11. We Can Back Together

Felicia immediately got ready, according to Alano's directive, she had to look as beautiful as possible. She will use all her make-up skills to look more beautiful than usual.

As soon as she entered the room, she immediately opened the parcel and was very surprised because the dress in the box was a luxurious Christian Dior branded dress. The dress was a whitish silver, shiny because there were some pearl embellishments on it. Quite sexy because the appearance is wide open and exposes the part quite clearly, this length is only knee-length, so it can make a woman sexier.

"Wow, that's amazing. This is a dress from Dior," Felicia shrieked. How happy Felicia was at that time, even though she was giddy with joy because this was the first time in her life that she had a branded dress. Usually, Felicia can only see Dior's clothes from the mall window, there is a desire to buy, but there is not enough money to make her wish come true.

But today, he got the limited edition clothes for free, maybe this is one of the privileges of being the future wife of a wealthy Mafia.

Felicia hastily put on the dress and looked at herself in the mirror, it did look like a princess.

"This dress is very nice, I like it," Felicia murmured, moved.

All his annoyance, hurt, and also his anxiety suddenly disappeared because of this challenge. at least for the time being, Felicia felt very happy about taking on the challenge.

As a sign of gratitude, she dressed up as beautifully as possible to fulfill Alano's wish. In addition, she also wants to look more beautiful by wearing a dress.

An hour later, Felicia was ready. For the umpteenth time, he made sure he had met the dress.

"Okay, I'm beautiful already," Felicia complimented herself.

He then took a small bag and came out of the room, he walked into the living room Rafael was waiting for him there.

Felicia had just closed the door to her room, of course at that time Rafael's eyes were on her. Rafael's eyes opened wide, he was amazed to see Felicia's beauty, his heart rumbled in his chest, he was amazed to see Felicia who was many times more beautiful than usual.

Rafael slowly got up, he approached Felicia and wanted to hug the girl, in his heart Rafael did not stop saying, "You are so beautiful, you are an angel, you are my queen."

Just when Rafael was in front of Felicia and face to face with the girls' faces, Felicia suddenly enjoyed it.

"Stop! Don't come any closer, what are you going to do?" Felicia snapped showing her curt face.

"Why? I want to hug you, what's wrong?" asked Raphael with an annoyed face.

"Yes, of course. That's wrong," said Felicia.

"Where did it go wrong? You're my lover, so it's only natural that I want to hug you, right?" Raphael insisted.

"What?! Are you saying, I'm your girlfriend? Hey, mind you, I'm now someone else's future wife. So, don't be rude. Let's go now, my future husband must be waiting there," said Felicia nonchalantly as she left, leaving Rafael still stunned at the door.

Saying that doesn't mean Felicia doesn't love Rafael anymore, actually, Felicia is very hurt, even her heart seems to be broken into pieces. Felicia tried hard to hold back the tears from falling.

"Come on, hurry up. I must have been waiting," Felicia called, still showing an indifferent face.

Rafael could only stare sarcastically, without saying anything. It's not that I don't want to, but it feels useless.

During the trip, Felicia was silent, she didn't say anything at all. Even though Rafael repeatedly provoked him to talk, gave codes, and often opened topics with random things.

Usually, Felicia is a chatty girl, she will never run out of topics to talk about, she has something to talk about, whatever it is. But now, the beautiful girl had become a very quiet figure.

"Fel, why are you silent? Even though I've said a lot of things earlier, you're still angry aren't you?" asked Rafael, actually he was lazy to discuss this because it would end up in another fight like last night. But Felicia didn't want to talk about other topics.

"Okay, if fighting is the only way to talk to you, then I'll do that," said Rafael.

"You think about it, which woman wouldn't be angry if she was in my position," Felicia replied, curtly.

"Feli, I have explained this to you many times. I've also explained what my goal is so I let you marry a contract with Big Boss. We need a lot of money to get married and for life after marriage, besides that, because I also know that Big Boss will never fall in love with you and I'm sure Big Boss will not touch you, he just wants to fulfill the demands of the big boss, that's why he dares pay dearly for a contract marriage. It's not that I don't love you or that I'm not jealous and hurt to see you marry someone else, but we have to be realistic that life requires money," Rafael explained again at length, hoping that his girlfriend would understand.

Felicia looked at the man beside her with a gaze filled with disappointment, no matter how she hid it, the pain would still be felt. Felicia suppressed her feelings with all her might, she had been struggling to dress up for almost an hour just to get a makeup look like this, there was no way she would let tears ruin everything. Even though her chest was getting tighter from holding back tears, Felicia still did it.

"Who guarantees that your plan will go smoothly according to your wishes?" Of the many words he wanted to say, only those words came out of his mouth.

"What do you mean?" asked Rafael while occasionally looking at Felicia, because she had to stay focused on driving.

"Yes, who knows in the future your plan is just a plan, you don't know what will happen in the future. It could be that I belong to the Big Boss forever, or it could be that you are attracted to other women and then leave me and all your plans, meaning what you are doing now is not for us, but to fulfill your ego only," Felicia replied.

"That's not going to happen, I'm sure my plan will go according to what I want," said Rafael.

"No, it's possible. It will happen, nothing is possible in this world," said Felicia, no less firmly.

"But I will never leave you, I stay here until you are done with this contract marriage and we can get back together. I will not turn away from another woman, because I love you so much. Likewise, with you, I know you are not a woman who easily falls in love, and Big Boss is a man who does not believe in love, therefore nothing can keep you together, this controlled marriage will work properly and will end at the agreed time," Rafael insisted on his opinion because he thought he knew who the woman he loved was.