Wait The Minutes

"Uncle, here is one chocolate for uncle." Evans then made two pieces of chocolate, one he gave to Gerry and the other to him.

"Sorry, Evans. But I have an allergy to almonds, so I can't eat the chocolate," said Gerry. Yes, since childhood he did have an allergy to almonds, whether it was in the form of chocolate, snacks, or whatever.

In the past, Gerry accidentally ate food that contained almonds, Gerry's throat immediately felt itchy and his breath suddenly became short. Since then Gerry never wanted to eat almonds again. It turns out that this allergy to almonds is indeed very rare for most people, this includes hereditary allergies. If anyone has an allergy to almonds, the symptoms that are felt are different from what Gerry experienced.

In her family not only does she have an allergy to almonds, but also Clarissa. Because this allergy is derived from Bram and his father Bram.

"So all this chocolate for me, uncle?" asked Evans.