9. Why You Hurt Me?

That night, Felicia couldn't sleep as well as usual. The contract marriage cannot be separated from his heart and mind. Felicia decided to sit by the window of her room just to stare at the stars that shone in the open sky, hoping the beauty of the stars could calm her chaotic heart a little, let tonight be the witness of her inner war.

The girl looked up at the star-studded sky with sorrow, her current mood was like the night sky, dark and gloomy.

"Why did all this have to happen to me, God? I thought loving Rafael and coming with him here was the best choice of my life, but it wasn't. I don't know if the decision that Rafael took by handing me over to another man was indeed for the continuation of our relationship, or just his ambition to earn a lot of money easily," Felicia groaned in her heart.

The girl's tears couldn't stop flowing as she looked around her room, looking intently at every corner of the room. The room had been a silent witness to his togetherness with Rafael since the first time he showed his feet in this house.

There are so many memories stored in this room, even Felicia often makes love with Rafael here.

"What have I been lacking all this time, Rafael? I'm always patient with your attitude that often plays with other women. Which woman would be able to, like me, stay with a man who often had sex with many women. I don't think you'll ever find a woman who loves you as sincerely as I do," Felicia said with her fists clenched and tears streaming down her cheeks.

All this time Felicia had been so patient with Rafael, who often played one night with the women he met at nightclubs, she always believed in Rafael because the man said that she was the only woman that Rafael loved.

But who would have thought that his patience and sacrifice all this time ended up like this?

Felicia wiped her tears with her palm, she looked at the photo of Rafael hanging on the wall of her room, Felicia said with fists clenched in anger, "I swear to make Rafael regret wasting me. One day, he will fall to his knees and beg for me to come back to him," Felicia decided in her heart with her hands clenched into fists.

There is no other choice now, she has to do that contract marriage and live the toughest 6 months of her life. Felicia only hoped that Alano wouldn't torture her.

Felicia spent the night crying and overthinking until the drowsiness overcame all the pain and made her fall asleep in the cradle of dreams even though it was only a few hours before morning.

Not much different from Felicia that night, Rafael also spent the night drinking a few glasses of alcohol and red wine to vent his feelings which were so mixed up that it was hard to describe in words.

On the one hand, he is very happy because soon he will become a Billionaire who earns money without working, but on the other hand, Rafael also feels sad, however, his heart cannot be lied to if he is not willing to give up Felicia to marry another man, even if it is only marriage. Contract.

However the rice had turned to mush now, he just had to convince Felicia to come back with him after the contract with Alano was over.

Until the morning before Rafael was still asleep on the sofa with drink bottles scattered on the table.

When Felicia came out of her room, she saw Rafael sleeping in a very messy state, not to mention seeing the many bottles of drinks there, Felicia could already guess that Rafael was drunk last night.

The girl sat beside Rafael, staring intently at Rafael's face. His chest felt so tight remembering the love in his heart was so great for that man. Felicia wants to live with Rafael forever without the drama of a contract marriage like this.

"Raf, why are you like this to me, I love you with all my heart, I want to always be with you no matter what the situation is. So far I've been happy with you even though I'm living a rough life," said Felicia, quietly.

Her soft hands caressed Rafael's hair which was very messy at that time, Felicia looked at every inch of Rafael's sleeping face. A handsome face with a sharp nose, and a firm jaw made Felicia fall in love with him again and again.

Rafael suddenly squirmed, he then held Felicia's hand very tightly as if he didn't want to let go, even though at that time his eyes were still closed.

"I love you more, Rafael," said Felicia while kissing Rafael's forehead lovingly, that's when the tears fell again.

Even though Felicia is very angry with Rafael but her heart still can't be lied to, she still loves Rafael with all her heart.

Just then his cell phone rang, indicating that someone was calling him. Felicia also took the cellphone to see who was calling Rafael, and it turned out that that person was Alano.

"Big Boss?" Felicia muttered.

If she didn't answer, Felicia was worried that Alano would be angry with Rafael, but even she who answered would be rude. So Felicia was forced to wake up Rafael.

"Rafael, wake up. This is Big Boss calling you," Felicia said while shaking Rafael's body, but the man didn't budge an inch.

"Raphael, wake up!" Felicia tried to wake him up again, but he was still fast asleep, not even moving. And unfortunately, Alano keeps calling as long as the call has not been answered.

Finally, Felicia had to answer the phone.

"Hello, Raphael. Where have you been? Why did you just answer the phone? Don't you know that I called? I don't like waiting!"

Just as Felicia pressed the green button on her cellphone, Alano's voice immediately sounded angry from the other line. Felicia couldn't help but shake her head, she couldn't imagine if she would have to live in the same house with an angry man like this.