After Leaving

After hearing Nayla's decision at that time, Nathan Michiavelly gradually tried to change all his bad attitudes. Starting from his big head, his stupid attitude, and also his hobby of criticizing people he started to lose. Yes, although it is still ongoing, the alias has not completely changed.

Nayla was quite happy to see the changes shown by Nathan. Sometimes, the boy made Nayla shake her head because of his behavior. For example, when he was angry at Kevin and Jonathan and then saw Nayla who was looking at him sharply from a distance, his facial expression changed instantly, from anger to laughter.

Or while studying in class, Nathan was already well-known throughout the school that he was the king of sleep. Never once did he go through a whole lesson without his eyes closed, except during a test. Nathan would only wake up when the teacher hit his desk, but five minutes later his eyes would be closed again.