Live Diamond

At this moment, for some reason, Savira felt the words said by the strange man who was currently hugging her making Savira believe what the man said.

Even though Savira's heart wants to believe what the man said, Savira's brain still says the man she is currently with is a bad man who wants to separate Savira from Viktor.

Savira feels strange with herself but why is the song treatment the man who is currently hugging her as if she knows him so well at this time Savira also feels more comfortable with this foreign man who claims to be Savira's husband than Viktor who previously claimed to be her husband? Savira's lover.

The problem is that they currently have no memories of their actual relationship. Of course Savira also only remembers Viktor on this day as well as this foreign man, he claimed to be her husband but managed to make Savira's heart so comfortable and believed in his words.

Currently, Savira feels confused about who to trust, and, not only that her body also feels so weak and her head is currently really feeling dizzy trying to remember what happened to her.

Savira slowly closed her eyes and suddenly the memory in her mind of her lover named Viktor disappeared as if Savira didn't recognize the man.

Of course, it happened because at this time the strange man who was nearby or rather was currently hugging her innocent body so tightly seemed to channel a power that made the memory that was previously lost in Savira's head slowly begin to return.

At this moment Savira felt that she had fallen asleep before and when she opened her eyes Savira remembered what happened to her this time Savira was grateful to have found her husband who was still holding her tightly and looking at her beautiful face with a sweet smile.

"Are you currently remembering me Queen?" asked the handsome man who at this moment made Savira feel happy and even Savira hugged the handsome man's burly body.

"James, I love you very much," said Savira, who at this time felt so happy because now James was with her.

The handsome man who had a burly body was none other than James. Earlier, James had managed to restore the memories of Savira who had previously been bewitched by a Vampire king who had collaborated with a magician to separate James and Savira.

If only the demon in James's body didn't come out at the wrong time, maybe James would find Savira faster and of course, James wouldn't be missed until another man managed to kiss his lips and hug his wife's sexy body presumptuously so that it made James out of control.

To act as if he was a kidnapper, not only, James also made Savira feel like she had been raped by a foreign man before.

Because indeed the impact of the witch's magic in collaboration with the vampire king made James still a little difficult, the devil in James's body often came suddenly and took over James' body and made James, which is James' version of an evil and cruel demon, appear as a destroyer.

But this time James felt so grateful because the demon in him appeared at the right time so James could kill the wizards at the right time, his wizard, and take over his kingdom's power even though James had to lose his wife for a while and made James feel like stupid people.

After James solved the problems in the kingdom and killed intruders who disguised themselves as soldiers or rather high-level wizard who was Ema's father, who turned out to be disguised as a royal official to take revenge on James for Ema's death.

Of course, in this case, James is innocent because Ema deserves to die because he has betrayed and kept Savira away from him and of course, the evil version of James will certainly kill anyone he thinks is guilty.

Without thinking twice, even though it was a little difficult to resist the high-level magic possessed by Ema's father, James the demon version managed to kill Ema's father and several of his accomplices who also disguised themselves to infiltrate his kingdom.

James became furious when he found out that his wife had disappeared and James had searched all over his territory to find Savira but could not find her.

After James felt a strange feeling that it was certain that at this time someone had presumptuously touched his wife, James could even feel part of his sexy lips occasionally burning, which proved that at that time someone had been presumptuous of kissing Savira's lips.

On that occasion, James immediately tracked down his wife's whereabouts by sharpening his sense of smell and James managed to enter the human world so easily and found his wife who was actually in a restaurant in the human world with a vampire king.

It was his mortal enemy who turned out to have created a false memory in his wife's mind and lost the true memory of Savira so that at that time Savira assumed that the vampire king was her lover.

Luckily that time, James came at the right time so that the vampire king did not act further and coincidentally his wife still had a human side so at that time Savira was only focused on eating.

Even though James was so jealous when he found out that his wife was eating with the vampire king, even his wife deliberately treated the vampire king as her lover gently even Savira fed the food that was eaten by Savira at that time, making James uncontrollably burn with jealousy.

Incidentally at that time, James could not control himself, and his wife so James he added every drop of his wife's tears that fell at that time with silver poison. Savira looks so sad, making every silver poison that is in every drop of her wife's tears into a high-level poison which of course will soon make the Vampires die slowly if the poison is not removed from her body.

James even then took SaVira away and punished her most sweetly. Even though at that moment James didn't have time to think about Savira's feelings, what he thought was to punish his wife for allowing another man to kiss his wife's sexy lips that should only belong to James or Jay.

"I love you too Queen." Of course, James was really happy right now because his wife had remembered him and wasn't taken in by the Vampire King's stupid magic.

At this time, it wasn't James who gave many kisses all over his beloved wife's face, and not only that this time Savira also looked so adorable and so happy that James needed it like that.

Unlike before, Savira looked scared and even felt like a woman who was not right in front of James. Because James was previously guilty of not returning the memory of his wife first.

James even just found out the truth if it turns out that the vampire king is his greatest enemy because he has succeeded in kidnapping Savira, previously James was afraid of Savira getting hurt, maybe the vampire king will soon plan something that can make Savira further away from him.

So now James insists that James will always be with his wife so that no one dares to manipulate or bewitch the mind of his wife.

"Have you remembered everything by now Queen?" James asked his wife.

"Yes, you make me confused, how can I seem to lose my memory of you and I even think of you as a very handsome foreign man? You even made me confused before because I felt like a prostitute," said Savira, who told the truth about what he felt.

"Not a whore, but a live diamond," said James, smiling sweetly and passionately kissing Savira's beautiful face, which looked annoyed but instead made Savira look so sexy in James' eyes.

Savira always managed to melt with what James said because all this time James had never said stupid words to her. James is a cold man so whatever James said is absolutely the truth.

Yes, to be more precise, James thinks Savira is a precious diamond in his life. Savira also does not feel inferior after now knowing the handsome man who is currently with her is James Arthur a King Wolf who is her husband.

Savira suddenly remembered that they are currently in the human world but why have such a great place even now James seems to be someone who has a lot of wealth in this modern human world.

"Oh yes, I just remembered that we are currently in the human world. How did you get all this?" asked Savira who was curious.

Of course, King James has all the special forces that help him make whatever James wants wantntsntscomiceames had indeed ordered some of his trusted omegala to look for modern weapons that were certainly created by humans to paralyze their enemies.

Not only that, James even owns a company that certainly makes weapons of war of any type, both very small and large. Not only that, even James in the human world has produced various types of poisons and antidotes.

James made this human world a base for making weapons as well as the right treatment because then no one would have thought that his kingdom, which was so powerful, had succeeded in obtaining special weapons from the human world which were certainly more modern and deadly.

"Of course what is impossible to get from a King Wolf James Arthur who is a handsome, intelligent and cruel King," said James, smiling confidently in front of his call wife who looked so amazed at him.

Savira did believe her husband's words, except for James' last words, which were "cruel". Even though Savira knew this handsome husband was a King Wolf who was so cold and flat-faced before but Savira did not believe that this handsome husband was a cruel King Wolf.

"Not cruel but a sex maniac," said Savira, who corrected her husband's words, which often went out of control when Savira was near him.

"That's a necessity that only I can do to you my Queen," said James excitedly even after that immediately silenced Savira's sexy lips with his lips.