Savira is pregnant

Savira felt confused. Why did James have to be vomiting, nauseated and dizzy when he was pregnant with Savira? Savira should have felt it, maybe James loved her that much until now the feeling that should have been felt by Savira was James who felt it.

Of course, Savira felt very happy knowing that she was currently pregnant but Safira also became a little worried because she saw that her husband's handsome face looked a little paler than usual.

Even though he is a little paler than usual, James is still smiling sweetly and looks so happy to know the fact that Savira is currently pregnant.

The handsome face of James who usually only smiled occasionally, this time looked so handsome with the old smile from before James that was so charming and made Safira's heart feel happy too.

Even James was so happy that James forgot his dizziness and continued to hug and kiss his wife's face with tenderness and affection, not only that, James even occasionally rubbed Savira's stomach which was still flat, as if he felt that in Savira's stomach there was a potential successor who would be present in a few months. again.

Because Savira is pregnant with James' child, who is a descendant of the king of the world, of course, Savira's pregnancy is faster and shorter than normal humans in general, if normal humans generally survive 9 months 10 days. others are only pregnant for 3 months.

Of course at this time James I really can't wait for the birth of his first child together with his beloved wife. It's only natural that at this time Savira is pregnant with James's child because at every opportunity James will always touch Savira, so Savira will certainly get pregnant quickly.

James had even planned to make Savira pregnant and give birth to her child so that James would have many offspring and of course, James would share his vast territory with his children.

Of course, after that James could take a break from royal problems and choose to isolate himself with his beloved wife in a quieter world or maybe in the human world.

"Each, much, much..... thank you honey I love you so much and our children too," said James after kissing Savira's beautiful face then said as if James knew that there was not only one baby in Safira's womb.

After waiting for hundreds of years, this time James felt very happy since Savira's arrival in his life as his true partner which of course made James feel like he was starting to find true happiness one by one.

Savira turned out to be really like a living gem who brought a lot of happiness that always comes continuously into the life of James, who at first was very sick of hearing words of love or other people who seemed happy in front of him.

Because previously James couldn't get close to any woman because it was useless if James was close to a woman when they touched other with a woman who was not James' true partner other than James' mother and sister, they would be burned to ashes.

It turned out that God was very good at bringing Savira into his life so at this time James feels very grateful and very happy because soon he will get a royal successor who will certainly be very similar to him and Savira.

James, of course, can't wait to immediately try to make many children after giving birth to his first child, because of course Safira will always return a virgin within 24 hours so after giving birth of course within 24 hours Savira's wound after giving birth will be closed and reunited because Savira is a holy woman who will continue to be a virgin within 24 hours.

At first, James thought that at the time of the death of his wife, who was a version of Dewi Savira in the past, was a curse given by God to him but it turns out that in his current life James gets a lot of happiness after meeting the reincarnation of his wife whose name is not far away. It's different if her name was Dewi Savira, while her current name is only Savira.

"Just James you hold me too tight, I can't breathe," said Savira, who felt James' hug, which at this time looked so happy, although far away it looked a little pale, James's embrace was tight.

James, who realized what he had done, almost made it difficult for his wife and child to breathe because James was still too happy to know that his beloved Queen was pregnant.

"I'm sorry dear I love you... I'm sorry ....," said James, who is currently really like a child who feels so guilty for making Savira and maybe the baby in her stomach Savira became a little congested.

Savira is now becoming anxious herself seeing the behavior of James who is so adorable. James usually very rarely apologized if he wasn't pressed, even this handsome man in front of him, Savira, preferred to go first a while ago when Savira was crying but today only because he found out that Safira was pregnant with his child. James didn't even hesitate to apologize to Savira.

"Each, much, much, much, much I love you too...., stop blaming yourself too much we're fine," said Savira who is currently kissing her husband's entire face gently and lovingly, James' eye color which currently looks dark black and is so calming, Savira makes Savira feel really in love with James who currently looks adorable.

Savira didn't even hesitate to stare at her husband's face constantly because James' expression was so unique. So Safira couldn't stand to keep looking at the face of her husband who looked so very guilty to him making Savira currently hug and give lots of loving kisses all over James' face which previously looked sad and feeling guilty so that at this moment James's face looks back cheerful contracted a cheerful smile from Savira.

"You are the source of my life and happiness at this time," said James to Savira with full tenderness and affection. James kissed the top of his wife's head with love and tenderness.

James has always been paying attention to his wife's beautiful and sexy lips, which look tempting, but if James kisses his wife's lips later, it won't be enough just a short kiss and of course, he will do a hot kiss.

James was afraid of losing control and later it would make Savira a little congested and it might be dangerous for the health of his wife and their future baby who is currently in Safira's stomach.

since knowing Savira was pregnant with James, he had been extra careful about the bad effects before James acted, but Savira, who looked adorable this time, was even fun to kiss all over his face, making James feel exasperated.

Even at this time Savira spontaneously referred to James' aunt with a brief kiss, James immediately resisted the bend of his wife and deepened their kiss into hot kisses and various luscious kisses which James liked very much because Savira's lips were so sexy it was so sweet it was so intoxicating it made James felt the pleasure he felt when every time James touched his wife whom he loved so much.

Of course, even though James gave Savira a hot kiss, which was so intoxicating, it made James try to control himself so that he could make his wife take a breath first.

Sara's face now looks as red as a tomato because she was embarrassed when Savira, who was alone, who was not with her husband because she was too aggressive, kissed James' face and James only kissed Savira in return, but James' reply made Savira feel so an intoxicating delight that made Savira almost forget how to breathe properly.

Meanwhile, at this time James, who saw the expression of his wife who looked embarrassed, was excited about the level of his wife so James pinched the cheek of his wife who was a little chubby.

Even though Savira's body is slim and sexy, Savira's cheeks are slightly plump and look very adorable like the Asian version of a live Barbie doll.

"Why every time I see you I love you more you always get more beautiful when I look at you and not only that you look very sexy," James said with a smile cleaning the edge of his wife's sexy lips where there was a little Saliva belonging to hers left behind.

Of course, because from earlier, James was always licking, cumming, and sucking Savirai's sexy lips, which looked so tempting and attractive.

At this time James even forgot the feeling that previously made James feel tormented, would feel nauseous, dizzy, and also feel like throwing up.

When James embraced and smelled the scent of his wife's body, the dizziness, nausea, and vomiting from James seemed to disappear, so James was currently very attached to Savira and didn't want to be away from his beloved wife.

Of course, if James had known earlier that the way to relieve his nausea, dizziness, and also wanted to vomit was just by hugging and kissing his wife's body, James had already done it, and James liked it.

"No I'm not that pretty..., you just saw it wrong." said, Savira who never felt herself to be a beautiful woman, it's just that sometimes Savira feels herself growing into an adult too quickly, especially her body behavior of Savira who looks so looks like an adult woman even though Savira's face is still so cute and beautiful and a baby face that makes Savira look like an Asian Barbie who is so beautiful with exotic skin and a sexy body and has a cute face.

This little wife is adorable and makes James love Savira even more because Savira is never arrogant with anything she has, so James feels so lucky to have a wife who is so beautiful not only in her body but also in her heart.

"How can you say that, I'm never wrong. I love you....," said James hugging his wife tighter putting his head between the curves of her neck, and then inhaling the scent of Savira's body which smelled of roses and a mixture of Cinnamon was so fragrant and intoxicating it didn't make James feel so calm and comfortable.