
Dinner finally arrived and they had all settled on a large, long, well polished, wooden table that had been set within the dining room. The dining room was quite very large with a huge chandelier hanging on the ceiling. Scarlet and Argus weren't very comfortable with the setting of things since they didn't know how to conduct themselves around the queen or any other royals

' They had been given rooms within the castle to stay in and even clothes to wear modern clothes to be exact. Which surprised Scarlet because she thought they were supposed to be in the medieval time period, the one with gowns, swords, knights you know, the usual stuff she used to see whenever her aunt suggested a historical British Drama on movie night. But she was smartly dressed in a sweatshirt, a pair of trousers, and Nike sneakers. And she was surprised that everyone was also dressed in modern-day attire when she arrived at the table.

"I hope you find this place comfortable, the four of you." her Majesty began. They all nodded in response,

We do, thank you so much for the hospitality." Argus spoke for the first time since they had arrived at the castle, trying to display good manners.

"Your welcome." Her Majesty said. She then clapped and servants stormed in from the door that was behind her, they were all dressed like waiters--white jackets and black trousers--- carrying trays with meat, rice, champagne. Each placing them on the table.

Scarlet had never seen so much food on one table. Were they going to feed the entire state?

The main door suddenly opened and two people walked in. One was a tall, handsome, muscular elf boy with blue bright eyes, and black hair. The other was a tall, very beautiful, elf girl with the same eye and hair color as the boy.

"Oh, you're here,"

The boy and girl continued to the table and took their seats respectively. The boy sitting next to Scarlet, in particular. He said nothing to her. But picked up his cutlery and faintly smiled at her Majesty as if he didn't want to be here.

"These are my two children, Meliodis and Ruth Dragonblood."

Scarlet coughed, trying to hold in a laugh on hearing the name Meliodis.

"What is so funny?" she had forgotten he was seated right next to her.

"Your name sounds familiar."

"Really, where have you heard it from."

"Well, there is this anime I used to watch as a kid called the seven deadly sins and the main character was called Meliodis," she said.

'What is an anime?" He sounded disgusted by the term


Jack chuckled and immediately canceled their conversation. And they resumed the dinner.

After about fifteen minutes of cutlery tapping on plates and the sounds of chewing. Her majesty finally said something, "why are you four here, in the darkest sides of the multiverse, and does your father even know about all this." she was looking at Jack.

"Yes. he knows," said Alex, "we are looking for a sword that belonged to a Chaos Lord in Eldriym, and our best guess is that it's here."

"What makes you so sure it's in Tecar?" Ruth put down her fork carrying a piece of meat and took a sip of champagne from the clear glass that was beside her plate. She was staring at Alex as if she didn't trust her at all.

"Because I can sense it," said Scarlet, "I am a chaos lord."

Ruth smiled, "Wow, I thought your kind ended." she sounded very rude.

Ruth! Her mother slammed the tabled and raised her voice

"Yes, mom, you've let in a chaos lord and members of the cursed bloodline, have you heard what happened in Olympia, where these four came from? Dead everyone there is dead because of them. Mom." Ruth complained at the top of her voice.

"Cursed bloodline? You mean the Kay bloodline." There was a shock within Alex's voice.

Her majesty sighed, "Yes, Alex the Kay family is also known as the cursed bloodline." she said. "Your mother's family has a dark past that led to its end and it all started with the spirit that resides within the blade that you use. You see, that spirit is known as Katherine…Kay if am right, she's one of your aunts. The Kay family was once the most powerful noble families that had ever lived on Tecar, your family was second to the terror family because you had been blessed with magic and fortune until…one of your ancestors, Chandler Kay intermarried with a human, giving birth to the first impure blood. My father along with the other heads of the Nobel families of Tecar said that Chandler's actions would have a great price to pay afterward and within the first two decades the impure elf, Sherman Kay married a human and they had a daughter called Katherine Kay. Who was a complete human without any magical capabilities, yes, she had elven blood. But she couldn't use it for magic. She did have some qualities like enhanced strength and healing abilities' but an elf's pride is in his or her magical capabilities. And within some time Sherman Kay and his wife sired a very powerful elf child they came to call Britney Kay. And that is where everything ran wild. On giving birth to a true elf, Katherine turned obsessed with wanting to become an elf. She looked for the darkest and ugliest ways to become one."

Her majesty stopped for a second then continued, "She traveled to the astral plane and learned that if she was to become an elf she had to sacrifice as many elves as she could including the Kays."

"You're saying she…." Alex couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Murdered them, yes, Katherine Kay ran mad and slaughtered a full village of innocents, and family members then bathed in their blood to gain magical abilities that were greater than anything I have ever seen. She had become an elf. And If it wasn't for the sacrifice that Sherman and Chandler Kay made to save everyone who was left, we wouldn't be here today. Sherman didn't have the courage to kill his own daughter so he imprisoned her in the family blade and died that very day. But despite his heroism, the elves couldn't overlook the fact that this all started with the Kays, and so they were stripped of their title as nobles and executed.

"But how did our mother survive?" Jack asked, you could see he was trying to hold in an ocean of tears.

"She was raised by my father, he didn't the heart to see the death of a baby. So he raised her as his own daughter. That's how I got to know her until she was discovered and had to run to another universe. For a while, I thought she was safe until she was hunted down and executed by the orders of her Majesty Michelle Terror."

This news hurt Alex, she thought if maybe their mother had disappeared. Then she could be alive. She lunged from her chair trying to hold in the pain and disappointment she was feeling at the moment.

"Excuse me, everyone," she said. Then ran out through the main door with Jack chasing after her.