the first

Donghai was rich enterparurer and he falls in love with girl named daiyu and they get into true love and daiyu have a problem to see past life and she's the first spirit to see past death but not the last and then she falls for Donghai and they fall apart and Donghai finds his way back home and lives happily with his parents

"What do you mean you're not seeing past life?" His mother asked him. "Your father said there were some things about your life that would never be seen by anyone else, like how you won't marry, or how your eyes are always red. But I've watched your entire life from my bedside! You look just like me when I was your age! How can you not see past life?"

Donghai shook his head. "I don't know. Maybe because it's supposed to hurt? I didn't really think much on it, it just happened. And besides, I'm happy now." He smiled at her. She looked at him sadly and took her hand away.

"It's not fair, Donghao." She stood up. "We could have had so many more years together, if you would just have waited for me. But no. You chose this." She walked out of the room.

Donghai sighed. It wasn't fair.. Not at all. But life was hard and sometimes things just happen. He knew this. It was a fact. But it didn't make it any easier. The thought that someday she would find someone else that actually loved her, that actually cared about her and wanted to be with her, made his chest ache. He couldn't help but feel lonely all the time. No matter what he did, she always left him behind.

He looked down at his hands and stared at them. He wondered if he'd ever meet someone as amazing, as beautiful, as kind as she was. Someone who would treat him just as well as he treated them. Someone that would look into his eyes and tell him she loved him just as dearly, that she wanted to spend their whole lives together. That she didn't want to see past life anymore. Or maybe even that she wanted children with him someday.

But that was impossible. She would never be able to see past life. Even though he was sure they were real and were living their own lives in front of her. They'd only ever exist if she allowed them to exist. But that was what hurt most of all. To live knowing he could never have them. He'd never stop thinking of herNever stop wishing she was still alive. Never stop wishing that she saw through life.

The door opened again and his mother came back into the room. She sat next to him, put a comforting arm around him, and held him tight.

"I miss her too, sweetie." She whispered. "I wish we could see our pasts again. But I know we won't. Because they'll go away eventually. I promise you." She kissed the top of his head and let go of him.

Donghai stayed sitting in silence for a little longer before standing up.

"Where are you going?" His mom asked.

"To my room," Donghai replied softly.

His mom stood up and followed him to his room. He locked the door and laid down. There weren't any tears, which was a good thing. He didn't know if he could hold them back anymore. Instead, he buried his face in his pillow and cried. He hated feeling like this. He wanted to feel better. But he just couldn't. Everything was wrong. Why should he feel better if there wasn't anyone to share it with? It wasn't fair.

He closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep.