Up To Me

"It's up to me, this car is mine, my favorite song, it means I like it," said Johan. Then, he immediately stretched out one hand to be able to reach the on button. However, Clarissa didn't want to lose, she also nimbly pushed away Johan's hand.

"I say no means no," Clarissa exclaimed.

"I said yes, that means yes," replied Johan.

Their hands brushed against each other, then a few seconds later Johan's hand immediately touched Clarissa's hand and held it as if he didn't do it on purpose.

The girl realized that her hand was under Johan's grip, so she immediately stopped and was stunned for a moment. Then his eyes glanced at Johan, and vice versa. The gaze-gazing event ended up happening for a few seconds.

Clarissa's heart rumbled again, for some reason. She knew that her defenses could collapse.