
On hearing that Scarlet remembered the book Chaos handed over to her could she summon the book physically like Argus' sword? Maybe that's why she was given the book after the trial as a weapon when she awakens her full potential.

Alex then gave the both of them magical potions contained in laboratory test tubes,

"These are cloaking potions you drink them you vanish for ten minutes. I am sorry that we have to drink magical chemicals, but someone forgot the cloaking spell."

She then gave Jack a sharp gaze and he responded to it by pretending to look somewhere else.

Scarlet and Alex opened the caps and sipped down the potion.

"The spell takes three minutes to work," Alex mentioned, and after three minutes Scarlet then began to feel something expand within her body as she started to turn invisible.

It was finally time to proceed with the plan they had agreed on. They had all turned invisible with the help of the potions and flew into the building entering through the broken windows without making a single noise.

Jack deactivated his spell and rolled to the stairs, may be to check which floor they had landed on.

The walls had a weird mucus oozing off the surfaces and cobwebs the size of houses all over the ceiling.

Scarlet, on the other hand, didn't feel very stable though and she wasn't sure if her powers would help her fight at full strength, but this was no time to feel weak, she had to help her friends ao she stepped forward.

Ahe then slammed her palm on the ground and used magic to scan the entire place this time she could feel the eight-legged creatures move on each floor and she could even see them if she focused, this was a spell she caught from one of Agatha's memories. The spell allowed her to gain a special set of senses through magical impulses.

She focused and said, "There are thirty spiders from the ground floor to where we are currently which is the fiftieth floor so we need to be fast because the leader is right above us."

"Then we know what to do Argus and Scarlet you go up and stop the leader and save doctor Lin if she's there." Jack commanded, drawing out his sword, "me and Alex will stay behind and fight off whatever that tries to come up. Scarlet and Argus then forwarded to the stairs that led to the fifty-first floor.

The two ran up till they finally stopped on the floor that had a number 51 painted on the wall, there was a huge metallic door that Argus broke down and stormed through into a dark corridor with glowing cobwebs attached on the sides. Scarlet reanimated the Chaos sword, preparing for what comes next as they both forwarded to the left-hand side of the corridor both cutting down the cobwebs that were in their way, the closer they moved the more she felt that dark power that hit her from last time she fought the girl.

Suddenly she felt a strong ringing noise in her head that inflicted so much pain forcing her to fall on her knees and let go of the sword to hold onto her head. Argus panicked and tried to help her up, but she insisted he should continue before the leader finds out so he did as he was told so stood up and ran forward heading for the leader. She remained feeling the pain until she heard footsteps approach from behind she then pushed herself up and turned to see who was behind,

"Am in your mind girl." The blue-haired girl said, appearing in front of her,

"Get out of my head," Scarlet yelled, trying to keep her consciousness locked away but she was too weak.

"You and I are two powerful beings I don't know why people, we… you… fight… me…" anger was now sounding in her voice, "you see these spiders are for my people, we created them to clean planets for us to kill the weak before we colonize and I don't want you, humans, to get in my way…Scarlet."

"My name…. How? " Scarlet was shocked once the girl said her name

"I have been in your mind ever since I fought you to know what makes you tic meaning I know all your dumb plans and they end here and shocking I have been in control ever since you came into this building, see for yourself." Her vision was at first blurry but on clearing the first thing she saw was Argus' body lying dead on the floor with his sword in his chest, Alex unconscious but her head had been crushed in a wall, Jack still alive but was bleeding a lot it appeared the girl had placed illusions in her head to make it seem it was all going to plan but she was waiting for them and had prepared with an ambush that her alone. She was standing not far from Scarlet, her face covered with blood stains from the violence she had inflicted on her friends. "What are going to do now Scarlet?" the girl laughed, pulling the sword from Argus' chest.

She activated the sword's half fire and ice magic then disappeared charging towards Scarlet using her super speed, Scarlet didn't have time to react since she was still in shock, she so ended up being cut by the ice half of the sword by her torso which started freezing immediately. In response, she created a flame that melted the iced wound to avoid any further damage.

The girl then used the sword to create a fire that expanded from the flaming side, but immediately went out when Argus absorbed the flames to heal himself. The girl was shocked by the boy's sudden rising. He then made a wall of ice that blew through the entire corridor separating her from Scarlet. She reached for the ice wall and punched it with so much strength it shook from the first hit she punched again and it was the same, "I have got a lot stronger so you can't break that ice that easily you have to first fight me."

"Argus," she muttered angrily, then screamed at him unleashing a force that sent him flying into the ice. She quickly moved and summoned her own blade and jumped to where he was about to stab him, but he also was as fast so he teleported out of her way where she landed destroying most of the floor with her brutal strength. She pulled the blade from the ground and laughed deliriously at everything that was going on, "So there are two Chaos lords." she said reading Argus' thoughts, "explains why you are so fast."

Argus noticed that she had touched him before he teleported out of the way and now she could read his thoughts like how she was with Scarlet, "Your tricks don't work on me." he shouted

"Really?" she was now behind him.

Argus was about to teleport, but she impaled her teeth into his neck and sucked his magical power. Argus fell down, but the girl kept on sucking his powers till he was too weak to even stay conscious. The ice disappeared and she noticed that Scarlet and the others had disappeared and had escaped to the floor where they could find Dr. Lin. She activated her cry, then screamed so loud that the entire world of Olympia could hear.

After a few seconds there was a great rumble in the ground as the spiders she controlled all crawled to the building she had screamed from destroying anything that was in their way.

As for Scarlet, Alex, and Jack they had continued further into the building to go find Dr. Lin and rescue her. They all felt the building shake, "I didn't expect that thing to be stronger than Argus." Jack said. "True that thing is too strong to an extent that it's only Argus, who can slow it down," Alex mentioned as they continued further to what seemed to be a tunnel entrance in a wall. Scarlet had seen this kind of magic it resembled chaos' reality-warping magic.