Happy Family

Something suddenly crossed Billy's mind after listening to Johan's advice.

"But, John. You said that you don't remember anything at all that night. The last thing you remember is only when you drink. Is not it?" Billy's made sure beforehand that what he caught from Johan's story was true.

Johan nodded while squinting his eyes, "Then why?" asked John.

"What I'm weird about, who brought you to the room? Isn't the last time you remember when you were still drinking at the table, right? That means you were drunk while you were there. Then if Nindy was drunk too and she, like you, doesn't remember anything since then, then who took you to the room? No, the two of you carried each other up to the room, then you both took off your clothes while neither of you realized. Did you think about it or not?" Billy explained something that stuck in his heart.