James lost Savira's attention

Currently, Savira was taking turns giving breast milk to Baby Xavier, who had previously woken up from sleep and was crying loudly because he was thirsty and even crying while calling for his mother.

"Unfortunately little prince Xavier is patient, right now mother has been breastfeeding Princess Olivia for a while..." said Savira who at this time could only gently kiss her son's face fondly, baby Xevir had hair that was so dense and black as Savira's hair long ago, back before she turned into a full-fledged wolf queen.

"Look, week... Xavier is thirsty Mother...," said from Xevir's clothes, who of course was impatient like James, who didn't accept any excuses at this point.

"Be patient, son," said Savira, who was currently a little dizzy because baby Xavier was a little hard to calm down, while baby Olivia also didn't want to beat him.

It was proven a while ago when Savira was trying to let go of baby Olivia who, according to her, had had enough of drinking breast milk, but the beautiful little princess was still sucking so hard that it indicated that baby Olivia was still thirsty and not full of breastfeeding. at the moment.

Baby Xevir's loud cry of course woke baby Elder but baby Elder wasn't like his two brothers at the moment. The Baby Elder looked so calm and only squirmed a little in the style of a handsome Baby who had just woken up so that anyone who saw him became very excited to kiss the cheek of the chubby Baby Elder.

While baby El, was so very patient but when he had drunk Baby Elder's milk, would immediately drink a lot and be very greedy, the nature of Baby Elder was so similar to James, and also when they had promised and understood the situation they would be more patient, but when this time they have come, they make good use of it.

At this time, she had no other way but to sit and hold the two tiny babies who were currently in her right hand, baby Olivia was sucking the milk from the mountain of twins on the right, while baby Xavier, who was placed on the left, was quickly devouring and sucking greedily at the source of the milk. Savira is on the left.

Savira feels that it's only natural that her children are very greedy when eating or drinking breast milk because James or her husband is also like that until now Savira can only lean back while embracing her son and daughter who are in her lap sucking the two sources of breast milk in her lap. her chest so greedily.

"Elder prince's queen has woken up..." Asya said, who realized at this moment, that Prince El had woken up but wasn't crying, just keeping quiet while biting and sucking her tiny fingers.

"I'm okay, I'm just here, while waiting for my two brothers to finish drinking milk," said the Elder prince wisely.

Savira, who also heard the words of her first child who was so very mature, was patient and understanding, and according to Savira, made her smile proudly. Elder is James' version of when Savira was in an acute spoiled period but James was so patient in dealing with him.

"Thank you for understanding, son," said Savira, who at this time could only smile sweetly and while focusing on the other two sons and daughters, was currently still drinking breast milk.

Savira can only enjoy being a wife, queen, mother, and also a super busy adult woman, which sometimes makes Savira feel a little tired, and loves James to pamper her so much.

"I already feel full, now I'm sleepy... Mother." said baby Olivia who already felt so full because she had drunk so much of Savira's milk earlier.

"Sleep, son," said Savira, who was currently patting the beautiful little boy's buttocks, who had been fast asleep for a long time.

Meanwhile, at this time, even though Baby Xevir was drinking her milk so voraciously, her eyes were starting to close which indicated that the little prince was also feeling full and Savira felt that baby Xevir's sucking was slowing down which then released itself because the handsome baby had fallen asleep.

Tabib Asyi of course helped Savira, to move baby Olivia who had fallen asleep in the crib, as well as baby Xavier who had been fast asleep, had been moved in the crib, because even though the third tiny baby could speak like a 5-year-old child, still they are a tiny baby, which of course at this point for their better growth only takes time to drink milk, sleep, and poop.

"Elder is so calm, do you want to play... or do you want to drink breast milk, son?" said Savira who was currently kissing the baby Elder's entire face, with a kiss full of love from a mother to her child.

Because the Baby Elder has been playing with toys that are specified in the baby box, which hangs above the face of the baby Elder.

"Darling... why did you leave me....," said James, who had just come to this place earlier, after waking up and being unable to find Savira's whereabouts.

"Mother... El is thirsty." said this very Elder in Savira's arms, who didn't want to lose to her father.

Of course, at this time, Savira was more focused on giving breast milk to her child. Savira knew that her child was very hungry and thirsty at this time. Of course, Savira immediately gave breast milk while sitting on the side of the big bed.

"El you made steal Mother, from Father," said James who was currently flat-faced, James didn't like it when his beloved wife chose other things compared to James. Even though the chosen one is his biological child.

But James did not like to share his wife's affection with any man, the reason being that when Savira was pregnant, James hoped to have only daughters, which of course would not make James feel jealous.

At this time Al didn't say anything to his father and instead just focused on sucking greedily on the source of breast milk that he liked so much. while Savira is currently still seeing the face of her child who looks cute while drinking breast milk.

"El, you don't share with, Dad?" said James nosy at this time gently pinching the cheek of his eldest son with exasperation.

But baby El, it doesn't matter, whatever the father does, the handsome baby is still more and more excited to drink breast milk, whereas, at this time, even Savira is cringing a little because baby El's suction has become so strong because James's actions are being mischievous, it makes Savira feel a little sore. on her breast milk source section.

"Enough James, don't make fun of El, who is focused on drinking breast milk right now. He needs a lot of milk because Prince El is hungry," said Savira, who reminded her husband not to bully their son.

Of course, before James saw it, baby El smiled at this moment, smiling briefly when his mother defended him more than his father, who was currently showing a sad face because of his mother's scolding.

"Honey, but I miss you ...," said James, who at this time was sitting beside his wife and kissing the forehead and top of his beloved wife's head.

"Mother, El is sleepy but El wants to sleep in Mother's arms," said El who deliberately wanted to spoil his father ignorantly.

"Tamang-timing, the beloved child, hurry up and sleep well," said Savira gently while rocking a handsome baby who was so tiny that now he was back to sucking milk and had even moved from the previous one to the right, this time to the left.

Baby El drank more breast milk from Savira than from her two siblings. Even though he is so patient, baby El makes good use of his time to drink as much milk as possible, as this tiny baby is currently doing.

Yes, James at this time looked so upset because the one who paid more attention to their first son than himself, even now, because the one who had been sitting earlier was already standing while gently cradling their son who was so spoiled.

Baby El was cold to other people but not to his mother, of course, not much different from James who used to be like this. even James was so cold to his father before, because James thought his father had stolen his mother from him.

Because James's mother was very busy, so he spent more time with his father than with James or Jesy, even so, James still got together with his parents with love like a child to his parents in a slightly different way.

In contrast to the reaction of Savira, who was the first time knowing that her child could speak even when they were not even one month old, surprised Savira because before that Savira was a human being whose touch thought this was a magical thing, different from James who thought this was a normal thing even his mother also told him. When James and Jesy were small, they also used to talk when were babies when they were a few weeks old.

So at this point, James was no longer surprised, because indeed at this time when his little angels were his children and pure of flesh and blood, of course, his nature had passed a lot on his children, as evidenced by the baby elders who were recently declining in almost the same nature.

"I think at this point I understand why my father used to love to keep my mother away from me ...," said James, who later felt dislike, when his beloved wife paid more attention to another man who was a tiny replica of his baby when he small, which looks so annoying for James right now.

"What are you saying James, you make prince El, unable to sleep," said Savira who was currently glaring at her husband, who had previously thrown a tantrum. So previously Savira had closed his eyes and now opened his black eyes which were similar to James's.

"Sorry honey... I just don't like it when you ignore me..." James said honestly.

"James understands, I was just trying to calm your Son!" Savira said firmly and looked at James' face with a flat look.