Hot Wrestling With Selena 21+

At this time, after previously Savira had swapped with Selena, and this time Selena was acting like herself. She didn't want to pretend to stand for Savira because she was Selena.

While was the dishes, James, of course, saw Savira's position, which moved this time, and immediately hugged his wife's petite body from behind. Feeling exasperated with his wife's twin mountains that looked tempting at this time James immediately squeezed her back from behind.

"Aaaakh James....," said Selena in a spoiled voice.

Of course, James heard the voice of his wife who was so spoiled, James knew that currently, the soul controlling his wife's body was his wolf soul which was none other than Selena.

"Your voice, so beautiful and sexy Honey....," said James, whose hands were currently playing on the mountain of his wife's twins which were still neatly wrapped in clothes.

"Aaaaw ... James, I haven't finished washing the pot," said Selena, who at this time had not finished rinsing the pot that was previously used for cooking noodles.

In the end, Selena's hands were so slender and fast, I cleaned it up and put it on the special shelf for furniture that was still wet, while of course, the waiter would give it to me if the equipment was dry.

"Honey, I want to drink milk ...," said James, who today wants real milk from the source that is in his hand at this time.

"In the refrigerator, right, there is ...," Selena said mischievously.

"Don't want the one in the refrigerator, I want this..." said James, whose voice sounded deep at this point.

"Aaaaw... James, don't squeeze it tight like that, it hurts, it hurts, you better just drink it..." Selena said mischievously.

During the day, James heard Selena's words that had given him the green light, which made James so excited that he gave James a position behind him so that their current positions were facing each other, James even immediately brought his wife and placed her on the kitchen table.

Impatiently, James immediately zipped up his red long dress, which happened to have a front zipper, making it easier for James of course at this time.

The twin mountains that belonged to his beloved wife, which were so dense and large, had brown shoots that looked so cute and sexy at this moment. James immediately sucked the right mountain top like a hungry baby.

"Aaaah, James..., you surprised me," said Selena, who sighed spoiled, making James even more excited to suck on one of Selena's twin mountains, which was so big and sexy.

James's left hand certainly didn't stay silent but kept squeezing his wife's left mountain with so much exasperation that occasionally James also pulled the twin peaks of the mountains that were so cute.

"Aaaah..... Aaah... James...," said Selena, who at this time was not only getting stimulation from James on her twin mounts but also James' right hand, with his mischievousness currently playing to divide Selena's pleasure hole.

"Aaaakh James hurts...." Selena said because James had now identified her heirloom with her pleasure hole with one beat.

"Sorry honey, I was in a hurry.....," said James, who then covered his wife's sexy lips and squeezed his wife's twin mountains.

When Selena started to enjoy James began to enjoy his weapon slowly and then faster until it made Selena hold back several times but then James suddenly let go of her heirloom, making Selena's pleasure hole complain of the liquid.

"We're going to try yesterday's tool....," said James, who previously confused Selena because Selena didn't understand Jemes' intention.

Of course, I didn't understand what James meant because at that time Selena's soul was bound and unconscious when Savira was losing her memory because of the vampire king a few months ago.

"What tool.... aaaaah, Aaah James," said Selena, who felt a little surprised at this time that she felt that her intimate part had entered a long object that was shaped like a James heirloom, except that the tool in Savira's intimate part was smaller.

"James what... aaaaah, aaaaah, aaaah you... it...aaaah..," said Selena, who kept sighing because she felt the strange object that James had inserted into her intimate part vibrate rapidly.

James didn't insert just one, but James put two strange devices, one in Selena's pleasure hole and one in Selena's back hole, of course, James smeared it with the liquid that had previously been released by his wife's pleasure hole so that Selena would not feel pain.

"Aaaaaakh... James..." Selena said so sexily when she sighed.

"You are very beautiful and sexy Queen Selena...," said James, who was currently enjoying himself and the sight in front of him looked like his wife's body was moving so sexy with the twin mountain items that were so packed that James had squeezed them with both hands.

"Aaaah....aaaah....aaaah.....Aaah... James what are you doing.... aaaaah... aaaah why are those two weird things shaking so fast and your hands are so naughty too. ....Aaaaah." said Selena, who finally got drunk for the umpteenth time.

"That thing I control Queen. do you like it dear?" said James to Savira.

"Of course.... aaaah.... but.... aaaaah this...aah...aah is tiring," said Selena who told the truth.

James, who was so excited and excited at this time, immediately sucked hard on the top of the mountain to the left of his wife, which of course made Savira hold back several times.

Selena felt pleasure that she had never felt before, but over time Selena became tired because she endured a lot while James had been busy sucking and giving so many marks on his neck to his chest.

At this time, just surrender and enjoy whatever her husband does. not long after he finally felt able to breathe a sigh of relief after James pulled out the tool that was always vibrating fast in his pleasure hole.

"Aaaakh.....," said Selena, who felt a little relieved because the strange object in her pleasure hole had been removed, causing lots of Selena's fluids to come out.

Selena James didn't know the place even now they were in the kitchen luckily no maids dared to go into the kitchen because earlier hours after leaving one of the services was a trained handler who was the head of the basics so no one was small nor any maids in the kitchen this time.

The other one is not willing to share the beauty of his wife's body, because indeed James only wants this beauty, only he can be beautiful later by other people, even the game of swearing if other people see his beloved wife in a process that is so sexy, James will immediately change they turn to ashes.

After not being satisfied playing around giving lots of signs of love on the chest and neck of his beloved wife, this time James wants to start the main game.

Especially after seeing Selena, who currently looks so sexy when she sweats because she sweats a lot. Moreover, Selena's skin color is so exotic and Selena's sexy body is so intoxicating and tempting at this time that James can't wait to start the game to its fullest.

James also removes the strange device that James previously installed in Selena's back hole. so that now Selena can rest a little because no strange objects are moving in her intimate parts.

After a few minutes, James finally saw that this time it had been 24 hours since the previous time. sounds like that but this time Selena's breathing sounded normal.

At this point, James could conclude that at this moment, surely the body of his beloved wife had of course returned to being a virgin, making James feel excited to break into her again.

James, this time, immediately covered Selena's sexy lips with so much exasperation and squeezed his wife's twin mountains and when he got a reply from his beloved wife who kissed back hotly, they were immersed in this hot struggle until at this point James felt at the pleasure hole of the couple who had again issued the liquid that James used to grease the part of his heritage weapon which was now ready for combat.

Of course, it was James and Selena right now as they were both burning with passion and eager to have a hot tussle.

"Aaaaaakh..... James is sick... Aaah." said Selena, who had felt pain in her groin.

Because at this moment it was Selena who realized that at this time her heirloom James was forcing his way into the tight part of her pleasure hole.

Selena at this time just realized that her condition was almost naked and James was only wearing a thin shirt without pants because at this time his two intimate parts were together even though they weren't all in yet.

James who stopped was so strong that at this time Selena could feel if the part of her pleasure hole felt like it was being torn apart by an object so large, long, and veiny that it was forcing it to enter.

"Aaaakh .....," Selena said holding back the pain once she hugged James' neck so that James immediately looked down and crushed his wife's sexy lips to divert the pain and give a little time for Selena to get used to James' heirloom which is currently enjoyable already in the pleasure hole of his wife.

After James felt that Selena was getting used to it and was swept away in the pleasures that had been created by her, James, who felt happy intimately, was currently being squeezed and massaged so tightly by his wife's pleasure hole that it made James a little congested so that he had to start moving to feel true pleasure.

"Aaah.Aaah...Aaah... Aaah... James...," said Selena, who sighed in a voice so sexy.

"Yes, honey. Keep on sighing.....," said James, who at this time was so excited to fuck his wife.

Of course, James didn't just use one style, but James tried a variety of styles which of course made James hold back a lot.

"Move on honey... Aaaaaakh you're delicious." tax from James who is currently feeling so good when Selena starts moving on it.

"Aaah... Aaah... Aaah continues dear....," said James at this time while enjoying his beloved wife both coming down in front of him and of course making a different heirloom so delicious in and out of Selena's pleasure hole.

"Aaaaah... James..... Honey... angry...," Selena said after crying for the last umpteenth time.

Whereas at this point James didn't feel tired at all, James felt so excited to continue having a hot tussle with the very sexy Selena. At this point, they finally swapped positions back with James leading the way in this hot struggle with the current position James laying his wife on the couch and James taking down her pleasure hole so quickly.

"James you are in too deep!" said Selena at this time having translated the eye due to the impact of James's heirloom which had now reached its limit.

"Aaaaah,... aaaakh Queen.... you have me," said James who begged for the umpteenth time.

Then it wasn't long before they had to return to hot wrestling for so many styles that of course James was leading the game because Selena was now tired and could only accept various intoxicating herbs from her husband.