, which looked tempting because of the buzzing in front of him.

"Ooooh..... James... ooh... I want to pee again..." said Savira, who this time had been released twice.

James was excited to hear Savira's voice which was so sexy in his ears, Savira's beautiful body certainly made James excited, and felt that his heirloom weapon could not wait to enter its scabbard.

"You look very beautiful and so sexy right now Queen....," said James who saw his beloved wife so sparkling with sweat that covered Savira's body, like a berlin and of course very precious, that's how Savira is currently seen in front of James.

James will start for the union, now James has opened his wife's thighs wide and of course, James's position is now above Savira, as before only this time James will start the real game.

"Ooooh ... James is sick ...," said Savira, who was a little surprised because it felt very sore in her intimate parts, of course, because of the part of James' heirloom weapon which was currently forcing its way into her intimate part.

"Be patient dear, I promise if this pain won't last long ....," said James, who continued to slowly insert his weapon deeper.

"Oooh..... James... oooh..... your pain is too big and long," said Savira, who was now shedding tears because she felt that her intimate parts seemed to be torn.

"I'm sorry dear," said James, wiping the tears of the woman he loved so much. James smiled happily when he saw that at the fusion of their bodies there was Savira's blood flowing which marked If James was the first to take Savira's crown.

"Ooh... James," said Savira who sighed as James moved closer to hug her body, of course, this made James' weapon sink deeper and deeper into his body.

"We're going to start ..," said James excitedly pumping his gun in and out of his wife's pleasure hole.

"Oooh..... James, I peed again..." said Savira who even had been released three times while James had not.

James continued to pump his wife's pleasure hole with a passion that felt stinging pinching hers which was quite large and long as Savira had previously said.

Savira's pleasure hole that feels squeezed and squeezes hers makes James feel good and excited to continue pumping his library's twilight into Savira's very narrow pleasure hole.

Even though James had no previous experience with sex but it didn't matter because James was able to follow his wife and have sex with Savira for the first time in such a warm and intoxicating manner.

"Ooh... oh... James..., are ah...aren't you tired...?" Savira asked in between sighs because it was James who kept pumping her relentlessly.

Even though at this time Savira was not in pain and instead felt that it was delicious and intoxicating, but still Savira could feel tired because in her body still weak human blood flows.

"There's no such thing as tired Queen," said James who continued to pump Savira's pleasure hole faster.

"Oh.... ooh... James...." said Savira who had been released for the umpteenth time.

"Ooooh ... my Queen Savira ....." said James who finally released and healed the many seeds on Savira's intimate part.

Savara could feel that her body or rather her intimate parts seemed to be getting fuller, not only because of having James who was big and which made her intimate parts full, but this time maybe her womb was also full of James's seed. And James's weapon began to shrink a little inside Savira's body.

Savira began to catch her breath again after the umpteenth release, Savira thought that their very tiring game was over, which made Savira close her eyes because she was tired.

"Ooooh... James... wasn't it done earlier?" asked Savira who felt that James' heirloom weapon felt strange in his intimate parts, James also sucked his nipples, and James' heirloom weapon which in Savira's body also turned out to be starting to grow bigger so that Savira's intimate part felt full.

"That's just the first round Queen, let's start the second round and the next few rounds," said James hoarsely. because right now James was moving back and forth pumping Savira's pleasure hole.

"Ooooh.... you belong to me, Queen Savira...." said James which finally released him again, and because there was too much clear James in Savira's body some of the clear spilled out from the sidelines of their union.

James, who saw his wife so exhausted, gave Savira a little time to rest and pulled out his gun from his wife's pleasure hole.

"Ooooh ..." said Savira who was a little surprised because James drew his gun quickly and of course, this caused some of the thick white liquid in Savira's pleasure hole to spill.

James also enjoyed licking Savira's pleasure hole with his tongue and several times sucking the blood from Savira's nursing and also sucking the mixture of Savira's body fluids and hers. and swallowing it is like licking and eating ice cream in the human world.

"Oooh.... oh..... James you didn't let me.... oh... to rest..." said Savira in between her sighs and panting breaths.

James gave time for Savira to rest for a few minutes and this time Savira slept with her back of course this made James a little annoyed because James was not satisfied.

"Oooh ..... James ....." said Savira surprised because James' weapon re-entered Savira's pleasure hole correctly even though from behind.

"It's not that I said from the start don't blame me if I won't stop until I'm really satisfied ..." said James excitedly again pumping his twilight in Savira's pleasure hole.

James continuously pumped Savira with various styles, and several times made Savira, who had woken up, scream because she felt the pleasure of making love for the first time with James. Even Savira was in a semi-conscious state because she was too tired and sleepy and just let James do whatever James wanted until James was satisfied.

"I think that's enough because I prefer to do it when you wake up Queen... I love you, Queen... I... Savira..." said James, who at the same time released him again who knows how many times. James also let hers remain embedded in the pleasure hole. His wife, James will resume their hot activities again after Savira wakes up.

James closed his eyes and hugged Savira's as innocent body so tightly and of course, covered both of them with a cloth then James went to sleep after Savira.