Free from possessive James

Now Savira feels so happy that she feels a little free because it's not easy to be free from James who is so very possessive. Even after this, Savira didn't know what James would do later, after knowing that Savira was not by his side.

At this time because Savira just felt bored in the office. Savjra wanted to travel to places recommended by Jesy, of course, together with Jesy.

because Savira brought the baby from the beginning so the three of them went to the best shopping place in this city.

"Mother..." said baby El, who at this time spoke slowly because Baby was thirsty at this time.

"Looks like I'll just get changed in the toilet while feeding Baby Elder some milk," said Savira to Jesy. Indeed, at this time they were in the restaurant waiting for their breakfast that had been ordered to arrive before they went for a walk to the shopping area recommended by Jesy.

Of course, Savira after the leisurely walk earlier had to change clothes because of course her clothes at this point already smelled of sweat, but if at home it was just for Jame, not even changing his clothes James won't have a problem even James wouldn't mind if Savira didn't take a shower at all, because according to James Savira still has a fragrant and intoxicating body odor.

"Okay. Don't go too long. I'll wait for you here." said Jesy, smiling at her brother-in-law.

Of course, before that Savira came to this place, just to take a walk in the park and didn't bring any change of clothes. Luckily Jesy brought a few changes of clothes in her car and Jesy, of course, liked Jessy's habit from the past nevpast ofliflingone, Jesy always went as she pleased without asking for approval from her husband course was as positional as James.

It's just that Jesy no longer needs to worry about her children because they are already big and of course, the maids and he husband take good care of them when Jessi leaves her children at home for just a short while.

"Baby Elder is full?" asked Savira after giving breast milk to Baby El, only smiling briefly while nodding her head, which was a sign that currently, Baby El was full.

Of course, Savira didn't want to leave the children behind, so even though Savira changed clothes Savira also brought a baby, besides that Baby El was still too young to be left alone. Indeed, Savira only changed her outer clothing, not her underwear, which was still clean and smelled good, so of course it didn't take long.

"Sorry it took a while," said Savira who at this time had returned to his previous seat. Indeed, they sat down to wait for the orders to come and at this time all the food they ordered had arrived Jessy looked so preoccupied with her cell phone and then immediately looked at Savira.

"Finally, after so long I waited for you, I can eat too," said Jesy, who at this time felt hungry.

Of course, Jesy in the sea kingdom is also used to eating food in the ocean, it's just that even though the food is a little different, Jesy is used to eating whatever her beloved husband and humans eat in this place, course, even though most of the food doesn't look like what in the sea, but still feel like always eating because you are used to eating the same as what your beloved husband does, of course.

"Did I leave you too long, I think it was quite short..." said Savira who felt she had not left Jesy for too long.

"Not too long, I've been waiting for you about 45 minutes ago and luckily this food just arrived about 15 minutes ago. So I don't think this food is too cold for you," said Jessie, who knew of course that humans would prefer hot food, in contrast to Jesy, who had no problem eating even hot or cold food, according to her, that was not a problem.

"Wow? I was that long? Because earlier I had to breastfeed Baby El. Even now Baby El seems to have fallen asleep in my arms." said Savira who was currently embracing her beloved child, who was currently in the Erdogan. Because Savira was holding baby El in front of her in a baby position that hugged Savira's body with a special sling that helped Savira make it easier, so that baby El would not fall when Savira moved freely.

Seeing that her beloved son was fast asleep, of course Savira knew that her beloved son was getting enough breast milk. Savira is also sure that her two sons and daughters who are at home must be currently getting enough breast milk, because of course Asyi can take good care of her two children and her husband can also take care of them very well.

"Aunty's adorable niece, Aunty, just sleep... much... mumuchessie said happily while kissing baby Elder's right cheek and left cheek but didn't bother baby El at all, Baby El was still fast asleep and hugged her mother's body tightly as if she didn't want to lose Savira.

Of course, if the baby Elder was at home, you wouldn't be able to spend this much time with the mother because of course the father would monopolize the mother, so they couldn't spend more time with the mother.

"Let's eat our breakfast this morning, I'm feeling very hungry already." Said Savira, who feels hungry lately.

Finally, Savira and Jesy started eating quietly, they ate in a relaxed manner because there isn't any possessive man who would make them have to eat in a hurry to get home.

Meanwhile, in James' big house, this time James had just woken up and felt that the object he needed was oddly shaped and certainly could not be compared to his wife's body shape, which was too sexy and perfect.

Too bad what he needed, was not Savira's body but indeed this was his wife's favorite ruling, which was often used by Savira to be hugged by Savira. Whereas James would usually hug her from behind.

"How could I not notice that my mischievous little wife had taken her place with this bolster?" said James who at this time immediately sat down because he felt annoyed at the footsteps of his beloved wife.

Of course, James quickly looked for the whereabouts of Savira who might still be around this room, and seeing the son and daughter who were not currently in the crib made James feel a little worried.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty King James. We brought the prince and princess to play in this house because Prince Xevir and Princess Olivia were bored in the room." Asyi said honestly.

"All right, because now my son and daughter are asleep. Put them back in the baby box and where are baby El and Savira?" said James, who did not see the whereabouts of his first son and his beloved wife.

Then, of course, James still felt confused because he had not seen the whereabouts of Baby Elder and Savira before, but surely Asyi had previously thought that Baby Elder and Savira had gone together, with permission from James, of course.

After Asyi put the two babies down then turned back to James and told the truth, if it was true he didn't know where Savira's cake and also the Elder prince were right now

"Forgive my noble servant, King, I do not know the whereabouts of Queen Savira and also Prince El. I thought before that they had left with the permission of the noble king." Said the healer Asyi, looking down in fear.

Of course, who wouldn't be afraid, even the aura from James earlier sounded so flat. this time James seemed to make the atmosphere in this room tense so that anyone who was near him would feel afraid.

"Alright. What do you do now, quickly find the whereabouts of my wife and my eldest son!" said James, who then used his strength to move quickly, James immediately headed to a special secret room to check because indeed in every corner of this house, James himself had secretly installed it, the CCTV which besides looking so small and would not be seen at all for eyes that only glimpse it.

"Yes, Your Majesty the King," said Asyi, who was currently at the door of baby EXO's room, alone because James had left him.

At this time, because it had been assigned by Savira and also James to secure the safety of the two tiny babies who were currently fast asleep, those who had the baby box today but surely could only ask a few servants to look for the Queen and also the Elder prince on orders from King James, certainly to all parts of the region in this place.

"My little... girl this time is very naughty, she went secretly with baby El for a walk to the park, without my permission?" said James who has checked the CCTV footage which is also complete with a very clear voice. Savira said she was going for a walk to the park, along with Baby El who was also going with Savira.

Of course, at this point, it doesn't matter its appearance. Moreover, only using a black shirt and trousers, even under the clothes, James's upper body is certainly muscular, but James can't think of anything else, other than finding the whereabouts of his wife and child who of course should be in good health and safe without any deficiencies. whatever.

"Honey where are you and our Son at the moment?" said James who at this time had even looked around the park which was not far from their house. But he also did not find Savira's whereabouts and also asked his eldest son.