The boy from a different universe

Argus had no idea how long it had been since he was dragged here. He remembered leaving an abandoned church and seeing something that looked like a human boy with red eyes then being hit by a strange force the second he got close to him turning his world upside down and crashing on the ground. He tried to get up but the boy's foot slammed him in the back and tied his hand with dampening chains to stop him from using his magic.

There was nothing he could do as the boy lifted him and jumped him to a building. He couldn't see clearly because it was dark but the whole place seemed to be empty.

A winged girl then flew into the building holding his spellbook in her hand.

"Master Hayward said he isn't much of a threat once he doesn't have this book. It helps him channel his Chaos," she whispered to the boy who then dragged him further into the building, up a staircase, and along a corridor, past a wooden screen.

Nobody had said anything to him yet. Everything seemed to be happening incredibly quickly.

He heard a bolt being drawn.

The door opened, then he was propelled into a small room that might have been an office or a cell, with a stone floor, a tiny barred window, a mattress, and a plastic bucket.

Argus gazed at the boy's muscular physic, curled up hair, skin almost pale and the one that gave him chills the red glowing eyes similar to his but the aura was different.




Argus spent up to two days in the cell. The window had no view. And so he had lost the track of time.

Nobody spoke to him. Nobody let him out even though he shouted for hours crying out for help.

At times the girl would come in but would ignore all the questions he asked. "Where am I?" "What do you want with me?" "Who's is your master?" it all remained a waste of time because the girl didn't react at all to his questions.

later, he was curled up on the mattress asleep when he felt hands grabbing at him, and before he could react there was a bag over his head, and his wrists were locked together behind his back.

He couldn't see. He could barely breathe.

He was then scooped and dragged out and he realized there was nothing he could do. He might just as well have been dead.

He was taken upstairs.

Argus was able to measure his progress by his heels hitting the steps. They must have passed through a door because he felt the air against his hands and even with the thick cloth pressing his face.

He could smell the burning coming from outside. He quickly noticed they were on the rooftop.

He felt a hand touch his shoulder, it felt like it belonged to a man because it was rough and full of energy.

"Take off this thing and undo his restraints," ordered the man.

Argus felt his hands finally free as they removed the chains along with the cloth over his head. His eyesight wasn't clear for a few seconds but once it was, a huge man not big but huge, green-eyed, bald man standing in front of him dressed casually in a black suit.

Argus didn't understand why he was so terrified by this man's image it was not as if they had met before.

"Argus, as I have heard," his voice was deep, calm, and at the same very scary to Argus.

"I am Adam. Adam Walker..."

Argus twitched once he heard that name. His thoughts began to rumble trying to ask himself what he was going to do next. Walker approached closer to get a better look at Argus,

"You look just like him," Walker commented after giving him a firm look.

"Like who?" Argus inquired,

Walker stared directly at him and ignored the question;

"Why are you here Argus?"

He sounded so formal as if he knew him. from somewhere.

Argus looked around for an escape route but then something crossed his mind. His hands were free maybe he could do a spell and cause a distraction to confuse Walker and maybe escape.

Argus grunted, "I don't know why am here but you should know, I don't give up."

He jumped a distance away from him then lifted all the pipes on the rooftop using his mind then sent them flying directly for Walker slamming into him and shaking the entire building.

There were about five seconds of silence before Walker revealed he was still standing but his suit was rather torn by the sharp edges of the speeding pipes.

"Cute how full of spirit you humans are,"

Argus was now sweating after seeing that, his feet were trembling as he began to see visions of a man in rugged clothes walking directly toward him. Was it this man? did he torture Chaos a while back?

He didn't know why he was seeing these visions but maybe Chaos was warning him.

He was Still confused trying to pull his thoughts together and then before he could react a force sent him flying into a wall.

The effect was so incredible it caused the wall to break the moment Argus landed on it.

He was now down from Adam's attack.

Most of his back was shattered and he couldn't even lift himself from the ground itself.

Adam walked through the destruction and stopped after seeing Argus who was badly injured on the floor. He knelt and pulled Argus by the hair and whispered,

"You can't beat me even with Chaos. You will die believing you can save this world,"

Then dropped back to the floor.





And now here he was.

After that beat down he had been angry. Angry at himself for being too weak, maybe that's why his world was taken over by the Creed organization maybe that's why his friends died protecting someone like him. He was taken back to the same cell as before and they had done their best to patch him up.

The girl would occasionally bring him bread and water then help with the wounds sometimes she would start conversations and through that, he had learned that her name was Kendall and that she was a nightmare, a kind of creature he hadn't heard of in his world.

He had also got to know that all the Chaos lords are presumed dead and order was dominating in terms of ruling.

Being refused proper exercise, he paced across the cell, slamming the heel of his hand into the stone walls until his skin broke and he bled. Eight paces from wall to wall. Eight paces back again. He was a caged animal, tracing out his territory.

if he was to continue staying here he was going to run mad.

But after a while, he overheard the boy talk of a Chaos Lord sighting at the abandoned church they had captured him from. It had to be Scarlet because she sensed his power from where he sealed the sercin that had jumped from its world.

He was impressed by how far she had grown in terms of power to a point where she could sense chaos meaning it was time for him to forge an escape plan and release as much chaos as he can so that maybe she could sense him where he was.

But how?

The boy was way too strong for him and he better not underestimate the girl. But he remembered there was a time when they were both not around he usually thought there was someone but it came to his attention that no one was around during early morning hours. That's when he had to escape.

The night finally reached and they all had left meaning It was time for him to escape this cell. He wasn't sure if he could break down a steel door but Argus wasn't human so there was a possibility he could.

He moved a few steps back and ran slamming the door with his shoulder. The steel door then moved a bit from its position.

Again he hit it and the wall it was attached to began to break. And on with the final hit it fell with a loud noise echoing throughout the building.

Argus moved out and scanned if the coast was clear. He sneaked down the stairs to the ground floor where the exit was. It was too easy no guards, no barrier, nothing so he hesitated in trying to run for the exit.

He suddenly sensed the corrupted Chaos' presence from before.

"I knew it wasn't that easy. It couldn't be."

The boy walked from the darkness smiling with a devil look on his face,

"How?" Argus trembled as he asked the boy,

"Jordan can read minds. Impressive right?"

A man answered while walking out into the light and standing behind Jordan. Argus focused and noticed that by looks of it, he was the one Kendall and Jordan had been working for. A man, he looked tired with messed up hair and sunken blue eyes as if he hadn't slept for days. He was dressed in a dirty suit.

Argus moved slightly back, away from the two.

Jordan said nothing but the man kept on moving towards him, his eyes full of madness as he approached Argus,

"I see, you fought with Walker and lost. You know, when I told him about you he was completely shaken, thinking you were from the past but after fighting you his no longer scared," he said after noticing the injuries on Argus' body.

"What do you people want with me? Argus snarled,

"Isn't it obvious? You are bait for the big fish, and as we speak the fish is looking for you. So as we wait for the fish let me tell you a small story about a man from Oxford who once had the perfect family but lost it all to curiosity."

Argus was completely confused by the man's entire form of speech. why was he telling him a story? wasn't that weird?

The man then stared directly at him and started,

"Once there was a scientist by the names of Professor Hayward Orich, who had studied time travel and was going to launch the first time traveling spell in history. He had read almost all of Agatha's spells and he was sure it was going to work, he even called his family Cassie Orich who was his wife, and Diana Orich who was his only daughter and child."

He stopped after saying that and seemed as if he wanted to moan but instead he resumed,

"He called them to come and see his success but at the moment of the presentation when he did the spell, he realized that he had missed a few calculations leading the spell to go haywire and killing everyone who had come to see the presentation including the man himself.

"You see Agatha didn't want anyone to learn her magic so she messed with the spells so that only those with chaos could wield it."

Argus didn't like where this was going.

"A while after his death the man met a god who gave him a second chance at life and a second chance to bring his family back. The god told him that the power of chaos was so strong that If he could wield it, he could rewrite the universe. He agreed and the god gave him power. The god also told him that there are other worlds, a multiverse of some sort and that chaos was still alive though weak. that alone gave the man hope, it gave the man a purpose to live for full eight years."

He laughed deliriously till he coughed from exhausting his throat, "And now when he gets his hands on the last children of chaos in the entire universes he will rewrite reality and get back his family."

That's when Argus knew how bad this is if he and Scarlet were to lose their Chaos there would be no one remaining to stop the upcoming storm. He couldn't fight these two alone without his spellbook he had to call out Scarlet and hope she could fight,

"Thanks for the story but I can't let you kill trillions for the sake of two," he said,

Then screamed so loudly as he released a strong blast of red energy.

It was as if a bright red light was coming from the earth and hitting the sky.

Jordan was going to interfere but Hayward pulled his hand and stopped him,

"Don't interfere, his calling the girl." he said staring at the grand display of power coming from Argus' body.